Top communication Quotes Collection - Page 25

Discover a curated collection of communication quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 25 provides more communication quotes.

Image of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh
Human experience throughout the ages has been enhanced through learning, information and communication.
- Talal Abu-Ghazaleh
Collection: Communication
Image of L. Lionel Kendrick
Our communications reflect in our countenance. Therefore, we must be careful not only what we communicate, but also how we do so. Souls can be strengthened or shattered by the message and the manner in which we communicate.
- L. Lionel Kendrick
Collection: Communication
Image of L. Lionel Kendrick
Christlike communications will help us to develop righteous relationships and ultimately to return to our heavenly home safely. May we treasure the divine gift of communication, and may we use it wisely to build and to assist others on this marvelous journey through mortality.
- L. Lionel Kendrick
Collection: Communication
Image of Emmet Gowin
For me, pictures provide a means of holding, intensely, a moment of communication between one human and another.
- Emmet Gowin
Collection: Communication
Image of Jeff Pulver
In the 'Disruptive Broadcasting' space, TV on IP networks is now just another application in a broadband world. We have already seen the transformation of the computing and communications industry with respect to traditional telecom. Now, history is repeating itself with traditional broadcasting.
- Jeff Pulver
Collection: Communication
Image of Jeff Pulver
We are in the midst of a VoIP communications revolution.
- Jeff Pulver
Collection: Communication
Image of Daniel O'Connell
Although the Irish language is connected with the many recollections that twine around the hearts of Irishmen, yet the superior utility of the English tongue, as the medium of all modern communication, is so great that I can witness without a sigh the gradual decline of the Irish language.
- Daniel O'Connell
Collection: Communication
Image of Mark Crispin Miller
Like propaganda generally, advertising must thus pervade the atmosphere; for it wants, paradoxically, to startle its beholders without really being noticed by them. Its aim is to jolt us, not "into thinking," as in a Brechtian formulation, but specifically away from thought, into quasiautomatic action: "To us," as an executive at Coca-Cola puts it, "communication is message assimilation--the respondent must be shown to behave in some way that proves they [sic] have come to accept the message, not merely to have received it.
- Mark Crispin Miller
Collection: Communication
Image of G. H. Pember
The occultist is brought into intelligent communication with the spirits of the air, and can receive any knowledge which they possess, or any false impression they choose to impart...the demons seem permitted to do various wonders at their request.
- G. H. Pember
Collection: Communication
Image of Twiggy
Confusion is the best form of communication. It's left to be unexplained.
- Twiggy
Collection: Communication
Image of Paul Dirac
There are always more people who prefer to speak than to listen.
- Paul Dirac
Collection: Communication
Image of Anousheh Ansari
One of the coolest things with the Internet is that it is used by the entire population - as part of education and just on a daily basis for communication. I think that has been one of the coolest technologies that has been developed.
- Anousheh Ansari
Collection: Communication
Image of Paul K. Chappell
The right tools for solving disputes within our community are precision instruments such as reason, communication, empathy, curiosity, and understanding. They are also the right tools for building a global civilization of peace and prosperity.
- Paul K. Chappell
Collection: Communication
Image of Frances Hesselbein
Communication is not saying something; communication is being heard.
- Frances Hesselbein
Collection: Communication
Image of Chip Ingram
God’s plan for you, whether you’re married, single, or about to be married, unless He gives you the gift of singleness, is to be in a warm, loving marriage relationship, characterized by open communication, a lot of hard work, deep commitment, setting boundaries, and doing it God’s way.
- Chip Ingram
Collection: Communication
Image of Constance Hale
Be bold. Be fast. Get to the point right away. The best email communication is simple and clear.
- Constance Hale
Collection: Communication
Image of Gregory Rabassa
Every act of communication is an act of translation.
- Gregory Rabassa
Collection: Communication
Image of John Hallock, Jr.
I've noticed two things about men who get big salaries. They are almost invariably men who, in conversation or in conference, are adaptable. They quickly get the other fellow's view. They are more eager to do this than to express their own ideas. Also, they state their own point of view convincingly.
- John Hallock, Jr.
Collection: Communication
Image of John L. Casti
The process of globalization has now interconnected almost everything ranging from financial markets to transport networks to communication systems in a huge system that no one really understands.
- John L. Casti
Collection: Communication
Image of Joseph Badaracco
Communication can't always follow the top-down model. With the fluidity of information in business today, leaders need to be masterful listeners; they need to be able to receive as well as send.
- Joseph Badaracco
Collection: Communication
Image of Alexis Ohanian
The Internet is, as a communication platform and a learning platform, unparalleled because whether you want to learn something or share something, it's simply a few clicks away.
- Alexis Ohanian
Collection: Communication
Image of Sam Waterston
I played Lucky in Waiting for Godot at Yale and it was a thing that Stanislavski talks about: he says you don't need his 'method' if you can count on your inspiration and it was a moment of inspiration that came to me, not in rehearsal but on stage. It hit me right there in the middle of the play and it was great - it travelled into immediate communication.
- Sam Waterston
Collection: Communication
Image of Taissa Farmiga
Communication feels like it should be the simplest thing, but it's not. Sometimes you don't even understand what you're feeling. You don't know how to put that into words, so how are you suppose to tell the person you love that you're upset.
- Taissa Farmiga
Collection: Communication
Image of George Weigel
More pro-active Vatican communications might be able to do something about all this, but when the Holy See is constantly in the mode of, "No, what the pope really meant was . . . ," the game has already been largely forfeited.
- George Weigel
Collection: Communication
Image of Ray Martin
I've done more than 10,000 interviews, and I've learnt that you've got to do your homework. I bury myself in research beforehand. And you have to be genuinely interested in people; there's a cornucopia of great, ordinary people out there with wonderful, colourful stories.
- Ray Martin
Collection: Communication
Image of Nancy Lublin believes you don't have to wait to be Bono or Bill Gates to make a difference. Teens are super creative and passionate. We're unlocking that power by leveraging pop culture and communications technologies to get kids to do great stuff offline.
- Nancy Lublin
Collection: Communication
Image of Mike McCue
Today, when you combine the web with the iPad, you have the most advanced medium for human thought and communication ever created.
- Mike McCue
Collection: Communication
Image of Dan Ben-Amos
Folklore is artistic communication in small groups.
- Dan Ben-Amos
Collection: Communication
Image of Grant David McCracken
Often it takes more time to explain a task than to do it yourself, and when you do it yourself there is no data lost in transmission. We have something to learn about how communication works in these settings. Sometimes it takes a really long time to communicate the full meaning of what we want to say.
- Grant David McCracken
Collection: Communication
Image of Robert Burchfield
The English language is rather like a monster accordion, stretchable at the whim of the editor, compressible ad lib.
- Robert Burchfield
Collection: Communication
Image of Elliott Gould
I do know people and there are people in my family who have had Alzheimer's and dementia, and I appreciate the importance of communication and having contact with them. Communicating is an interesting thing with a condition like that. Sometimes it's difficult to communicate. If the brain becomes atrophied or certain channels of the brain become atrophied, then contact is what becomes really important.
- Elliott Gould
Collection: Communication
Image of Harold Innis
We must appraise civilization in relation to its territory and in relation to its duration. The character of the medium of communication tends to create a bias in civilization favourable to an over-emphasis on the time concept or on the space concept and only at rare intervals are the biases offset by the influence of another medium and stability achieved.
- Harold Innis
Collection: Communication
Image of Harold Innis
The overwhelming pressure of mechanization evident in the newspaper and the magazine, has led to the creation of vast monopolies of communication. Their entrenched positions involve a continuous, systematic, ruthless destruction of elements of permanence essential to cultural activity.
- Harold Innis
Collection: Communication
Image of Michael Ayrton
The process of drawing is... the process of putting the visual intelligence into action, the very mechanics of visual thought. Unlike painting and sculpture... the artist makes clear to himself and not to the spectator what he is doing. It is a soliloquy before it becomes communication.
- Michael Ayrton
Collection: Communication
Image of Tony Alessandra
Misunderstandi ngs happen because we do not understand that different people have different styles of communication.
- Tony Alessandra
Collection: Communication
Image of Jason Epstein
Wherever the title of streets and parks may rest, they have immemorially been held in trust for the use of the public and, time out of mind, have been used for purposes of assembly... and discussing public question. Such use of the streets and public places has, from ancient times, been a part of the privileges, immunities, rights, liberties of citizens. The privilege of a citizen of the United States to use the streets and parks for communication of views on national questions may be regulated in the interest of all... but it must not, in the guise of regulation, be abridged or denied.
- Jason Epstein
Collection: Communication
Image of Brent L. Top
Any divine communication from God to man is called revelation. Revelation comes in many different forms. All true revelation comes by the power of the Spirit of God. By this power, the Almighty speaks to our minds and hearts (D&C 8:2).
- Brent L. Top
Collection: Communication
Image of Sergei Korolev
The further conquest of space will make it possible, for example, to create systems of satellites making daily revolutions around our planet at an altitude of some 40,000 kilometers, and to assure universal communications and the relaying of radio and television transmissions. Such an arrangement might prove more useful, economically, than the construction of radio relay systems over the whole surface of the earth. The great accuracy of movement of these satellites will provide a reliable basis for solving navigational problems
- Sergei Korolev
Collection: Communication
Image of James Arthur
Poetry isn't an efficient tool for preserving experience, any more than it's an efficient mode of communication, but who says that it should be efficient?
- James Arthur
Collection: Communication
Image of Harriet B. Braiker
Conflict can and should be handled constructively; when it is, relationships benefit. Conflict avoidance is *not* the hallmark of a good relationship. On the contrary, it is a symptom of serious problems and of poor communication.
- Harriet B. Braiker
Collection: Communication
Image of Robin Lakoff
To write or speak is to communicate. To communicate is to share meanings, make them ‘common’ to all participants in the discourse. (The etymological root of communication means ‘common.’)
- Robin Lakoff
Collection: Communication
Image of Marvin E. Frankel
The advertising industry is one of our most basic forms of communication and, allegedly, of information. Yet, obviously, much of this ostensible information is not purveyed to inform but to manipulate and to achieve a result - to make somebody think he needs something that very possibly he doesn't need, or to make him think one version of something is better than another version when the ground for such a belief really doesn't exist.
- Marvin E. Frankel
Collection: Communication
Image of Gerald R. Ford
Nothing in life is more important than the ability to communicate effectively.
- Gerald R. Ford
Collection: Communication
Image of Niklas Luhmann
Humans cannot communicate; not even their brains can communicate; not even their conscious minds can communicate. Only communication can communicate.
- Niklas Luhmann
Collection: Communication
Image of Kofi Annan
If globalization is to succeed, it must succeed for poor and rich alike. It must deliver rights no less than riches. It must provide social justice and equity no less than economic prosperity and enhanced communication.
- Kofi Annan
Collection: Communication
Image of Christopher Ruddy
People generally have the idea that Donald Trump is a great communicator. And the press has acknowledged this guy has extraordinary communication skills. I think what doesn't come through is his humility. I know some people might laugh at that comment, and he likes promoting his brand. But at times he can be extremely humble. He likes people and wants to help people.
- Christopher Ruddy
Collection: Communication
Image of Dory Previn
What most of us want is to be heard, to communicate.
- Dory Previn
Collection: Communication
Image of Alain Resnais
There cannot be any communication except through form. If there is no form, you cannot create emotion in the spectator.
- Alain Resnais
Collection: Communication
Image of Robert McCrum
English plus Microsoft equals a new cultural revolution a global means of communication that is irrepressibly contagious, adaptable, populist and subversive.
- Robert McCrum
Collection: Communication