Top crazy Quotes Collection - Page 30

Discover a curated collection of crazy quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 30 provides more crazy quotes.

Image of Stefan Molyneux
If you spend time with crazy and dangerous people, remember – their personalities are socially transmitted diseases; like water poured into a container, most of us eventually turn into – or remain – whoever we surround ourselves with. We can choose our tribe, but we cannot change that our tribe is our destiny.
- Stefan Molyneux
Collection: Crazy
Image of Mark Batterson
Pursuing a God-ordained passion, no matter how crazy it seems, is the most responsible thing you can do.
- Mark Batterson
Collection: Crazy
Image of Will Rogers
I see where we are starting to pay some attention to our neighbors to the south. We could never understand why Mexico wasn't just crazy about us, for we have always had their good will, and oil and minerals, at heart
- Will Rogers
Collection: Crazy
Image of Brené Brown
We would solve a lot of huge problems that are causing massive suffering. Poverty, violence, homophobia, heterosexism, racism, the environment - all these things that are crippling us. We need big, bold, dangerous, crazy ideas to solve these problems. When failure is not an option, innovation and creativity are not options.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Crazy
Image of Shel Silverstein
I opened my eyes And looked up at the rain, And it dripped in my head And flowed into my brain, And all that I hear as I lie in my bed Is the slishity-slosh of the rain in my head. I step very softly, I walk very slow, I can't do a handstand-- I might overflow, So pardon the wild crazy thing I just said-- I'm just not the same since there's rain in my head.
- Shel Silverstein
Collection: Crazy
Image of Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Which is so important, I mean, that's what's so great about the books, is, you know, those two worlds are sort of, the slacker world of just comedy and laziness and then this crazy, over the top action, supernatural world, and you know, combined.
- Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Collection: Crazy
Image of Anne Bishop
People who entered the Courtyard without an invitation were just plain crazy! Wolves were big and scary and so fluffy, how could anyone resist hugging one just to feel all that fur? “Ignore the fluffy,” she muttered. “Remember the part about big and scary.
- Anne Bishop
Collection: Crazy
Image of Rumi
We've given up making a living, its all this crazy love poetry now!
- Rumi
Collection: Crazy
Image of Lou Reed
I'd harbored hopes that the intelligence that once inhabited novels or films would ingest rock. I was, perhaps, wrong.
- Lou Reed
Collection: Crazy
Image of Henry David Thoreau
I have heard of many going astray even in the village streets, when the darkness was so thick you could cut it with a knife, as the saying is...
- Henry David Thoreau
Collection: Crazy
Image of Rachel Caine
This won't stop her from getting elected," Shane said. "Stupider people get elected all the time. It's America. We love the sleazy. And the crazy." "I would like to think better of us," Claire said, "but yeah. You're right.
- Rachel Caine
Collection: Crazy
Image of J. D. Salinger
It's everybody, I mean. Everything everybody does is so - I don't know - not wrong, or even mean, or even stupid necessarily. But just so tiny and meaningless and - sad-making. And the worst part is, if you go bohemian or something crazy like that, you're conforming just as much only in a different way.
- J. D. Salinger
Collection: Crazy
Image of Marge Piercy
Nobody can live on a bridge or plant potatoes but it is fine for comings and goings, meetings, partings and long views and a real connection to someplace else where you may in the crazy weathers of struggle how and again want to be.
- Marge Piercy
Collection: Crazy
Image of Bill McKibben
It drives me crazy to see so much of this planet's life so casually endangered. The first steps are so easy (drive smaller cars, for instance) that it's very hard to understand why we haven't taken them. But I know that this is the issue our generation will be judged by.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Crazy
Image of Rihanna
Genetically my legs are supposed to be huge. I can't really think about it, or I'll go crazy.
- Rihanna
Collection: Crazy
Image of Wallace Stegner
I imagine you will always be pinched for money, for time, for a place to work. But I think you will do it. And believe me, it is not a new problem. You are in good company...Your touch is the uncommon touch; you will speak only to the thoughtful reader. And more times than once you will ask yourself whether such readers really exist at all and why you should go on projecting your words into silence like an old crazy actor playing the part of himself to an empty theater.
- Wallace Stegner
Collection: Crazy
Image of Desmond Tutu
We struggled against apartheid because we were being blamed and made to suffer for something we could do nothing about. It is the same with homosexuality. The orientation is a given, not a matter of choice. It would be crazy for someone to choose to be gay, given the homophobia that is present.
- Desmond Tutu
Collection: Crazy
Image of Rajneesh
Meditation is not contemplation because it is not thinking at all - consistent, inconsistent, crazy, sane. It is not thinking at all; it is witnessing. It is just sitting silently deep within yourself, looking at whatsoever is happening inside and outside both. Outside there is traffic noise, inside there is also traffic noise - the traffic in the head. So many thoughts - trucks and buses of thoughts and trains and airplanes of thoughts, rushing in every direction. But you are simply sitting aloof, unconcerned, watching everything with no evaluation.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Crazy
Image of Anita Roddick
There are no rules or formulas for success. You just have to live it and do it. knowing this gives us enormous freedom to experiment toward what we want. Believe me, it's a crazy, complicated journey. It's trial and error. It's opportunism. It's quite literally, "Let's try lots of this stuff and see how it works."
- Anita Roddick
Collection: Crazy
Image of Stephenie Meyer
And then, as the room went black, I was suddenly hyperaware that Edward was sitting less than an inch from me. I was stunned by the unexpected electricity that flowed through me, amazed that it was possible to be more aware of him than I already was. A crazy impulse to reach over and touch him, to stroke his perfect face just once in the darkness, nearly overwhelmed me. I crossed my arms tightly across my chest, my hands balling into fists. I was losing my mind.
- Stephenie Meyer
Collection: Crazy
Image of Tupac Shakur
And even though i act crazy I gotta thank the lord that you made meh.
- Tupac Shakur
Collection: Crazy
Image of Karen Russell
It remains unbelievable to me that I have any readers beyond my own blood relations - it's a crazy, wild gift.
- Karen Russell
Collection: Crazy
Image of Cecelia Ahern
What is it with science these days? Everyone is so quick to believe in it, in all these new scientific discoveries, new pills for this, new pills for that. Get thinner, grow hair, yada, yada, yada, but when it requires a little faith in something you all go crazy.' He shook his head, 'If miracles had chemical equations then everyone would believe.
- Cecelia Ahern
Collection: Crazy
Image of Linus Torvalds
I'm a huge believer in evolution (not in the sense that "it happened" - anybody who doesn't believe that is either uninformed or crazy, but in the sense "the processes of evolution are really fundamental, and should probably be at least thought about in pretty much any context").
- Linus Torvalds
Collection: Crazy
Image of Michael Morpurgo
I tell you, my friends,’ he said one day. ‘I tell you that I am the only sane man in the regiment. It’s the others that are mad, but they don’t know it. They fight a war and they don’t know what for. Isn’t that crazy? How can one man kill another and not really know the reason why he does it, except that the other man wears a different colour uniform and speaks a different language? And it’s me they call mad!
- Michael Morpurgo
Collection: Crazy
Image of Michael Morpurgo
That's what this war is all about, my friend. It's about which of us is the crazier.And clearly you British have an advantage.You were crazy beforehand.
- Michael Morpurgo
Collection: Crazy
Image of Jason Bateman
I don't really find a problem with technology or television, or anything. I'm a product of it. I grew up watching TV, and I don't think I'm too dumb or too crazy.
- Jason Bateman
Collection: Crazy
Image of Mira Grant
I feel the closest to crazy when I'm disagreeing with the voice in my head
- Mira Grant
Collection: Crazy
Image of Mira Grant
That's the nice thing about insanity: evil people kill you, but crazy ones try to make you understand.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Crazy
Image of David Sedaris
It was the look you get when facing a sudden and insurmountable danger: the errant truck, the shaky ladder, the crazy person who pins you to the linoleum and insists, with increasing urgency, that everything you know and love can be undone by a grape.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Crazy
Image of Julie Benz
I'm fortunate that I've been an athlete, my whole life, and I work out like a crazy person.
- Julie Benz
Collection: Crazy
Image of Ilona Andrews
Aha! So I’m not crazy.” “You are most definitely crazy,” Derek said. “But in a deranged, endearing way.
- Ilona Andrews
Collection: Crazy
Image of Ringo Starr
I have a trainer who comes three times a week and just listens to me moan... and I keep fit and keep moving... and I do watch what I eat. I am a vegetarian... I can't eat crazy food. I'm highly allergic to onions and garlic and spices... I've never had a pizza, never had a curry.
- Ringo Starr
Collection: Crazy
Image of Jessica Valenti
There's no benefit to saying that you're a feminist. But you do kind of get a nice patriarchal pat on the head if you say, oh, I'm not like that, like I'm not one of those crazy feminists, which is something that happens a lot, where young women or young men will express some sort of feminist ideal, will say, you know, I think it's crap that Wal-Mart won't give out emergency contraception, but I'm not one of those crazy feminists.
- Jessica Valenti
Collection: Crazy
Image of Christy Turlington
I think most people are curious about what it would be like to be able to meet yourself - -it's eerie.
- Christy Turlington
Collection: Crazy
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
I suppose all this sounds very crazy — all these terrible emotions always do sound foolish when we put them into our inadequate words. They are not meant to be spoken — only felt and endured.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Crazy
Image of Kanye West
The bathrooms - that usually would be a porta-potty - were wrapped in a fabric that was neutral to match the fort ... the same materials that were used to cover the bathroom, we said, 'Let's just use that [to cover a bar at the reception], because this is all we have to make the bar look better.' Which it did, in the end.
- Kanye West
Collection: Crazy
Image of Elizabeth Olsen
In my acting class there was this acting exercise going on, and I remember asking a buddy, "Do you ever do this at your apartment when no one's home? Do you ever act out these hypothetical moments?" And he goes, "No, Lizzie, because that's called crazy." Whatever, I was 20 and doing it so who cares.
- Elizabeth Olsen
Collection: Crazy
Image of Donald Trump
Bernie Sanders is a crazy man.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Crazy
Image of Jon Jones
Most customer service people are great. It's that one customer service person from hell that drives me crazy!
- Jon Jones
Collection: Crazy
Image of Irvine Welsh
It's crazy for somebody who's kind of empowered and wealthy like myself to say, "Oh, I don't need to be patronized by the state, I can make my own choices." But I've got things to look forward to, and places to go and if that'd been me there forty years ago, when I was a young kid in Muirhouse, it might've been a different story.
- Irvine Welsh
Collection: Crazy
Image of Calvin Trillin
With humor, it’s so subjective that trying to think of what the ideal reader would think would drive you crazy.
- Calvin Trillin
Collection: Crazy
Image of Meg Wolitzer
We sometimes drive ourselves crazy with how our books will be "seen," when in fact we already know what they're about, and where our obsessions are. If we can spin those obsessions into fiction, then there's a decent chance they will be "fiction-worthy," as you call it. The idea of the "sweep of ideas" is a complicated one.
- Meg Wolitzer
Collection: Crazy
Image of Anne Sexton
Don’t worry if they say you’re crazy. They said that about me and yet I was saner than all of them. I knew. No matter. You know. Insane or sane, you know. It’s a good thing to know - no matter what they call it.
- Anne Sexton
Collection: Crazy
Image of Dan Wells
I can't imagine you not saying a word," said Marcus."I think you'd go crazy first.
- Dan Wells
Collection: Crazy
Image of Yoko Ono
We get shy about saying things like I love you. Life is so short. It's crazy, that we hesitate to express our true thoughts to each other.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Crazy
Image of Chloe Grace Moretz
I've been working since I was five years old, and everyone in my life, outside of my family, would look at us and go, "You're crazy! Take your kid out of the business and put them in school because you're never gonna succeed."
- Chloe Grace Moretz
Collection: Crazy
Image of Jon Jones
I’m glad the UFC wanted to work with me as well, and I think that they trust that I’ll never make them look bad. You never have to worry about me with a DWI or doing something crazy
- Jon Jones
Collection: Crazy