Top communication Quotes Collection - Page 27

Discover a curated collection of communication quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 27 provides more communication quotes.

Image of Frithjof Schuon
We live in an age of confusion and thirst in which the advantages of communication are greater than those of secrecy.
- Frithjof Schuon
Collection: Communication
Image of Alfred Kadushin
The relationship is the communication bridge between people.
- Alfred Kadushin
Collection: Communication
Image of Leonard Baskin
I think if you touch ordinary people, they're simply ordinary people, the way they've always been. They work hard, they don't have really as much as they should.
- Leonard Baskin
Collection: Communication
Image of Ray Birdwhistell
Man is a multi-sensorial being. Occasionally he verbalizes … and we must seriously examine the implications of the fact that man does not communicate by word alone.
- Ray Birdwhistell
Collection: Communication
Image of Mario Bunge
All the electronic devices are weakening the social bonds. Sociologists and psychologists should study this serious threat instead of repeating that communication is the cement of society.
- Mario Bunge
Collection: Communication
Image of Henry Chesbrough
No one has a monopoly on knowledge the way that, say, IBM had in the 1960s in computing, or that Bell Labs had through the 1970s in communications. When useful knowledge exists in companies of all sizes and also in universities, non-profits and individual minds, it makes sense to orient your innovation efforts to accessing, building upon and integrating that external knowledge into useful products and services.
- Henry Chesbrough
Collection: Communication
Image of Robert S. Kaplan
Great companies create an environment in which employees act like owners. They do this through clear communication, articulation of clear vision and priorities, coaching and openness to debate/discussion. I would argue that this type of environment helps people to be at their best - and helps the company to be at its best.
- Robert S. Kaplan
Collection: Communication
Image of Mark Boyle
I think that's the key [of communication] - to not use one method of communication for all people.
- Mark Boyle
Collection: Communication
Image of Josh Quittner
Telephones in 2020 will be archaic, relics of a bygone era-like transistor radios are today. Telephony, which will be entirely IP-based by then, will be a standard communications chip on many devices. We'll probably carry some kind of screen-based reading device that will perform this function, though I assume when we want to communicate verbally, we'll do so through a tiny, earplug-based device.
- Josh Quittner
Collection: Communication
Image of Kay WalkingStick
Tell the viewer something that they need to know.
- Kay WalkingStick
Collection: Communication
Image of John Kao
Communication is the essential medium of a creative culture: the communal sea in which we all swim. A company that can't communicate is like a jazz band without instruments: Music just isn't going to happen.
- John Kao
Collection: Communication
Image of G. Wilson Knight
It is easier to communicate with spirits than for one university department to communicate with another.
- G. Wilson Knight
Collection: Communication
Image of Will Eisner
Comics, which are really best described as an arrangement of images in a sequence that tell a story - an idea - is a very old form of graphic communication. It began with the hieroglyphics in Egypt, it first appeared in a recognizable form in the Medieval times as copper plates produced by the Catholic church to tell morality stories.
- Will Eisner
Collection: Communication
Image of Elizabeth Barton
I hold communications with saints and angels, even with satan himself.
- Elizabeth Barton
Collection: Communication
Image of Michael Hardt
The hegemony of finance and the banks has produced the indebted. Control over information and communication networks has created the mediatized. The security regime and the generalized state of exception have constructed a figure prey to fear and yearning for protection—the securitized. And the corruption of democracy has forged a strange, depoliticized figure, the represented. These subjective figures constitute the social terrain on which—and against which—movements of resistance and rebellion must act.
- Michael Hardt
Collection: Communication
Image of Charles A. Didier
Language is of divine origin.. Some may know this but do not realize its implications in their daily family life. Love at home starts with loving language.
- Charles A. Didier
Collection: Communication
Image of Lester Wunderman
The most dangerous question a prospect or customer asks is "Why should I?" And he may ask it more than once... The product and its communication stream must continue to provide him with both rational and emotional answers.
- Lester Wunderman
Collection: Communication
Image of Rudolf Arnheim
Television is a new, hard test of our wisdom. If we succeed in mastering the new medium it will enrich us. But it can also put our mind to sleep. We must not forget that in the past the inability to transport immediate experience and to convey it to others made the use of language necessary and thus compelled the human mind to develop concepts. For in order to describe things one must draw the general from the specific; one must select, compare, think. When communication can be achieved by pointing with the finger, however, the mouth grows silent, the writing hand stops, and the mind shrinks.
- Rudolf Arnheim
Collection: Communication
Image of David Shenk
The electronic town hall allows for speedy communications and bad decision-making.
- David Shenk
Collection: Communication
Image of Chris Prentiss
Not only is the Universe aware of us, but it also communicates with us. We, in turn, are constantly in communication with the Universe through our words, thoughts, and actions. The Universe responds with events. Events are the language of the Universe. The most obvious of those events are what we call coincidence.
- Chris Prentiss
Collection: Communication
Image of Goparaju Ramachandra Rao
The language of theism which was familiar to the people, gave Gandhi the advantage of easy communication with the people, but it is atheistic in principle. It could have been the starting point for the atheistic movement in the modern age.
- Goparaju Ramachandra Rao
Collection: Communication
Image of Friedrich Frobel
To learn a thing in life and through doing is much more developing, cultivating, and strengthening than to learn it merely through the verbal communication of ideas.
- Friedrich Frobel
Collection: Communication
Image of Carmen Lawrence
There's a dance of mutual destruction going on between the media and politicians.
- Carmen Lawrence
Collection: Communication
Image of Selima Hill
If I knew how to say it directly, I would not need to write poetry. I would just talk to people and be happy.
- Selima Hill
Collection: Communication
Image of Sherley Anne Williams
I think writing is really a process of communication. . . . It's the sense of being in contact with people who are part of a particular audience that really makes a difference to me in writing.
- Sherley Anne Williams
Collection: Communication
Image of David Berman
Over 95% of the designers who have ever lived are alive today. Together, we have the power to define what professionalism in the communications industry will be about: helping increase market share or helping repair the World.
- David Berman
Collection: Communication
Image of Anant Agarwal
I think we can question whether degrees are antediluvian. Online learning has flexibility. Why not master courses in energy, writing, communications, and engineering and get a credential?
- Anant Agarwal
Collection: Communication
Image of David Rusenko
A Web site is the only medium of semipermanent communication where you can express yourself.
- David Rusenko
Collection: Communication
Image of Julian Burnside
Human language has a vocabulary suited to our daily needs and functions: the shape of any human language maps approximately to the needs and activities of our mundane lives. But few would deny that there is another dimension of human existence which transcends the mundane: call it the soul, the spirit: it is that part of the human frame which sees the shimmer of the numinous.
- Julian Burnside
Collection: Communication
Image of Bill Gates
The need to communicate effectively with your customers will come up again and again.
- Bill Gates
Collection: Communication
Image of Lester Beall
3 requirements for a good designer: 1. genuine knowledge and love of great design. 2. sound knowledge of principles and techniques of communication. 3. heart (passion).
- Lester Beall
Collection: Communication
Image of Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben
Regardless of communication between man and man, speech is a necessary condition for the thinking of the individual in solitary seclusion. In appearance, however, language develops only socially, and man understands himself only once he has tested the intelligibility of his words by trial upon others.
- Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben
Collection: Communication
Image of Andy Grove
How well we communicate is determined not by how well we say things but how well we are understood.
- Andy Grove
Collection: Communication
Image of T.S. Mathews
Communication is something so simple and difficult that we can never put it in simple words.
- T.S. Mathews
Collection: Communication
Image of B. W. Powe
We remake the world through our technologies, and these in turn remake and extend us, in ever spiraling lattices of complexity. McLuhan uncannily foresaw the future, where electronic technology would shape and expand cultures and societies into a global membrane of communications.
- B. W. Powe
Collection: Communication
Image of B. W. Powe
Canada may be fast-forwarding, jump starting, into a new pattern, a model of communication linkages, a civilization that is more than a grab for power and dominance, a place that could channel the fires of the global wirings, where political alliances are subject to electrical ebb and flow, and the alchemical cultivations of imagination and perception, of the self, could precail of the ideology of capital.
- B. W. Powe
Collection: Communication
Image of Ronald H. Nash
While contemporary non-Evangelicals have virtually reduced faith to 'courageous ignorance,' Evangelicals have hardly been faithful in defending God's objective communication of truth.
- Ronald H. Nash
Collection: Communication
Image of Oliviero Toscani
Communication has always been at the service of power. Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel for the Pope. Is it not an advertisement for the Church? I try to make the best pictures I can and sometimes they are used in advertising campaigns.
- Oliviero Toscani
Collection: Communication
Image of Brett Davern
Just open, honest communication is the best thing in the world.
- Brett Davern
Collection: Communication
Image of Alistair Cockburn
Focusing on skills, communications, and community allows the project to be more effective and more agile than focusing on processes and plans.
- Alistair Cockburn
Collection: Communication
Image of Charmaine
How you feel at the time affects how you receive and react to communication from others. You have to put on your objective eyes and ears in order to be consistently fair. - Charmainsim
- Charmaine
Collection: Communication
Image of Jo Robinson
The technical term for phytonutrients is polyphenols. They are substances produced by plants, a lot of them for self-defense. Twenty-five thousand different ones have been identified. Vitamins E, C, and beta-carotene are examples. Many of them are potent antioxidants, while some don't have antioxidant activity but boost our own antioxidant defense system. Others are involved in communication between cells, many affect gene expression, and others have detoxifying functions.
- Jo Robinson
Collection: Communication
Image of Roger Lewis
It varies by community. At (one local community) we've never offered them. But at most communities, we offer 2 or 3 percent off base price.
- Roger Lewis
Collection: Communication
Image of David Porush
Participating in the newest communications technologies becomes compulsory if you want to remain part of the culture.
- David Porush
Collection: Communication
Image of David Porush
There is a universal urge for intimacy, for trading subjectivities, in communication. For Telepathy. Our desire for it tells us about what we wish to be: truly intersubjective beings.
- David Porush
Collection: Communication
Image of Laura Poitras
One of the things that I think is true is that encryption actually is able to secure our communications, that every individual can use encryption, and that it's accessible and in many cases free.
- Laura Poitras
Collection: Communication
Image of Eben Pagan
Jay Abraham's client sent him $50,000 a month for a long time for writing one headline. That's what people who understand communication can do.
- Eben Pagan
Collection: Communication
Image of Bruno Monguzzi
If you keep shouting, you are not making communication any better. You are only removing the talking and whispering from the system. I find our society a bit noisy. I would like to contribute a little silence.
- Bruno Monguzzi
Collection: Communication
Image of Louis Braille
Access to communication in the widest sense is access to knowledge, and that is vitally important for us if we are not to go on being despised or patronized by condescending sighted people. We do not need pity, nor do we need to be reminded that we are vulnerable. We must be treated as equals — and communication is the way we can bring this about.
- Louis Braille
Collection: Communication