Leonard Baskin

Image of Leonard Baskin
Of course, I did lots of what would be called graphic design now, what used to be called commercial art.
- Leonard Baskin
Collection: Design
Image of Leonard Baskin
I think it has other roots, has to do, in part, with a general anxiety in contemporary life... nuclear bombs, inequality of possibility and chance, inequality of goods allotted to us, a kind of general racist, unjust attitude that is pervasive.
- Leonard Baskin
Collection: Attitude
Image of Leonard Baskin
Art is man's distinctly human way of fighting death.
- Leonard Baskin
Collection: Art
Image of Leonard Baskin
There is, however, a change going on in the world. There's far more interest in drawing now than there has been in a long, long time. Schools are beginning to teach drawing again in a serious and meaningful way.
- Leonard Baskin
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Leonard Baskin
People like me, who care about printing, constitute the tiniest lunatic fringe in the nation.
- Leonard Baskin
Collection: People
Image of Leonard Baskin
I always felt that I had anxiety of survival in terms of livelihood even when I was making plenty of money.
- Leonard Baskin
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Leonard Baskin
I always felt I needed to teach to survive.
- Leonard Baskin
Collection: Teach
Image of Leonard Baskin
Pop art is the inedible raised to the unspeakable.
- Leonard Baskin
Collection: Art
Image of Leonard Baskin
Architecture should be dedicated to keeping the outside out and the inside in.
- Leonard Baskin
Collection: Architecture
Image of Leonard Baskin
It took me fifty years to deal with the Holocaust at all. And I did it in a literary way.
- Leonard Baskin
Collection: Years
Image of Leonard Baskin
I think there is an element of nihilism about, but I don't think most artists feel their work is meaningless.
- Leonard Baskin
Collection: Artist
Image of Leonard Baskin
But I think doctors have always been either honest or dishonest.
- Leonard Baskin
Collection: Thinking
Image of Leonard Baskin
I think if you touch ordinary people, they're simply ordinary people, the way they've always been. They work hard, they don't have really as much as they should.
- Leonard Baskin
Collection: Communication
Image of Leonard Baskin
I think the leaders inevitably express the people they are leading.
- Leonard Baskin
Collection: Leadership
Image of Leonard Baskin
The art schools... you get young kids doing the most vile and meaningless crap. I think they believe every bit of it.
- Leonard Baskin
Collection: Education
Image of Leonard Baskin
Works of art produced in the contemporary world are a further expression of that. But I don't think there is an active, ongoing nihilist self-consciousness in the artist.
- Leonard Baskin
Collection: Art