Top crazy Quotes Collection - Page 29

Discover a curated collection of crazy quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 29 provides more crazy quotes.

Image of Jeff Bezos
If you decide that you're going to do only the things you know are going to work, you're going to leave a lot of opportunity on the table.
- Jeff Bezos
Collection: Crazy
Image of Rand Paul
We had people coming to our Foreign Relations Committee and saying, "Oh, we need to arm the allies of Al Qaida." They are still saying this. It is a crazy notion. This is the biggest debate we should be having is is regime change a good idea; has it been a good idea.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Crazy
Image of Deb Caletti
The most insane things can become normal if you have them around you long enough. A mind can’t seem to hold anything too crazy for too long without finding a way to make it seem normal.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Crazy
Image of William Carlos Williams
The pure products of America go crazy
- William Carlos Williams
Collection: Crazy
Image of Frank Lloyd Wright
The outcome of the city will depend on the race between the automobile and the elevator, and anyone who bets on the elevator is crazy.
- Frank Lloyd Wright
Collection: Crazy
Image of Bernie Sanders
If you`re a Republican politician and you`re seeing this guy [Donald Trump] saying crazy stuff and going up in the polls, what are you going to say, you`re going to say equally crazy or maybe a little less crazy stuff.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: Crazy
Image of Ambrose Bierce
Certain old men prefer to rise at dawn, taking a cold bath and a long walk with an empty stomach and otherwise mortifying the flesh. They then point with pride to these practices as the cause of their sturdy health and ripe years; the truth being that they are hearty and old, not because of their habits, but in spite of them. The reason we find only robust persons doing this thing is that it has killed all the others who have tried it.
- Ambrose Bierce
Collection: Crazy
Image of Oprah Winfrey
If something feels right, I do it. If it feels wrong, I don't. It's really very, very simple, but you've got to be willing to take your chances doing stuff that may look crazy to other people - or not doing something that looks right to others but just feels wrong to you.
- Oprah Winfrey
Collection: Crazy
Image of Karen Marie Moning
I never thought there might be one like you out there. Unaware, untrained. Unbelievable. You have no idea what you are, do you?” “Crazy?
- Karen Marie Moning
Collection: Crazy
Image of Cheryl Strayed
Can I convince the person about whom I'm crazy to be crazy about me? The short answer is no. The long answer is no.
- Cheryl Strayed
Collection: Crazy
Image of Cheryl Strayed
I can't say when you'll get love or how you'll find it or even promise you that you will. I can only say you are worthy of it and that it's never too much to ask for it and that it's not crazy to fear you'll never have it again, even though your fears are probably wrong. Love is our essential nutrient. Without it, life has little meaning. It's the best thing we have to give and the most valuable thing we receive. It's worthy of all the hullabaloo.
- Cheryl Strayed
Collection: Crazy
Image of Ray Bradbury
Sniff books like perfumes and wear books like hats upon your crazy heads.
- Ray Bradbury
Collection: Crazy
Image of Gwen Stefani
Sometimes life is so crazy, you have to go through something to be able to find out what you're supposed to talk about next, and I think that's what happened to me.
- Gwen Stefani
Collection: Crazy
Image of Thornton Wilder
I want you to try and remember what it was like to have been very young. And particularly the days when you were first in love; when you were like a person sleepwalking, and you didn’t quite see the street you were in, and didn’t quite hear everything that was said to you. You’re just a little bit crazy. Will you remember that, please?
- Thornton Wilder
Collection: Crazy
Image of Lily Tomlin
My space chums think my unique hookup with humanity could be evolution's awkward attempt to jump-start itself up again. They're thinking just maybe, going crazy could be the evolutionary process trying to hurry up mind expansion. Maybe my mind didn't snap. Maybe it was just trying to stretch itself into a new shape. The cerebral cortex trying to grow a thumb of sorts.
- Lily Tomlin
Collection: Crazy
Image of Kami Garcia
Ethan thought he was doing the right thing. He knew it was crazy. And he didn’t want to go, but he had to anyway. Ethan was like that. Even if he was dead. He saved the world, but he shattered mine. What now?
- Kami Garcia
Collection: Crazy
Image of Sandra Bernhard
... coming to a place like Nashville, which is just music music music, it's always been such an influence on me. And there are so many interesting songwriters out there, and it's such a crazy business and so many people are trying to do it, and it's all right there in Nashville.
- Sandra Bernhard
Collection: Crazy
Image of Sun Myung Moon
Looking at the Moonies from the normal, common-sense point of view, we certainly appear to be a bunch of crazy people!
- Sun Myung Moon
Collection: Crazy
Image of Sun Myung Moon
We leaders should leave the tradition that we have become crazy for God.
- Sun Myung Moon
Collection: Crazy
Image of Donald Trump
I don't mind bad stories when it's true, but we have an administration where the Democrats are making it very difficult. I think we're setting a record or close to a record in the time of approval of a cabinet. The numbers are crazy when I'm looking.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Crazy
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
Strideth over all mountains, and laugheth at all tragedies
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: Crazy
Image of Arnold Schwarzenegger
Obviously, I've made statements that were ludicrous and crazy and outrageous and all those things, because that's the way I always was.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
Collection: Crazy
Image of Henry David Thoreau
As for your high towers and monuments, there was a crazy fellow once in this town who undertook to dig through to China, and he got so far that, as he said, he heard the Chinese pots and kettles rattle; but I think that I shall not go out of my way to admire the hole which he made.
- Henry David Thoreau
Collection: Crazy
Image of Philip Roth
I don’t ask writers about their work habits. I really don’t care. Joyce Carol Oates says somewhere that when writers ask each other what time they start working and when they finish and how much time they take for lunch, they’re actually trying to find out, "Is he as crazy as I am?" I don’t need that question answered.
- Philip Roth
Collection: Crazy
Image of Tom Robbins
My comic sense, although deliberately Americanized, is, in its intent, much closer related to the crazy wisdom of Zen monks and the goofy genius of Taoist masters than it is to, say, the satirical gibes on Saturday Night Live. It has both a literary and a metaphysical function.
- Tom Robbins
Collection: Crazy
Image of Tite Kubo
You gotta wonder about someone who would be dumb enough to fallo a person as crazy as him! wait, I think I just insulted myself - ganju
- Tite Kubo
Collection: Crazy
Image of Dallas Willard
The relation of redemption and sanctification would be the ongoing relationship between the driver and God who is directing her. Now, if God isn't directing him, he may go wild and do all sorts of things criminal and crazy.
- Dallas Willard
Collection: Crazy
Image of Orlando Bloom
I can be a little bit outrageous. I can be a lot of things. I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie, so I love to go out there and do kind of crazy stuff which is slightly outrageous, like bungee jumping, skydiving, surfing and that sort of stuff. But I also like to just chill with my friends and go and see movies and do normal things.
- Orlando Bloom
Collection: Crazy
Image of B.K.S. Iyengar
My Maman told me that only the crazy ones and the passionate ones accomplish anything in life.
- B.K.S. Iyengar
Collection: Crazy
Image of Conan O'Brien
Lenscrafters is upset with Tea Partier Michele Bachmann because she called Planned Parenthood 'the Lenscrafters of abortion.' Lenscrafters released a statement today calling her 'the Costco of crazy.'
- Conan O'Brien
Collection: Crazy
Image of Mike Tyson
I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all.
- Mike Tyson
Collection: Crazy
Image of Francis Chan
It's a pretty crazy task to try to describe God "quickly." Everything starts with a healthy fear of Him.
- Francis Chan
Collection: Crazy
Image of Henry Miller
For a hundred years or more the world, our world, has been dying. And not one man, in these last hundred years or so, has been crazy enough to put a bomb up the asshole of creation and set it off. The world is rotting away, dying piecemeal. But it needs the coup de grace, it needs to be blown to smithereens. Not one of us is intact, and yet we have in us all the continents and the seas between the continents and the birds of the air. We are going to put it down ― the evolution of this world which has died but which has not been buried.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Crazy
Image of Bill O'Reilly
The Factor concept is very simple: Watch all of those in power, including and especially the media, so they don't injure or exploit the folks, everyday Americans. Never before in the United States had a television news guy dared to criticize other journalists on a regular basis. The late Peter Jennings, a friend, told me I was crazy to do it. "These people will not allow anyone to scrutinize them," he said. "They will come after you with a vengeance." And so they have.
- Bill O'Reilly
Collection: Crazy
Image of Barry Bonds
My life is in shambles. It is crazy. It couldn't get any crazier. I'm just trying to stay sane.
- Barry Bonds
Collection: Crazy
Image of Leon Uris
I know writers have to be crazy. But more than that that, they have to get made and stay mad. If things don't make a writer mad, he'll end up writing Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottantail.
- Leon Uris
Collection: Crazy
Image of Jessica Alba
As a kid, I was always sick. I had pneumonia, I had really severe allergies. And it wasn't until I got older, that I realized some of that was caused by toxins in things like detergent. That made me crazy, because it's supposed to help get things clean!
- Jessica Alba
Collection: Crazy
Image of George Bernard Shaw
When the world goes mad, one must accept madness as sanity; since sanity is, in the last analysis, nothing but the madness on which the whole world happens to agree.
- George Bernard Shaw
Collection: Crazy
Image of Lara Stone
I was pretty self-conscious about my body because everybody kept going on like, "Oh, she's so curvy!" and "She's a plus-size model!" and this and that. It's all people would talk about - how I'm not very skinny. For a while, it made me pretty upset and I got a bit obsessive about it. I did a bunch of dieting and exercising and everything. I was losing weight, but I was still much bigger than everybody else. I didn't really see the point of making myself crazy anymore, so I kind of toned it down a little bit.
- Lara Stone
Collection: Crazy
Image of Alexandra Adornetto
Just because I've walked into this crazy fantasy doesn't mean I can just abandon my other plans, much as I might want to.
- Alexandra Adornetto
Collection: Crazy
Image of Andy Warhol
...after you stop wanting things is when having them won't make you go crazy. After you stop wanting them is when you can handle having them. Or before. But never during. If you get things when you really want them, you go crazy. Everything becomes distorted when something you really want is sitting in your lap.
- Andy Warhol
Collection: Crazy
Image of Robert Pattinson
I don't know how people will remember this series [of the Twilight Saga] at all. It's crazy how intense people are.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Crazy
Image of Joss Whedon
Writers are completely out of touch with reality. Writers are crazy [people]. We create conflict - for a living. We do this all the time, sometimes on a weekly basis, we create horrible, incredible circumstances and then figure a way out of them. That's what we do.
- Joss Whedon
Collection: Crazy
Image of Joss Whedon
I'll take crazy over stupid any day.
- Joss Whedon
Collection: Crazy
Image of Niels Bohr
We are all agreed that your theory is crazy. The question which divides us is whether it is crazy enough to have a chance of being correct. My own feeling is that it is not crazy enough.
- Niels Bohr
Collection: Crazy
Image of Lauren Oliver
For a second we just stand there in silence. Then, suddenly, Alex is back, easy and smiling again. “I left a note for you one time. In the Governor’s fist, you know?” I left a note for you one time. It’s impossible, too crazy to think about, and I hear myself repeating, “You left a note for me?” “I’m pretty sure it said something stupid. Just hi, and a smiley face, and my name. But then you stopped coming.” He shrugs. “It’s probably still there. The note, I mean. Probably just a bit of paper pulp by now.
- Lauren Oliver
Collection: Crazy
Image of J.R. Ward
But looking at this closet, so nice and arranged with their crazy lives at rest among these carefully placed clothes and footwear, she felt good about where they were. "Normal" was not a bad things in this lunatic world; it really was. No matter how it happened to be defined.
- J.R. Ward
Collection: Crazy