Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 63

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 63 provides more fun quotes.

Image of George Carlin
I think everybody should be able to do anything they want and let roving bands of people punish each other for things they don't agree with. People with no underwear doing anything they want. Wouldn't that be fun? You wouldn't need television.
- George Carlin
Collection: Fun
Image of Madonna Ciccone
You can tell how much fun a city is going to be if Nobu is in it.
- Madonna Ciccone
Collection: Fun
Image of Dwight Howard
I'm a fun person to be around, laid back, love to have fun.
- Dwight Howard
Collection: Fun
Image of Tim Kaine
Did Donald Trump apologize for taking after somebody in a Twitter war and making fun of her weight? Did he apologize for saying African-Americans are living in Hell? Did he apologize for saying President Obama was not even a citizen of the United States? You will look in vain to see Donald Trump ever taking responsibility for anybody and apologizing.
- Tim Kaine
Collection: Fun
Image of Cassandra Clare
Oooh, that was fun." "That does it," said Jace. "I'm going to get you a dictionary for Christmas this year." "Why?" Isabelle said. "So you can look up 'fun.' I'm not sure you know what it means." Isabelle pulled the long heavy mass of her wet hair forward and wrung it out as if it were wet washing. "You're raining on my parade." "It's a pretty wet parade already, if you hadn't noticed." Jace glanced around.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Fun
Image of Cassandra Clare
That does it," said Jace. "I'm going to get you a dictionary for Christmas this year." "Why?" Isabelle said. "So you can look up 'fun.' I'm not sure you know what it means.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Fun
Image of John Hurt
I think one of the things that is important, for me, though a lot of people would disagree with me, is that you be founded in theater so that you understand what an audience is, what kind of an animal it is and how to play with it. How to have fun with it, how to sympathize with it, all the things that an audience is. I don't think you're going to find that out unless you do theater.
- John Hurt
Collection: Fun
Image of Sterling W Sill
One who works twice as hard will have four times as much accomplishment. If he works 3 times as hard he will have 9 times as much accomplishment and 9 times more fun in the process.
- Sterling W Sill
Collection: Fun
Image of Judith Butler
I do think we need to allow for there to be room for subversive and ironic speech. We need to be able to put out plays in which we make fun of ourselves or in which we interrogate the words that injure us. And maybe give them another meaning.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Fun
Image of Andy Biersack
You try so hard to make something that's fun and exciting, then all anyone wants to talk about is how no-one likes you. It gets very grinding. I had to let the chip I have on my shoulder about that go.
- Andy Biersack
Collection: Fun
Image of John Daly
Well, it's a tie and jacket and I just don't travel with one, ... You're not going to put a coat and tie on me for dinner. I'm just being honest. Plus, the wives can't go and I'd rather see the wives be able to go instead of just all the guys. That makes it fun.
- John Daly
Collection: Fun
Image of David Byrne
My opinion is that somebody certainly has the right to do cartoons that make fun of somebody else's religion. But to reprint them just to provoke a fight and just to provoke it like thumbing your nose at someone else and going, "What are you gonna do about it?"
- David Byrne
Collection: Fun
Image of Chris Cleave
Studying psychology is fun because you're always looking for the same things I think a writer should be looking for, which is the story behind the story.
- Chris Cleave
Collection: Fun
Image of Warren Buffett
It’s not that I want money. It’s the fun of making money and watching it grow.
- Warren Buffett
Collection: Fun
Image of Amy Chua
What Chinese parents understand is that nothing is fun until you're good at it. pg 29
- Amy Chua
Collection: Fun
Image of Amy Chua
Nothing is fun until you're good at it.
- Amy Chua
Collection: Fun
Image of George Horace Lorimer
After forty years of close acquaintance with it, I've found that work is kind to its friends and harsh to its enemies. It pays the fellow who dislikes it his exact wages, and they're generally pretty small; but it gives the man who shines up to it all the money he wants and throws in a heap of fun and satisfaction for good measure.
- George Horace Lorimer
Collection: Fun
Image of Jesse Lauriston Livermore
If the unusual never happened there would be no difference in people and then there wouldn't be any fun in life. The game would become merely a matter of addition and subtraction. It would make of us a race of bookkeepers with plodding minds. It's the guessing that develops a man's brain power.
- Jesse Lauriston Livermore
Collection: Fun
Image of Jane Lynch
We have some extremely talented people that we've ripped off the Broadway stage. It's awe-inspiring how talented they are, and how can-do they are. They're at that stage of life where it's like, "Yeah, let's put on a show!" That's really fun to watch.
- Jane Lynch
Collection: Fun
Image of Charlie Munger
Our approach has worked for us. Look at the fun we, our managers, and our shareholders are having. More people should copy us. It's not difficult, but it looks difficult because it's unconventional - it isn't the way things are normally done. We have low overhead, don't have quarterly goals and budgets or a standard personnel system, and our investing is much more concentrated than average. It's simple and common sense.
- Charlie Munger
Collection: Fun
Image of Jessica Chastain
It's easier to do an action scene than a love scene. I love fighting. When the camera's not rolling, I'll usually punch some of the actors, just for fun.
- Jessica Chastain
Collection: Fun
Image of Anjelica Huston
Of course drugs were fun.
- Anjelica Huston
Collection: Fun
Image of Anjelica Huston
I very much like doing voiceovers, and I also like doing readings. I do books on tape and stuff. I have fun with it.
- Anjelica Huston
Collection: Fun
Image of Channing Tatum
I like doing this stuff [stunts] though, it's kind of the whole reason that you want to do the movie. When you're reading it you're like, "Oh, I get to dive out a window? Cool! I get to jump off a building? Great!" So I love doing that stuff, it's like the stuff we used to do in high school to be stupid and fun.
- Channing Tatum
Collection: Fun
Image of Channing Tatum
A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints' was the first real actor-actor part I did, and I hope I to do more. Action movies are fun, but I'd be happy not to do them if there are better roles.
- Channing Tatum
Collection: Fun
Image of Charlie Munger
The idea of caring is that someone is making money faster [than you are] is one of the deadly sins. Envy is a really stupid sin because it’s the only one you could never possibly have any fun at. There’s a lot of pain and no fun. Why would you want to get on that trolley?
- Charlie Munger
Collection: Fun
Image of Woody Allen
If you don't have fun doing the film, then the results of the film will never give you any fun.
- Woody Allen
Collection: Fun
Image of Winston Churchill
Just to paint is great fun. The colours are lovely to look at and delicious to squeeze out. Matching them, however crudely, with what you see is fascinating and absolutely absorbing.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: Fun
Image of Anne Carson
I never really got over the fun of making letters.
- Anne Carson
Collection: Fun
Image of P. C. Cast
Who knew hitting my head and passing out would be so much fun?
- P. C. Cast
Collection: Fun
Image of Margaret Cho
I think if somebody does something stupid, it's okay to make fun of them, but [celebrities] have also gotten very conscious about social media, kind of like the Catholic Church in the 1500s.
- Margaret Cho
Collection: Fun
Image of Jeb Bush
So, I think it's important for us to be careful about the language we use, which is why I've been critical of Donald Trump. Disparaging women, disparaging hispanics, that's not a sign of strength. Making fun of disabled people... We're never going to win elections if we don't have a more broader unifying message.
- Jeb Bush
Collection: Fun
Image of Truman Capote
You can do films for the fun of it, or the thrill of it, but certain films you can't do unless there's something driving you, something you have a passion for that will pull you through.
- Truman Capote
Collection: Fun
Image of Steve Buscemi
It's always fun to get to do independent film because I believe that that's the life blood of film. It's about writers and directors who truly have their own vision, and that's hard.
- Steve Buscemi
Collection: Fun
Image of Bruce Catton
Soldiers who had been in the army long enough to know what a bloody swindle war really is would begin to feel that army life was really kind of fun, as long as [General Philip] Sheridan was up front.
- Bruce Catton
Collection: Fun
Image of Donald Glover
I hope people come to the shows because they feel like there's something there that I can't necessarily articulate, but it's real and it's fun.
- Donald Glover
Collection: Fun
Image of Amy Chua
Most things are difficult at the beginning and they become fun, something you love, only after you've worked at them.
- Amy Chua
Collection: Fun
Image of Cassandra Clare
(Sebastian) "See, there you go. You're always looking at me like that." "Like what?" "Like I burn down animal shelters for fun and light my cigarettes with orphans.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Fun
Image of Warren Buffett
I don't need 15 houses. Owning real estate doesn't mean much to me. I don't like to think about things like that. I don't need 12 boats, or even the world's largest boat with a crew of 80. I'd have to take care of them, to worry about them. I get a lot more fun out of life without all the bells and whistles.
- Warren Buffett
Collection: Fun
Image of Warren Buffett
I find that the standard of living does not go up in proportion with the cost of living. The trick in life is to do things that are fun all the time.
- Warren Buffett
Collection: Fun
Image of Frederick Buechner
I don't want to give the impression that I'm a great Bible reader. I don't sit down every day and read for an hour through the Bible. But I really do read it with a great deal of pleasure... which is the last thing I would have suspected. So I read it sometimes as a devotional, but really more, not for fun, but because it's fascinating.
- Frederick Buechner
Collection: Fun
Image of Anne Heche
I love comedy, because I like making fun of things even though they are dramatic.
- Anne Heche
Collection: Fun
Image of Earl Sweatshirt
Touring with the record out - shows are so much more fun now that n - - s know what I'm talking about.
- Earl Sweatshirt
Collection: Fun
Image of Luke Wilson
You're just playing a role, whether it's a drama or a comedy. I find it really fun to sort of play opposite Uma.
- Luke Wilson
Collection: Fun
Image of Luke Wilson
My dad was in a fraternity back in the 1950s, and they sound really fun back then. Nowadays they sound like they can get a little heavy-duty in terms of the hazing and the drinking. Im not so much into the idea of being made to do a bunch of insane stuff just so I can have the privilege of hanging around certain people... Thats probably why I was never in a fraternity.
- Luke Wilson
Collection: Fun
Image of Frank Luntz
The Old Spice ads - women love it. The guys find it annoying. It always causes a great conversation. And it makes it more fun. You know, we've been testing those visuals to see what attracts attention.
- Frank Luntz
Collection: Fun
Image of James Mattis
Actually, it's a lot of fun to fight. You know, it's a hell of a hoot.
- James Mattis
Collection: Fun
Image of Nicolas Cage
I'm not really interested in playing famous people. I prefer to create characters. And I hope I have an exciting enough life that somebody might make a movie about that one day. I don't want to make movies about other people. I was once approached about playing Salvador Dali, which I thought would've been fun until I found out that he was proud of kicking a blind man across the street. So, I decided, I didn't want to play that guy. So, I think I'll just keep it the way it is.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Fun