Jason Bateman

Image of Jason Bateman
I think anybody who's doing work in their teen years on TV or in the movies, you're a teen idol by default.
- Jason Bateman
Collection: Teen
Image of Jason Bateman
People have often asked if I'm gay because I don't go out of my way to spit and scratch and give people attitude.
- Jason Bateman
Collection: Attitude
Image of Jason Bateman
It was like 'Risky Business' for 10 years. My parents were out of town, they left me a bunch of money, the car, and the house, and I didn't know when they were coming home.
- Jason Bateman
Collection: Car
Image of Jason Bateman
I played a ton of team sports growing up, and team wins are just incredibly gratifying.
- Jason Bateman
Collection: Sports
Image of Jason Bateman
Our kids will never have to remember things, because it's all in pictures. Want to remember your fourth birthday? There'll be video of it on your phone.
- Jason Bateman
Collection: Birthday
Image of Jason Bateman
People still come up to me and say, 'Hey, 'Teen Wolf!' 'Teen Wolf Too' closed a week after it opened. Where did they see it?
- Jason Bateman
Collection: Teen
Image of Jason Bateman
Nothing would make me happier than doing nothing but drama for the foreseeable future.
- Jason Bateman
Collection: Future
Image of Jason Bateman
Tony Hale is a devout Christian and is a complete retard when it comes to swearing. The script called for him to swear for about 30 seconds and he just couldn't do it.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
Will Arnett is one of the funniest guys I know. He has seen it all and done it all and come out the other end pretty savvy and pretty strong.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
My mother is British; she's from Shrewsbury. She turned me onto 'Monty Python' very early.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
I never looked at fan mail, for some reason. My mother and grandmother handled my mail - although it's not like I was ever in the stratosphere of Kirk Cameron or Scott Baio.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
If the goal is to be believable when you're acting, I've got the best idea of what that believability might look and feel like. And because you need a normal guy in a comedy so that the eccentricities can pop, that's a good part for me.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
I guess there's nothing funny about a guy who looks conservative and has it all together, but it's satisfying to see a conservative guy crumbling inside, and I think a lot of American comedy has cottoned on to that.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
People like Bill Murray are incredible at what they do and are definitely my flavour. Although Will Ferrell, Sacha Baron Cohen and Ricky Gervais are also incredible actors. In their comedy, they make these stupid people feel so real. These guys are really setting the bar very high, and I learn as much from them about acting as I do about comedy.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
Actors, by very definition, we want people to pay attention to us, and so usually, that comes in the package of insecurity. So if we're not comfortable, we don't really show you a lot.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
I don't worry about people misinterpreting my kindness for weakness.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
Not a lot of people get a second chance. And I think for a while there, my name kind of got in my way a bit, based on all of the television I was fortunate enough to do. But after a while, you sort of wear out your welcome in that genre, in that medium.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
I enjoy editing when I'm directing, but when someone else is directing, that's their film to cut.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
I love a massage. I'd go every day if I could. I don't need to be wrapped in herbs like a salmon fillet, but I do love a massage.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
I can't assume that my kid is going to make the best decision all the time.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
By definition, gay is smart. I see plenty of macho heterosexual idiots, but nine times out of 10 you can have a great conversation if you find a gay guy.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
I only wanted to get married once, so when I felt I was ready to handle it, I looked at my relationships and noticed that boyfriends get tired of girlfriends, and vice versa, but you never get tired of your friends.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
A straight factor is important in any comedy, because you need something to tee it up and also to ground it.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
I have a tendency to evolve into William Shatner, with my big fat face.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
I just love doing sitcoms. I'd be in them till I was gray if they'd have me.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
If people are going to complain about stereotyping, it's as likely to be Italian-Americans as gay people.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
Obviously, I did a couple of things right on the old casting couch.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
I don't have anything to fix! I don't smoke, I don't drink, and I don't eat carbs. My life is just great now. Normal. Vanilla.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
I was just a lot smarter about not getting caught. I mean, I never stuck anything in my arm, but I certainly enjoyed my youth.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
I'm in a little bit of a different situation, because working in the business that I do and living in the city that I live in, I haven't had a problem with people who are gay. Since I was 10 I've been working alongside them, and some of my best friends are gay.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
Guys like Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughn, Sacha Baron Cohen, they do things you love to watch. I like to do the other half.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
I would rather do three or four small parts every year as opposed to some of the lower-hanging fruit that might get my name above the title.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
My goal is to get another 30 years out of this business. So I need to figure out the fuel to do that. And so far, I think it's respect and quality and company, not celebrity or box office or stardom. It's not a sprinter's approach. It's more like a long-distance thing. You can stick around a lot longer if you kind of slow-play it.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
I became an adult before I had a kid, which I highly recommend. I just like to throw her around. She's a really good snuggler, and she likes to give kisses and hugs.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
Not many get a chance to hit the career re-set button.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
I have to warn you: I bet horses like a girl.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
I'd worked so hard that by the time I was 20, I wanted to play hard. And I did that really well.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
Starting at age 10, my personality and my identity all stemmed from employment. I had a set to be at. I was a certain way with the cameraman, a certain way with the makeup lady - a normal, routine environment.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
Things are going better now than ever, but in 24 months? I could be hearing crickets.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
I remember my dad working with me on breaking down my script and writing out a back story for my character and all that stuff.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
Acting is just playing the violin in an orchestra. Directing is being the conductor.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
I really enjoy playing that everyman part because that part is us, the audience. And you need somebody inside a comedy to tether the absurdity to reality.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
Jennifer Aniston and I have always just really gotten along well... I was just fortunate to be a good fit for parts in her films.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
Throughout my 20s I spent a lot of time just playing and not really working, but fortunately for me I continued to get just enough work, and have a reason to wake up in the morning. I really empathize with some of my peers who had success in the early years then it dries up, and so there's no reason to get up in the morning.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
Marathons are good training goals.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
If I'm enjoying something, I'd like to be able to just have it all. Frankly, that's the way I'm approaching my career now. I'm a total workaholic.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
And I've always loved commercials. I like working out how to organically weave a brand's message into the writing process. It's like an improv show, where comics ask the audience to throw out a word and a skit is built around it.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
The comedy community is very friendly right now. I think that's why you see all the synergy and people doing each other's movies.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
My sense of humor lies a little closer to the middle.
- Jason Bateman
Image of Jason Bateman
Our job as actors is to just try to be as accurate and as mindful of what the audience is going through and receiving and processing.
- Jason Bateman