Sherley Anne Williams

Image of Sherley Anne Williams
These is old blues / and I sing em like any woman do. / These the old blues / and I sing em, sing em, sing em. Just like any woman do. / My life ain't done yet. / Naw. My song ain't through.
- Sherley Anne Williams
Collection: Music
Image of Sherley Anne Williams
I think writing is really a process of communication. . . . It's the sense of being in contact with people who are part of a particular audience that really makes a difference to me in writing.
- Sherley Anne Williams
Collection: Communication
Image of Sherley Anne Williams
This is what I hold against slavery. May come a time when I forgive - cause I don't think I'm set up to forget - the beatings, the selling, the killings, but I don't think I ever forgive the ignorance they kept us in.
- Sherley Anne Williams
Collection: Ignorance
Image of Sherley Anne Williams
The blues records of each decade explain something about the philosophical basis of our lives as black people. ... Blues is a basis of historical continuity for black people. It is a ritualized way of talking about ourselves and passing it on.
- Sherley Anne Williams
Collection: Music
Image of Sherley Anne Williams
A startling and engrossing commentary on the complex actuality and continuing heritage of American slavery.
- Sherley Anne Williams
Collection: Heritage