Top Daughter Quotes Collection - Page 26

Discover a curated collection of Daughter quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 26 provides more Daughter quotes.

Image of Stephen Chbosky
I don't know if it's better to be close with your daughter or make sure that she has a better life than you do.
- Stephen Chbosky
Collection: Daughter
Image of Lloyd Alexander
What! I don't care about being a princess! And since I'm already a young lady, how else could I behave? That's like asking a fish not to swim!" ~Princess Eilonwy, daughter of Angharad, daughter of Regat, of the Royal house of Llyr
- Lloyd Alexander
Collection: Daughter
Image of Benjamin Carson
But, you know, when I look at somebody like Hillary Clinton, who sits there and tells her daughter and a government official that no, this was a terrorist attack, and then tells everybody else that it was a video. Where I came from, they call that a lie.
- Benjamin Carson
Collection: Daughter
Image of Adam Carolla
The reason why you know more funny dudes than funny chicks is that dudes are funnier than chicks. If my daughter has a mediocre sense of humor, I'm just gonna tell her, "Be a staff writer for a sitcom. Because they'll have to hire you, they can't really fire you, and you don't have to produce that much. It'll be awesome."
- Adam Carolla
Collection: Daughter
Image of Gordon Lightfoot
My daughter Meredith Moon from my second wife has a band that does Appalachian music, with five-strong banjo, clawhammer style. I may have to direct her somewhere. Meredith was my middle name. I would have to direct her because I am always directing something. She's in the musician's union and she is only 21. Your kids surprise you.
- Gordon Lightfoot
Collection: Daughter
Image of Channing Tatum
I've never protected the president [in real life], but I have been a new dad, and I can tell you that being a new dad is pretty terrifying. I'm pretty sure that something about the president makes the stakes a little higher, but to me as a new father, nothing is more important or scary than protecting a daughter.
- Channing Tatum
Collection: Daughter
Image of Raymond Carver
She serves me a piece of it a few minutes out of the oven. A little steam rises from the slits on top. Sugar and spice - cinnamon - burned into the crust. But she's wearing these dark glasses in the kitchen at ten o'clock in the morning - everything nice - as she watches me break off a piece, bring it to my mouth, and blow on it. My daughter's kitchen, in winter. I fork the pie in and tell myself to stay out of it. She says she loves him. No way could it be worse.
- Raymond Carver
Collection: Daughter
Image of Bryan Stevenson
I talk about my grandmother a lot, because she's an amazing person - not in some dramatic, distinct, unique way, but anybody who is the daughter of enslaved people and who has found a way to be hopeful and create love and value justice and seek peace is a remarkable person.
- Bryan Stevenson
Collection: Daughter
Image of P. C. Cast
I'm from a family of teachers. My father would drown me in the bathtub if my daughter didn't graduate from college. I don't care who she is or what she does. Just get the diploma.
- P. C. Cast
Collection: Daughter
Image of Nan Goldin
One of the fashion things I ever did was for Helmut Lang for Visionaire magazine and I used people from all genders. People from the age of 18 - like James King - to people like my friend Sharon [Stone] who's about 50 or older. People of all different shapes and literally all different genders and my boyfriend at the time and his daughter who was 11.
- Nan Goldin
Collection: Daughter
Image of Paulo Coelho
If the whole world is evil, then the tragedy that befell you is justified," she went on. "That would make it easier for you to accept the deaths of your wife and daughters. But if good people do exist, then, however much you deny it, your life will be unbearable; because fate set a trap for you, and you know you didn't deserve it. It isn't the light you want to recover, it's the certainty that there is only darkness.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Daughter
Image of Angela Davis
We have inherited a fear of memories of slavery. It is as if to remember and acknowledge slavery would amount to our being consumed by it. As a matter of fact, in the popular black imagination, it is easier for us to construct ourselves as children of Africa, as the sons and daughters of kings and queens, and thereby ignore the Middle Passage and centuries of enforced servitude in the Americas. Although some of us might indeed be the descendants of African royalty, most of us are probably descendants of their subjects, the daughters and sons of African peasants or workers.
- Angela Davis
Collection: Daughter
Image of Zainab Salbi
When war ends, women are the first to pick up the pieces. Where there is no market place, they go door to door. When homes are destroyed, mothers and daughters haul stones to rebuild or plow fields together.
- Zainab Salbi
Collection: Daughter
Image of Miley Cyrus
As soon as I read the script for Hannah Montana, I knew it kinda related to me. I wanted to disguise myself as not some celebrity's daughter, just be me and find people that like me for me.
- Miley Cyrus
Collection: Daughter
Image of Marlene Dietrich
On Teasing : Teach your teen-age daughters not to tease boys into physical desire. You might save their lives.
- Marlene Dietrich
Collection: Daughter
Image of Marlene Dietrich
Your daughter is your child for life.
- Marlene Dietrich
Collection: Daughter
Image of Marlene Dietrich
On Becoming a 'Lady': What every mother wants her daughter to be.
- Marlene Dietrich
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jason Evert
Treat your date with the respect and purity you hope your future spouse will have. Keep in mind how you will expect a young man to treat your daughter one day. By listening to your conscience in this way, you'll have a good idea of where to draw the line.
- Jason Evert
Collection: Daughter
Image of Hans Christian Andersen
Far away, where the swallows take refuge in winter, lived a king who had eleven sons and one daughter, Elise. The eleven brothers--they were all princes--used to go to school with stars on their breasts and swords at their sides. They wrote upon golden slates with diamond pencils, and could read just as well without a book as with one, so there was no mistake about their being princes. Their sister Elise sat upon a little footstool of looking-glass, and she has a picture-book which had cost the half of a kingdom. Oh, these children were very happy; but it was not to last thus forever.
- Hans Christian Andersen
Collection: Daughter
Image of Democritus
The man who is fortunate in his choice of son-in-law gains a son; the man unfortunate in his choice loses his daughter also.
- Democritus
Collection: Daughter
Image of David Toop
I was working in, being a single parent with a grieving child of five years old. It was horrendous. I couldn't go out much, because I had my daughter to look after. So people used to come round, and Tony Harrington from The Wire came round.
- David Toop
Collection: Daughter
Image of Dan Mangan
When you put a halo on concepts - gender roles, religion, nationality or pride - or you put a halo on any topic - anything that you hold dear like the relationship between a father and son or a mother and daughter, what it means to be married or what it means to be single or what it means to be a free spirit or what it means to be an artist - if you just put a halo on something and say it's untouchable - "that is special and that is perfect" - you immediately close your eyes to the truth of it, because the truth is that nothing is perfect.
- Dan Mangan
Collection: Daughter
Image of Bernie Ecclestone
My daughters have strong personalities. I'm close to them but they don't really need me to advise them on how to manage their lives and they don't ask me to do that.
- Bernie Ecclestone
Collection: Daughter
Image of Joan Didion
I recall an August afternoon in Chicago in 1973 when I took my daughter, then seven, to see what Georgia O’Keeffe had done with where she had been. One of the vast O’Keeffe ‘Sky Above Clouds’ canvases floated over the back stairs in the Chicago Art Institute that day, dominating what seemed to be several stories of empty light, and my daughter looked at it once, ran to the landing, and kept on looking. "Who drew it," she whispered after a while. I told her. "I need to talk to her," she said finally.
- Joan Didion
Collection: Daughter
Image of Charles Dickens
It was a dagger in the haughty father's heart, an arrow in his brain, to see how the flesh and blood he could not disown clung to this obscure stranger, and he sitting by. Not that he cared to whom his daughter turned, or from whom turned away. The swift sharp agony struck through him, as he thought of what his son might do.
- Charles Dickens
Collection: Daughter
Image of Louis C. K.
My 13-year-old daughter leaves the house at 7:15 every morning and takes a smelly city bus to school way uptown. It's like 8 degrees out, and it's dark and she's got this morning face and I send her out there to take a bus. Meanwhile, my driver is sitting in a toasty Mercedes that's going to take me to work once both kids are gone. I could send her in the Mercedes and then have it come back to get me, but I can't have my kid doing that. I can't do that to her. Me? I earned that f—ing Mercedes. You better f—ing believe it.
- Louis C. K.
Collection: Daughter
Image of Billy Crystal
Those are all real things that I experienced, not with [my daughters] growing up but with the, you know - I'm trying not to step into something and get a call, "Dad why'd you say that?"! But we'd go to games [where score wasn't kept], and I'd get it, but I wouldn't get it, because I think there's a real value in winners and losers, in not everybody getting a trophy - it makes you work hard, you appreciate what it takes, to say, "Why didn't we win?" You shouldn't be condemned for losing.
- Billy Crystal
Collection: Daughter
Image of Rachel Held Evans
And so, at least symbolically, the blood of Eve courses through each one of her daughters' veins. We are each associated with life; each subject to the impossible expectations and cruel projections of men; each fallen, blamed, and misunderstood; and each stubbornly vital to the process of bringing something new--perhaps something better--into this world...We are each an Eve.
- Rachel Held Evans
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jay Mohr
My wife and I have long discussions about [George] Carlin, and we refuse to accept that he died an atheist. It's just, confounding. When I talked to Kelly [George Carlin's daughter] about it, she said that George Carlin once took her at about 12 years old and said, "I've figured it out." And he says it in one of his specials sort of - he goes, "We're all energy and we're all connected. That goldfish you have, you, me, that boot laying in the street, we're all pieces of light to a giant electron.
- Jay Mohr
Collection: Daughter
Image of Nat Hentoff
The second wife [Trudi Bernstein] - the best part of that union, our two daughters, and that lasted about five years.
- Nat Hentoff
Collection: Daughter
Image of Celine Dion
I'm in shock. Whitney was such an amazing artist. When I started my English career, I wanted to be like her. I loved her so much. My prayers go out to her daughter and to all of her family.
- Celine Dion
Collection: Daughter
Image of Judi Dench
Having a daughter and a grandson, I certainly could relate to the fact that this child, who you simply dote on, being taken away from you at an early age, and every single kind of emotion you would have to go through.
- Judi Dench
Collection: Daughter
Image of Genghis Khan
A man's greatest moment in life is when his enemy lays vanquished, his village aflame, his herds driven before you and his weeping wives and daughters are clasped to your breast.
- Genghis Khan
Collection: Daughter
Image of Genghis Khan
The greatest pleasure is to vanquish your enemies and chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth and see those dear to them bathed in tears, to ride their horses and clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.
- Genghis Khan
Collection: Daughter
Image of Genghis Khan
Happiness lies in conquering one's enemies, in driving them in front of oneself, in taking their property, in savoring their despair, in outraging their wives and daughters.
- Genghis Khan
Collection: Daughter
Image of Geena Davis
I'm the mother of two daughters, one of whom is going to get possessed. It's really spooky and great. I'm shooting it right now. That's why I'm in Chicago. I wanted to tell you about the other direction that this trying-to-get-more-female-characters thing has taken, which is that I launched my own film festival last year.
- Geena Davis
Collection: Daughter
Image of Bill Cosby
Fatherhood is telling your daughter that Michael Jackson loves all his fans, but has special feelings for the ones who eat broccoli.
- Bill Cosby
Collection: Daughter
Image of Stephen Colbert
And my daughter said, 'Why are you yelling at us?' and I said, 'I'm trying to discipline you!' And then she looked up at me with her tear-stained eyes and said, 'This is how you teach children, by making them cry.' And it was such a clenching reminder - she won not only the argument, but she won life with that statement. I just burst out laughing, and I think they were so surprised that I burst out laughing, that they did too.
- Stephen Colbert
Collection: Daughter
Image of William Cowper
Sends Nature forth the daughter of the skies... To dance on earth, and charm all human eyes.
- William Cowper
Collection: Daughter
Image of Rebecca Miller
I would have started writing a lot earlier if I hadn't been [Arthur Miller's daughter].
- Rebecca Miller
Collection: Daughter
Image of Charles Dance
By the margin of fair Zurich's waters Dwelt a youth, whose fond heart, night and day, For the fairest of fair Zurich's daughters In a dream of love melted away.
- Charles Dance
Collection: Daughter
Image of Ted Dekker
My idea for BoneMan's Daughters came from the loss of my own daughter when she left home to live with a monster at age 18. I wanted to throttle the man, but she was in love, so all I could do was hope, pray and cry.
- Ted Dekker
Collection: Daughter
Image of Leonard Cohen
My son and my daughter have both been an incredibly sustaining force, especially through this recent bad patch [of health]. So, I've been blessed and grateful for their company and for their assistance.
- Leonard Cohen
Collection: Daughter
Image of Harry Connick, Jr.
I'm looking at [my daughter] right now. To think that I am her dad is the greatest honor in the world. She's an amazing kid. We have a great relationship and she is one of my closest friends. I seek her advice. I like to know what she thinks about things, and she's helped me through some really tough times. I just look forward to years of developing that relationship.
- Harry Connick, Jr.
Collection: Daughter
Image of Blake Lively
My daughter is just as obsessed with playing in my makeup as everyone's daughter is. She paints our walls and herself and clothes and me. So I have to do makeup in 30 seconds or my whole house is covered in my makeup, because she'll just take it and run.
- Blake Lively
Collection: Daughter
Image of Confucius
The Master said of Gong Yechang, “He is marriageable. Although he was once imprisoned and branded as a criminal, he was in fact innocent of any crime.” The Master gave him his daughter in marriage. (Analects 5.1)
- Confucius
Collection: Daughter
Image of Aleister Crowley
I am the blue-lidded daughter of Sunset; I am the naked brilliance of the voluptuous night-sky.
- Aleister Crowley
Collection: Daughter
Image of Tori Amos
I was fascinated to think about a place where men could be the mothers and I thought of my own song-writing and I decided to have a relationship with their daughters.
- Tori Amos
Collection: Daughter
Image of Joan Crawford
It is my intention to make no provision herein for my son Christopher or my daughter Christina for reasons which are well known to them.
- Joan Crawford
Collection: Daughter