Top communication Quotes Collection - Page 26

Discover a curated collection of communication quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 26 provides more communication quotes.

Image of Sam Farber
The most common misperception is the word 'design'. People think of primarily pretty pictures or forms. They don't understand the depth to which design goes-not only in products, but in every aspect of our life. Whether it is the design of a program, a product or some form of communication, we are living in a world that's totally designed. Somebody made a decision about everything. And it was a design decision.
- Sam Farber
Collection: Communication
Image of Jack Dorsey
Technology to me does two things: it increases the velocity of communication and increases the number of people who can participate. That's it. That's really all technology for our entire history has ever done.
- Jack Dorsey
Collection: Communication
Image of Rick Poynor
Graphic Design is the communication framework through which these messages about what the world is now, and what we should aspire to. It's the way they reach us. The designer has an enormous responsibility. Those are the people, you know, putting their wires into our heads.
- Rick Poynor
Collection: Communication
Image of Richard Lewontin
I assume the same problem exists in Australia as in America of back-biting and jealousy and parochialism among disciplines - there are the scientists, and there are the humanities people, and there are chemists and the physicists and everybody snipes at everybody else and inter-disciplinary communication is rare. But it's very precious and necessary.
- Richard Lewontin
Collection: Communication
Image of Michael Morell
As far as Paris goes, we don't know for sure yet how these guys communicate among themselves and how they communicated back to the ISIS leadership in Iraq and Syria, but I'm fairly confident we're going to learn they used these encrypted communication applications that have commercial encryption and are extremely difficult for companies to break - and which the companies have made the decision not to produce a key for.
- Michael Morell
Collection: Communication
Image of Shoshannah Stern
I am fourth-generation deaf, which means everyone in my immediate family is deaf. So I grew up always having 100 percent accessibility to language and communication, which was wonderful and something so many deaf people dont have.
- Shoshannah Stern
Collection: Communication
Image of Marc Ribot
I am on the side of pluralistic societies, and I will do whatever I can - by the best means available and any means necessary - to protect spaces that encourage open communication between people.
- Marc Ribot
Collection: Communication
Image of Will Burtin
The essential function of the (design) profession in our society is to enhance and cultivate communications toward: Easier understanding of ideas and complex problems, in the shortest possible time and higher visual and auditory retention of data.
- Will Burtin
Collection: Communication
Image of Neil Newhouse
The data shows pretty clearly that how voters watch video programming is dramatically changing and reinforces the need for political campaigns to better match their communications outreach efforts to the voters’ changing media habits.
- Neil Newhouse
Collection: Communication
Image of Joseph Stowell
Communication is a two-way street. And while we revel in the reality that we can always get through to heaven, our concern should be whether our Lord can always get through to us.
- Joseph Stowell
Collection: Communication
Image of Franca Sozzani
Think of Instagram. Journalism will continue to exist, but communication is now visual.
- Franca Sozzani
Collection: Communication
Image of Franca Sozzani
What worries me is that now, communication is virtual.
- Franca Sozzani
Collection: Communication
Image of Douglas Leone
In a downturn, aggressive PR and communications strategy is key.
- Douglas Leone
Collection: Communication
Image of Peter Bilak
Right and wrong do not exist in graphic design. There is only effective and non-effective communication.
- Peter Bilak
Collection: Communication
Image of Ta-Nehisi Coates
The best part of writing is not the communication of knowledge to other people, but the acquisition and synthesizing of knowledge for oneself.
- Ta-Nehisi Coates
Collection: Communication
Image of Manuel Castells
The Internet is a communication medium that allows for the first time, the communication of many to many, in chosen time, on a global scale.
- Manuel Castells
Collection: Communication
Image of Edmund Muskie
In Maine we have a saying that there's no point in speaking unless you can improve on silence.
- Edmund Muskie
Collection: Communication
Image of Edmund Muskie
Do not speak unless you can improve the silence.
- Edmund Muskie
Collection: Communication
Image of Renee Fleming
The reason that some singers go on to become great artists has very little to do with their voices, but rather with the fact that they have used their instruments as tools for detailed communication.
- Renee Fleming
Collection: Communication
Image of Norman Potter
Design is a field of concern, response, and enquiry as often as decision and consequence... it is convenient to group design into three simple categories, though the distinctions are in no way absolute, nor are they always so described: product design (things), environment design (places) and communication design (messages).
- Norman Potter
Collection: Communication
Image of Marty Sklar
Communicate with visual literacy - Make good use of all the non-verbal ways of communication - color, shape, form, texture.
- Marty Sklar
Collection: Communication
Image of Brian Reynolds Myers
Talking is always a good idea. There's no harm in keeping lines of communication open.
- Brian Reynolds Myers
Collection: Communication
Image of Regis McKenna
It's ironic, but true, that in this age of electronic communications, personal interaction is becoming more important than ever.
- Regis McKenna
Collection: Communication
Image of Daniel Yankelovich
The act of collaboration must start with dialogue. You cannot build relationships without having an understanding of your potential partners, and you cannot achieve that understanding without a special form of communication that goes beyond ordinary conversation.
- Daniel Yankelovich
Collection: Communication
Image of John Quiggin
Throughout the history of the Internet, most of the innovation has come as a by-product of efforts to facilitate communication within social groups of various kinds (academics, bloggers, peer-to-peer file sharing), rather than as the result of profit-oriented investment. Rather than taking the lead, the business and government sectors have adopted innovations developed in Internet communities, and realised significant productivity gains as a result.
- John Quiggin
Collection: Communication
Image of James Comey
Really bad people around the world, because of the genius of American innovation, use our products and infrastructure for their emails, for their communications.
- James Comey
Collection: Communication
Image of James Rosenquist
We are attacked by radio and television and visual communication at such speed and with such force that painting seems very old fashioned ...why shouldn't it be done with that power and gusto [of advertising], with that impact.
- James Rosenquist
Collection: Communication
Image of Terry Winograd
In the next 50 years, the increasing importance of designing spaces for human communication and interaction will lead to expansion in those aspects of computing that are focused on people, rather than machinery.
- Terry Winograd
Collection: Communication
Image of Laura Esquivel
Keeping secrets will always lead to unhappiness and communication is the key to love.
- Laura Esquivel
Collection: Communication
Image of Kevin Cook
The Perkins Bar has always demonstrated a commitment to the community and excelled in service not only to the minority community, but to the community at large.
- Kevin Cook
Collection: Communication
Image of Isocrates
Always when you are about to say anything, first weigh it in your mind; for with many the tongue outruns the thought.
- Isocrates
Collection: Communication
Image of Isocrates
Let there be but two occasions for speech - when the subject is one which you thoroughly know and when it is one on which you are compelled to speak. On these occasions alone is speech better than silence; on all others, it is better to be silent than to speak.
- Isocrates
Collection: Communication
Image of Diana Whitney
Meaning is made in conversation, reality is created in communication, and knowledge is generated through social interaction.... Language is the vehicle through which we create our understanding of the world.
- Diana Whitney
Collection: Communication
Image of Misha Glenny
You don’t have to sleep with prostitutes or take drugs in order to have a relationship with organized crime. They affect our bank accounts. They affect our communications, our pension funds. They even affect the food that we eat and our governments.
- Misha Glenny
Collection: Communication
Image of Misha Glenny
If there is an event for whatever reason, which interferes with the Internet or network communications, are people able to deal with it? It seems like our dependency on these systems is so great that the room for maneuver as it were is very small. So that is problematic.
- Misha Glenny
Collection: Communication
Image of Misha Glenny
It's great that the Internet can enhance and speed up our communications and that computers can do all the things they do. It's fabulous. At the same time, it changes our priorities. For example, before I would always remember people's telephone numbers and now I don't know anyone's number. So what happens if computer systems go down but you still have landlines? Well, I couldn't call anyone because I don't know anyone's number.
- Misha Glenny
Collection: Communication
Image of Paul Ekman
Emotions Revealed: Recognizing Faces And Feelings To Improve Communication And Emotional Life.
- Paul Ekman
Collection: Communication
Image of James E. Grunig
Public Relations is the management of communication between an organization and its publics.
- James E. Grunig
Collection: Communication
Image of James E. Grunig
The main reason to measure objectives is not so much to reward or punish individual communications manager for success or failure as it is to learn from the research whether a program should be continued as is, revised, or dropped in favor of another approach
- James E. Grunig
Collection: Communication
Image of Richard Rosen
If anything characterizes the cultural life of the seventies in America, it is an insistence on preventing failures of communication.
- Richard Rosen
Collection: Communication
Image of Stewart Copeland
I studied music for my first two years in college. When I went to UC Berkeley, I failed the admission requirements to get into the music school there, so I studied communications and public policy, which actually were a greater engine for my career than a musical education would have been. If I had gotten into the music department at Berkeley, I'd probably be a timpanist in an orchestra right now.
- Stewart Copeland
Collection: Communication
Image of Riccardo Muti
Music does not know the difference between people; it only speaks to their hearts. It is the only form of communication that can bring this terrible world together.
- Riccardo Muti
Collection: Communication
Image of Liz Miller
Developing emotional intelligence is one way to protect yourself from damaging relationships. Emotional intelligence is a science that has been studied and researched for over a decade. According to the theories, mutual respect and effective communication are key.
- Liz Miller
Collection: Communication
Image of Tim McIlrath
Music speaks to people at a level that is much more universal and can kind of trigger things in the listener in ways that other forms of communication can't.
- Tim McIlrath
Collection: Communication
Image of Anthony Caro
Let the work speak for itself.
- Anthony Caro
Collection: Communication
Image of Louise von Francois
We never listen when we are eager to speak.
- Louise von Francois
Collection: Communication
Image of Avery Johnson
Great communication, Character, Competitive drive, Consistency, Compassion, Confidence -- skills successful leaders share.
- Avery Johnson
Collection: Communication
Image of Rigoberto Gonzalez
Human suffering is articulated in language; communication is how we seek help, consolation, etc.
- Rigoberto Gonzalez
Collection: Communication
Image of Susan RoAne
Respect for people is the cornerstone of communication and networking.
- Susan RoAne
Collection: Communication