Pauly Shore

Image of Pauly Shore
Few if any teenagers can relate to getting up for school and finding famous comics like Pryor and Williams hanging out in your living room after a hard night of partying. But that's Hollywood.
- Pauly Shore
Collection: Famous
Image of Pauly Shore
My mom is two people to me. She's my mom number one, and then she's this lady most comedians know as being a legendary owner of a nightclub that's responsible for starting a lot of heavy careers.
- Pauly Shore
Collection: Mom
Image of Pauly Shore
I'm into politics - I'm interested in the election and how pissed off people get.
- Pauly Shore
Collection: Politics
Image of Pauly Shore
My mom and dad are both in stand-up comedy, so that's where I started, that's where I got everything. My roots are holding the mic.
- Pauly Shore
Collection: Mom
Image of Pauly Shore
In my 30s, it wasn't cool to like Pauly Shore movies. It was cool to like them when they came out, then it wasn't cool.
- Pauly Shore
Collection: Cool
Image of Pauly Shore
I'm Jewish. I've always had a thing where it's okay to dance with the devil, just don't become the devil. Even at my peak, I never went too over the top.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
When you put yourself out into the world and say, 'Hey, look at me,' you're going to get criticized.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
I'm not used to getting good reviews.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
People should stop poking fun at other people and worry about themselves.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
I think you gotta look at stuff half-full as opposed to half-empty.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
Whenever someone dies everyone says, I love that guy, except for Jeffrey Dahmer.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
I think as a standup performer you have to feel the audience. So the audience kind of dictates what they get, you know?
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
The public was used to a Pauly Shore film coming out every year or two, you understand? So when that went away, the public lost familiarity with me.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
I'm definitely a lot more comfortable now in my 40s than in my 30s - that's for sure.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
Even at my peak, I never went too over the top.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
That's the biggest rule in Hollywood: Don't spend your own money.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
I was one of the first veejays to take the camera out on location, and that's what was unique about MTV at that time.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
I really don't go out every night to red-carpet events.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
I don't think any of us would be who we are if our parents weren't who they were. People that are in show business, and their parents are not in show business, their parents probably motivated them to get in show business.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
It's in my blood to tour. It's in my blood to get on the road. It's in my blood to go onstage.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
I miss that process of getting the script and reading it and working on it. Every actor has their own way of memorizing their lines, and the whole process of starting to work with the other actors and the director, and doing rehearsals, and going to the location, and going through wardrobe.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
My 20s were a time where I made it; my 30s were when I was away, confused, and trying to figure it all out.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
Death isn't a funny thing. We're all lucky to be living.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
The best comedy to me - and again, I grew up with comedy since I was a baby, so I've seen it all - is when you exaggerate the truth, like Richard Pryor did, you understand?
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
Comedy wasn't something I chose - it chose me.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
'Entourage' is a staple L.A.-based show, and people say it's pretty real, and I thought it was. It's an exaggeration of the truth.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
The best part about stand-up is that you control everything. Period. When you work in movies, or on TV shows, there are 50 other people involved.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
Everywhere I go, people know who I am.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
I giggle when I put myself down. It's just funny to me.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
Comedy wasn't something I chose - it chose me. I was just inherently funny when I was a kid.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
I think the best comedy comes from stuff that's based in reality.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
When you're a kid, all you really care about are Slurpees and Slip N Slide and riding your bike, and that's what I did.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
I miss working with great actors, working with great directors.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
We all have a past; it's just that my past is out there for all to see.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
Serious and intense people, they drain you. But someone who's an idiot, like myself, they're fun. You either hate me or you love me.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
I fly around with chicks on each arm and have no script. I just talk about what I feel like. But that's why my act works: I'm like this normal guy.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
When you deal with a comedian who has a specific act, you can't hold 'em back. You got to work with 'em, dude. What you think, I'm just gonna do what's on the page, say 'yes sir, no sir'? I'm creatively beyond that.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
I want to show all sides of myself. I mean, I don't want to howl at the moon my whole life, you know?
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
The best part about stand-up is that you control everything. Period.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
When you work in movies, or on TV shows, there are 50 other people involved. And it's hard, man. They brainwash you to think you're doing the right thing.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
I never made the movies for the critics; I've done the best I could with the material and the directors and the actors I had. But the thing that's really exciting is that once I do that one project that's different, that stands out, everyone's gonna be watching.
- Pauly Shore
Image of Pauly Shore
Find something that you want to do when you're 60. Find your passion. Your passion, your work, whatever it is that you want to do. Find something that you would do, even if you didn't get paid. Whether it's an art or whether is something that you're passionate about.
- Pauly Shore
Collection: Art
Image of Pauly Shore
I kind of was raised at The Comedy Store by comedians. When you see my dad on stage before me and then you see me, you'll see where I got a lot of my stuff.
- Pauly Shore
Collection: Dad
Image of Pauly Shore
I liked Evel Knievel, and that game Mouse Trap. That was pretty cool.
- Pauly Shore
Collection: Games
Image of Pauly Shore
My belief is guns don't kill people, people kill people.
- Pauly Shore
Collection: Gun
Image of Pauly Shore
I want to do an 'Extreme Makeover' show. You know that MTV show 'I Want To Have A Famous Face'? Well, I want to do a new show. I want to have a different famous face.
- Pauly Shore
Collection: Mtv
Image of Pauly Shore
People in bigger towns are very aware of their surroundings. The people in the smaller markets, they will show up with flip-flops and shorts and just kind of already have a buzz on.
- Pauly Shore
Collection: People
Image of Pauly Shore
When I shot the movie, I wasn't gonna think about anything except for being the biggest knucklehead in the world.
- Pauly Shore
Collection: Thinking
Image of Pauly Shore
Son-In-Law was kind of my crossover. It was the movie that brought me out of the MTV audience into the mainstream.
- Pauly Shore
Collection: Son
Image of Pauly Shore
I become friends with people in each city who can show me around. Like if someone came to Los Angeles they wouldn't really know where to go, so they'd have to call me up and then I'd show them around.
- Pauly Shore
Collection: Cities