Yoko Ono

Image of Yoko Ono
Experiencing sadness and anger can make you feel more creative, and by being creative, you can get beyond your pain or negativity.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Anger
Image of Yoko Ono
There's a long life ahead of you and it's going to be beautiful, as long as you keep loving and hugging each other.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Valentines
Image of Yoko Ono
I did not break up the Beatles. You can't have it both ways. If you're going to blame me for breaking the Beatles up, you should be thankful that I made them into myth rather than a crumbling group.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Thankful
Image of Yoko Ono
Healing yourself is connected with healing others.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Moving
Image of Yoko Ono
I trust myself. You need that to survive.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Trust
Image of Yoko Ono
I'm very thankful that I can make people happy just by signing my name.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Thankful
Image of Yoko Ono
Every drop in the ocean counts.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Environmental
Image of Yoko Ono
I relate to happiness as an ecstatic moment - something you don't create, you encounter.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Happiness
Image of Yoko Ono
I just want to be healthy and stay alive and keep my family going and everything and keep my friends going and try to do something so that this world will be peaceful. That is the most ambitious and the most difficult thing, but I'm there trying to do it.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Health
Image of Yoko Ono
I see so many activists... who are artists because they feel that they have the power of communication.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Communication
Image of Yoko Ono
There's many women now who think, 'Surely we don't need feminism anymore, we're all liberated and society's accepting us as we are'. Which is just hogwash. It's not true at all.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Society
Image of Yoko Ono
Remember, each one of us has the power to change the world. Just start thinking peace, and the message will spread quicker than you think.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Peace
Image of Yoko Ono
In the '60s we fought for peace, when the Vietnam war was on. We were against the cops and against the politicians, and there was a lot of waving banners and all that. And I think in a way, just as they were enjoying that machoism of war, we were enjoying the machismo of being anti-war, you know?
- Yoko Ono
Collection: War
Image of Yoko Ono
I was being hated for about 40 or 50 years by the whole world, but it did not destroy me, and it did not ruin my health. And the reason is because I just did not answer them. I had my own life.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Health
Image of Yoko Ono
Art is my life and my life is art.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Art
Image of Yoko Ono
I travel a lot, so when I arrive in a city, I like to go to good local bookshops and make a selection based on how I'm feeling and what I'm thinking. The book I pick usually seems to have a definite karmic connection!
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Travel
Image of Yoko Ono
The computer is my favourite invention. I feel lucky to be part of the global village. I don't mean to brag, but I'm so fast with technology. People think it all seems too much, but we'll get used to it. I'm sure it all seemed too much when we were learning to walk.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Technology
Image of Yoko Ono
Being alone is very difficult.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Alone
Image of Yoko Ono
I realized that if my thoughts immediately affect my body, I should be careful about what I think. Now if I get angry, I ask myself why I feel that way. If I can find the source of my anger, I can turn that negative energy into something positive.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Anger
Image of Yoko Ono
Smile in the mirror. Do that every morning and you'll start to see a big difference in your life.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Morning
Image of Yoko Ono
Women have become stronger, and there's a backlash. Men have become terribly possessive. I find it much easier to get on with women.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Women
Image of Yoko Ono
I've always said that I use my voice as an instrument. It was something I created myself, and I said, 'Have voice, will travel.'
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Travel
Image of Yoko Ono
You change the world by being yourself.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Change
Image of Yoko Ono
People think that their world will get smaller as they get older. My experience is just the opposite. Your senses become more acute. You start to blossom.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Experience
Image of Yoko Ono
A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Alone
Image of Yoko Ono
Marriage is a gamble, let's be honest.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Marriage
Image of Yoko Ono
Marriage is a difficult project. When seven years have passed and all your body's cells have been replaced, you're meant to experience that seven-year itch.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Marriage
Image of Yoko Ono
Nothing is written in stone. So don't prepare yourself for a long and lucrative career. You might die tomorrow. Your gold holdings might become dust. Just make the music you want to make now and enjoy it.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Music
Image of Yoko Ono
Events are the best teacher for us. You try to learn from people, there is always some bend to it.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Teacher
Image of Yoko Ono
When I'm putting some communication out on Twitter or Facebook or Instagram, I think that it's helping me, my brain, you know, because it's always somehow stimulated by people who are sending things to me. And it works both ways. It's great. My brain is very happy about it.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Communication
Image of Yoko Ono
After my husband John Lennon passed away, I tried to smile for my health.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Smile
Image of Yoko Ono
This society is driven by neurotic speed and force accelerated by greed and frustration of not being able to live up to the image of men and woman we have created for ourselves; the image has nothing to do with the reality of people.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Society
Image of Yoko Ono
Society tells you that when you're old you have to retire. You have to defy that.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Society
Image of Yoko Ono
People make music to get a reaction. Music is communication.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Communication
Image of Yoko Ono
What the Beatles did was something incredible, it was more than what a band could do. We have to give them respect.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Respect
Image of Yoko Ono
I'm free from holding personal anger because I can express what I want through my music.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Anger
Image of Yoko Ono
Nobody's life is a bed of roses. We all have crosses to bear, and we all just do our best. I would never claim to have the worst situation. There are many widows, and many people dying of AIDS, many people killed in Lebanon, people starving all over the planet. So we have to count our lucky stars.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Best
Image of Yoko Ono
Performance art is going to be the future. Plays on Broadway are so restricted. But performance art is like haikus, just one line thing. And it's more casual but more interesting.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Future
Image of Yoko Ono
Controversy is part of the nature of art and creativity.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Nature
Image of Yoko Ono
When I turned 60, it didn't bother me at all.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Age
Image of Yoko Ono
But only art and music have the power to bring peace.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Peace
Image of Yoko Ono
Distance doesn't exist, in fact, and neither does time. Vibrations from love or music can be felt everywhere, at all times.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Music
Image of Yoko Ono
The regret of my life is that I have not said 'I love you' often enough.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Love
Image of Yoko Ono
I must say that I always thought I had a voice, even when I was 4 years old.
- Yoko Ono
Image of Yoko Ono
I always believed that my work should be unfinished in the sense that I encourage people to add their creativity to it, either conceptually or physically. Back in the 1960s, I was calling for 'Unfinished Music,' number one, and number two, with my artwork - I was taking unfinished work into the gallery. And that's how I was looking at it.
- Yoko Ono
Image of Yoko Ono
I think there is a big difference between the music business and music. And my relationship is to music, not music business. I think the business will keep changing, but music won't. Music will be there.
- Yoko Ono
Image of Yoko Ono
My heart is mysteriously alive in the world of sounds - a totally different dimension from the daily life.
- Yoko Ono
Image of Yoko Ono
Some people think that movements, such as the movements in ballet, are a higher cultural expression, whereas some are just dirt. I think it is elitist to think that a trained movement is more acceptable than untrained and possibly unrehearsed movements.
- Yoko Ono
Image of Yoko Ono
Words are power. And a book is full of words. Be careful what power you get from it. But know that you do.
- Yoko Ono
Image of Yoko Ono
I am extremely rebellious. I have this strong, defiant spirit.
- Yoko Ono