Top communication Quotes Collection - Page 28

Discover a curated collection of communication quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 28 provides more communication quotes.

Image of Pankaj Mishra
As a novelist, your impulse is toward multiplicity: multiple voices, multiple perceptions, multiple nuances, the ambiguity in human communication. Fiction really is the ultimate home for that sense of ambiguity.
- Pankaj Mishra
Collection: Communication
Image of Martin Lindstrom
Brands' use of social media is not a matter of yes or no. It is simply a matter of how and when. The next generation of consumers will expect their brands to always be available, providing interactive experiences and bringing value to our lives by taking advantage of social media tools in their marketing communications
- Martin Lindstrom
Collection: Communication
Image of Valeria Lukyanova
My communication with aliens is not verbal - we speak the language of light.
- Valeria Lukyanova
Collection: Communication
Image of Cheryl Heller
All life is profoundly dependent on communication.
- Cheryl Heller
Collection: Communication
Image of Lee De Forest
I foresee great refinements in the field of short-pulse microwave signaling, whereby several simultaneous programs may occupy the same channel, in sequence, with incredibly swift electronic communication... Short waves will be generally used in the kitchen for roasting and baking, almost instantaneously...
- Lee De Forest
Collection: Communication
Image of Shaunti Feldhahn
Some things just push a man's buttons. This goes beyond what we say-and into how we say it.
- Shaunti Feldhahn
Collection: Communication
Image of Josh Groban
Singing brings out in me what I can't normally bring out in everyday life. It's an incredible feeling to be able to bare your soul to people you've never met in a way that can make them understand so clearly what you mean. That's what I love most about singing ... it becomes my truest form of communication.
- Josh Groban
Collection: Communication
Image of Bill Frist
In April, I asked my staff to determine if Senate rules and relevant laws would allow me to direct the trustees to sell any remaining HCA stock. In May, my staff worked with outside counsel and with the Senate ethics committee staff to draft a written communication to the trustees. After obtaining pre-approval by mid-June from the Senate ethics committee, I issued a letter directing my trustees to sell any remaining HCA stock in my family's trust.
- Bill Frist
Collection: Communication
Image of Charles Hampden-Turner
What if the book (of Genesis) is describing a dawning awareness of the world? The anthropologist Edmund Leach has argued that the 'bit' or binary digit is the basic unit of pre-logical communication. Genesis is a sprouting of 'bits', ie elementary binary distinctions.
- Charles Hampden-Turner
Collection: Communication
Image of Mufi Hannemann
The lesson from Hurricane Katrina was communication, communication, communication, .. Public safety has to be a priority. Then we can go to constituents and start talking about investments that have to be made in upgrading the networks.
- Mufi Hannemann
Collection: Communication
Image of Mufi Hannemann
One of the lessons of 9/11 and (Hurricane) Katrina was 'communication, communication, communication, .. We don't want to have to say 'should have, could have, would have.'.
- Mufi Hannemann
Collection: Communication
Image of Hans-Georg Gadamer
The process of translating comprises in its essence the whole secret of human understanding of the world and of social communication.
- Hans-Georg Gadamer
Collection: Communication
Image of Alfred M. Gray
Communications without intelligence is noise. Intelligence without communications is irrelevant.
- Alfred M. Gray
Collection: Communication
Image of Glen Davis
I was analyzing the guys' nonverbal communication.
- Glen Davis
Collection: Communication
Image of Katherine McCoy
Traditional communication design and the digital revolution will certainly blend and integrate, as clients’ communications needs rarely involve just one medium.
- Katherine McCoy
Collection: Communication
Image of Seth Green
The communication has evolved to such a degree that kids under 25 can connect to each other so quickly and so immediately that they really don't have the patience or understanding for inherited rhetoric.
- Seth Green
Collection: Communication
Image of Simin Behbahani
No one can create a noteworthy work without knowing the tenets of their own language and literature. Language is renewed but it never changes its essence, because the contracts that have come about over time for communication cannot be rescinded so easily.
- Simin Behbahani
Collection: Communication
Image of Edward Gibbon
An extensive empire must be supported by a refined system of policy and oppression; in the centre, an absolute power, prompt in action and rich in resources; a swift and easy communication with the extreme parts; fortifications to check the first effort of rebellion; a regular administration to protect and punish; and a well-disciplined army to inspire fear, without provoking discontent and despair.
- Edward Gibbon
Collection: Communication
Image of James Wan
Your actors need to trust you as a director, but normally, I think you just need to have an open communication between the actors and the director. I think the director needs to really paint his or her vision to the cast and let them know the kind of mood that he or she is making. I think that's very important.
- James Wan
Collection: Communication
Image of Tony Jeary
Communication goes beyond the words we choose.
- Tony Jeary
Collection: Communication
Image of Flying Lotus
I used to be really into traditional meditation, but I found that creating new music is the best meditation. When I'm able to get into that space, nothing else matters, and I'm just a vessel for whatever the message is; I feel like I'm not in control. It's like this organic communication, and I feel like that is the quiet, in a way.
- Flying Lotus
Collection: Communication
Image of Marvin Hamlisch
Music can make a difference. There is a global nature to music, which has the potential to bring all people together. Music is truly an international language, and I hope to contribute by widening communication as much as I can.
- Marvin Hamlisch
Collection: Communication
Image of John Myers
Bedford definitely stands out as a community that's designed to appease to a broader range of budgets and lifestyles. The opportunity for a diverse neighborhood that encourages community activity and social interaction is what we feel makes Bedford a model community in this industry.
- John Myers
Collection: Communication
Image of Oren Arnold
Man's command of the language is most important. Next to kissing, it's the most exciting form of communication.
- Oren Arnold
Collection: Communication
Image of Giles Duley
I've learned to listen in all aspects of life, in all relationships and communications. The biggest lesson is to listen.
- Giles Duley
Collection: Communication
Image of Richard Pascale
Contrary to widespread faith in "communication" and "knowledge transfer," information has a social life, and unless new insights are embedded in the social system they evaporate.
- Richard Pascale
Collection: Communication
Image of Robert Barr
No one can tell, when two people walk closely together, what unconscious communication one mind may have with another
- Robert Barr
Collection: Communication
Image of Lily King
I've always thought of writing as sort of active communication.
- Lily King
Collection: Communication
Image of Buju Banton
Lock all communication. If there's no light within my day. I'd rather stay in isolation. For that special someone a lifetime I'll wait.
- Buju Banton
Collection: Communication
Image of Don Herold
Conversation: The slowest form of human communication.
- Don Herold
Collection: Communication
Image of John Assaraf
We are going to learn more by what we see than by what we hear. Our actions speak so loudly that we don't have to say a word.. Words only account for about seven percent of our communication.
- John Assaraf
Collection: Communication
Image of Brett Leonard
I think it's really important to have inter-generational relationships right; some level of communication between us silver-backed gorillas, who have been looking at and working on these problems for years, and the next generation of problem-solvers. And it's happening. So it's a very exciting time because of it. And a lot of the young people I'm working with, it's very exciting. Their enthusiasm, the revolutionary nature of what they're doing, what they're being driven by.
- Brett Leonard
Collection: Communication
Image of Mark Gevisser
There is one key area in which Zuma has made no attempt at reconciliation whatsoever: criminal justice and security. The ministers of justice, defence, intelligence (now called "state security" in a throwback to both apartheid and the ANC's old Stalinist past), police and communications are all die-hard Zuma loyalists. Whatever their line functions, they will also play the role they have played so ably to date: keeping Zuma out of court - and making sure the state serves Zuma as it once did Mbeki.
- Mark Gevisser
Collection: Communication
Image of Eric A. Havelock
Could it be argued that if the Chinese revolution seems to be a response to the needs of rural society, whereas the Russian is an urbanized phenomenon, this difference corresponds to that which exists between the users of two different forms of written communication, the one archaic, the other alphabetic?
- Eric A. Havelock
Collection: Communication
Image of Eric Holder
To those in the executive branch who say ‘just trust us’ when it comes to secret and warrantless surveillance of domestic communications, I say, ‘Remember your history.’
- Eric Holder
Collection: Communication
Image of Jenny Hval
I'm inspired by that rawness in very direct communication. My work is not meant to keep people happy or give them an escape.
- Jenny Hval
Collection: Communication
Image of Randal Marlin
Anyone familiar with the marvels of the Worldwide Web can hardly fail to see that we have entered a new era in communications on a scale perhaps comparable to the invention of the Gutenberg press.
- Randal Marlin
Collection: Communication
Image of Randal Marlin
There are many special interests skilful at manipulating circumstances and communications in such a way as to benefit their own ends and not necessarily the public good.
- Randal Marlin
Collection: Communication
Image of Leonard Saffir
In crisis management, be quick with the facts, slow with the blame.
- Leonard Saffir
Collection: Communication
Image of Lewis Schiff
I found that I loved producing that kind of propaganda and I loved the power that a few students with a Macintosh computer could wield. I was hooked on communications at that point.
- Lewis Schiff
Collection: Communication
Image of Rachel Martin
There's no way to get around it; online dating is work. And some people are more skilled at this kind of communication than others.
- Rachel Martin
Collection: Communication
Image of Robert Lyn Nelson
My painting Two Worlds actually changed the way people see the world.
- Robert Lyn Nelson
Collection: Communication
Image of Peter Farb
Gestures and facial expressions do indeed communicate, as anyone can prove by turning off the sound on a television set and asking watchers to characterize the speakers from the picture alone.
- Peter Farb
Collection: Communication
Image of Bob Johnson
If we are to succeed we must communicate.
- Bob Johnson
Collection: Communication
Image of Erika Lust
I always ask my actors with whom they'd like to work. Before shooting we discuss how their characters are supposed to have sex. Everybody knows that communication is important; it's no problem to say you need a break.
- Erika Lust
Collection: Communication
Image of Anne Roe
Nothing in science has any value to society if it is not communicated, and scientists are beginning to learn their social obligations.
- Anne Roe
Collection: Communication
Image of Jim Rowe
Success is the 'discovery,' the creation of an idea, pulling something out of the depths of your mind that never existed before. To further complete that success, a painting is made as a communication tool for that idea.
- Jim Rowe
Collection: Communication
Image of Gary A. Klein
Rigor is not a substitute for imagination.
- Gary A. Klein
Collection: Communication
Image of Michael Bell
I continuously strive to touch lives.
- Michael Bell
Collection: Communication