Top communication Quotes Collection - Page 29

Discover a curated collection of communication quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 29 provides more communication quotes.

Image of Damien Hirst
I sometimes feel that I have nothing to say and I want to communicate this.
- Damien Hirst
Collection: Communication
Image of Jonathan Hull
I wonder if music is the only expression of the soul that is not hopelessly compromised in communication.
- Jonathan Hull
Collection: Communication
Image of Jessica Abel
My drawing, like that of most cartoonists, is intended first of all to be functional: to create believable space, and communicate information. My strongest point in drawing has always been my ability to show characters' nonverbal communication through facial expression and posture.
- Jessica Abel
Collection: Communication
Image of Eric Hobsbawm
Telephone and telegraph were better means of communication than the holy man's telepathy
- Eric Hobsbawm
Collection: Communication
Image of Clovis Chappell
Put the hay down where the sheep can reach it.
- Clovis Chappell
Collection: Communication
Image of Duncan Jones
That definitely I feel is part of my generation: social networking, communication over the Internet, whether it's Skype or IRC or some form of text-based chat, text messaging.
- Duncan Jones
Collection: Communication
Image of Herbert Schiller
The content and forms of American communications-the myths and the means of transmitting them-are devoted to manipulation. When successfully employed, as they invariably are, the result is individual passivity, a state of inertia that precludes action.
- Herbert Schiller
Collection: Communication
Image of Edward T. Hall
The essence of cross-cultural communication has more to do with releasing responses than with sending messages. It is more important to release the right response than to send the right message.
- Edward T. Hall
Collection: Communication
Image of Pete Olson
The same advice my commanding officer at Patrol Squadron 17, Cmdr. Robert J. Quinn, gave me before I was grilled to be given the responsibility to lead a crew of 12 all over the world, ready to stop a Russian submarine preparing to wipe out an American city with a nuclear missile: ‘Always remember that common sense and communication will solve 95 percent of the challenges you face in the Navy and life.
- Pete Olson
Collection: Communication
Image of Gayle Pemberton
Smiles, like humor, are the most serious and complex forms of communication used by human beings.
- Gayle Pemberton
Collection: Communication
Image of Katya Chamma
The Internet is the great highway of the modern communication, free and independent.
- Katya Chamma
Collection: Communication
Image of Beau Bokan
I think it's important to have a consistent communication with the fans but I don't think it should be expected.
- Beau Bokan
Collection: Communication
Image of Carolyn Warner
I have never found a better way to enhance the communications process than by reinforcing the points or concepts I wish to make with timely, memorable quotations.
- Carolyn Warner
Collection: Communication
Image of Bob Rice
The lingo used in the space is so arcane and out of date that investors have no context for the discussions. The failure to establish a clear, effective communication system has been the biggest sin private equity has committed.
- Bob Rice
Collection: Communication
Image of Dale J. Stephens
I would have taken the time to learn how to listen earlier. Learning about non-violent communication and how to take feedback has been integral to both my personal happiness and professional success.
- Dale J. Stephens
Collection: Communication
Image of Eugene Ionesco
Banality is a symptom of non-communication. Men hide behind their cliches.
- Eugene Ionesco
Collection: Communication
Image of Alfred Jarry
Talking about things that are understandable only weighs down the mind.
- Alfred Jarry
Collection: Communication
Image of Reuel Howe
A barrier to communication is something that keeps meanings from meeting.
- Reuel Howe
Collection: Communication
Image of Konstantin Rokossovsky
I am a citizen of the Soviet Union and I think sharp measures need to be taken against anti-Soviet forces that are trying to make their way into the leadership. In addition, it is vitally important to maintain the lines of communication with Germany through Poland.
- Konstantin Rokossovsky
Collection: Communication
Image of Jeremy Irons
Most people are robust. If a man puts his hand on a woman’s bottom, any woman worth her salt can deal with it. It is communication. Can’t we be friendly?
- Jeremy Irons
Collection: Communication
Image of Tony Wagner
The capacity to innovate - the ability to solve problems creatively or bring new possibilities to life - and skills like critical thinking, communication and collaboration are far more important than academic knowledge.
- Tony Wagner
Collection: Communication
Image of Marvin Shanken
The goal in tasting wine is not to "find" the same aromas and flavors some other taster is describing. If you hone your own perceptual abilities and develop the vocabulary to articulate them, you'll not only derive more pleasure from the wine itself, but also stimulate better communication between you and the friends who are sharing the bottle.
- Marvin Shanken
Collection: Communication
Image of Hans Christian von Baeyer
If quantum communication and quantum computation are to flourish, a new information theory will have to be developed.
- Hans Christian von Baeyer
Collection: Communication
Image of Karl Jaspers
When language is used without true significance, it loses its purpose as a means of communication and becomes an end in itself.
- Karl Jaspers
Collection: Communication
Image of Peter James
What Brighton's got is a major sea port on either side, good for importing drugs, great for exporting cash, stolen cars, stolen antiques. It's got the largest number of antique shops in the UK, so it's a great place to fence stolen goods. It's got tremendous communication: you've got the sea ports, you've got the channel tunnel, you've got Gatwick Airport 25 minutes away, and London's 50 minutes away by train. So all these escape routes... Which is what villains like.
- Peter James
Collection: Communication
Image of James Huneker
There are people who don't say a thing and sound magnificent!
- James Huneker
Collection: Communication
Image of Bill James
I learned to write because I am one of those people who somehow cannot manage the common communications of smiles and gestures, but must use words to get across things that other people would never need to say.
- Bill James
Collection: Communication
Image of Robin Farina
I love the communication aspect with my athletes. I like the one on one time with my athletes but really its about making them better athletes and finding out what makes them tick.
- Robin Farina
Collection: Communication
Image of Lore Sjoberg
If there's one thing that the Web has changed about modern communication, it's that we've at long last done away with the archaic idea that publishing is the private playground of people who have ideas, experiences, and opinions.
- Lore Sjoberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Dolores Hart
The body is precious and the body is always going to speak through its own capacity for communication and love.
- Dolores Hart
Collection: Communication
Image of Raymond Kelly
New York is safer than it has been - and it's getting safer. But it's never safe. As the financial and communications capital of the world, this is where terrorists want to make a statement, where they get the most bang for the buck.
- Raymond Kelly
Collection: Communication
Image of McKenzie Wark
What makes globalization even possible in the first place? One answer would be that it requires the regularization of some kind of media and communication infrastructure. When you have that, you might get globalized economic trade within some political or imperial framework, but it is likely you'll get transnational cultural flows as well. Globalizing trade can lead to a cosmopolitan culture, but also to all sorts of nationalistic or racist or patriarchal reactions to those as breaches of imaginary communities.
- McKenzie Wark
Collection: Communication
Image of Suzanne Nossel
You can get an audience, you can get followers all over the world and there's great power and excitement in those connections but there also is grave danger of misinterpretation, sometimes something can be incendiary and we also see what I think of as an arms race between these new technologies that allow for expression and communication and then new methods of surveillance and suppression.
- Suzanne Nossel
Collection: Communication
Image of Aldous Huxley
In regard to propaganda the early advocates of universal literacy and a free press envisaged only two possibilities: the propaganda might be true, or the propaganda might be false. They did not foresee what in fact has happened, above all in our Western capitalist democracies - the development of a vast mass communications industry, concerned in the main neither with the true nor the false, but with the unreal, the more or less totally irrelevant. In a word, they failed to take into account man's almost infinite appetite for distractions.
- Aldous Huxley
Collection: Communication
Image of Andrew Skurka
Mobile communications have two functions: as a safety net, and as a marketing tool. I think it'd be foolish to not carry one for safety sake. Using one for marketing is an optional activity, and I've generally stayed away from extensively using one for this purpose because it's a distraction.
- Andrew Skurka
Collection: Communication
Image of Aaron Belz
Humor and absurdism are inevitable. If you look at our current massive flow of consumer products and digital communication and related media from a sort of astute perspective and carefully state what you see you can't help but sounding like you're joking.
- Aaron Belz
Collection: Communication
Image of Joe Swanberg
I think in general I personally have a tendency to protect other people's feelings, and I've noticed that becomes a major hindrance to communication. It's better to just be honest, even if it's painful.
- Joe Swanberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Phyllis Bentley
It's a useful rule in Anglo-American communications that the English should double, and the Americans halve, the number of words they would normally employ.
- Phyllis Bentley
Collection: Communication
Image of Martin Starr
I’ve had unsatisfying experiences, but mostly it’s about communication, which is why I make an effort to talk to the director beforehand to make sure we see eye-to-eye as creative individuals. If [good] communication isn’t present, you can lose something and end up very unhappy.
- Martin Starr
Collection: Communication
Image of Sergey Akhromeyev
We are not pursuing research to develop ABM space systems. There are studies to improve systems of warning against a missile attack, communications and navigation systems and to develop ground-based ABM defences.
- Sergey Akhromeyev
Collection: Communication
Image of George F. Kennan
Popular revolt against a ruthless, experienced modern dictatorship, which enjoys a monopoly over weapons and communications, ... is simply not a possibility in the modern age.
- George F. Kennan
Collection: Communication
Image of Ivan Chermayeff
Styles come and go, design goes on forever: solving communication problems with new tools applied to the same old common sense.
- Ivan Chermayeff
Collection: Communication
Image of Kenya Hara
Successful communication depends on how well we listen, rather than how well we push our opinions on the person seated before us.
- Kenya Hara
Collection: Communication
Image of Thomas Kuhn
Communication across the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial.
- Thomas Kuhn
Collection: Communication
Image of Russell Baker
The worst thing about the miracle of modern communications is the Pavlovian pressure it places upon everyone to communicate whenever a bell rings.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Communication
Image of Laurence Meyer
I accept the proposition that there has been a significant improvement in underlying productivity growth in the United States, that it is very closely tied to improvements in information and communications technology, and that it is likely to spread around the world. But I resist the new economy label because it seems to encourage a disrespect for the old rules that could seriously undermine our success in taking advantage of the new opportunities.
- Laurence Meyer
Collection: Communication
Image of Laurence Meyer
There are broader and narrower definitions of the new economy. The narrow version defines the new economy in terms of two principal developments: first, an increase in the economy's maximum sustainable growth rate and, second, the spread and increasing importance of information and communications technology.
- Laurence Meyer
Collection: Communication
Image of Lisa Kudrow
This is who I am. Not everybody has to like it.
- Lisa Kudrow
Collection: Communication
Image of Ryuhei Kitamura
Wherever I make a movie, no matter what size it is, it's always about a straightforward communication with the producer.
- Ryuhei Kitamura
Collection: Communication