Vince Staples

Image of Vince Staples
If you try to make music and try to convey to everyone that everything is all peachy-keen, you might come off like you're full of it, and that could be something that draws listeners away.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Trying
Image of Vince Staples
When you have this job [as an entertainer] you're suddenly not a person anymore.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Jobs
Image of Vince Staples
I love Louisiana fried fish, but it's all Martin Luther King, I can't go over there.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Kings
Image of Vince Staples
Just be comfortable. Sometimes, when open up for a bigger artist at a conventional concert, you can feel unwelcome. But when you're playing a festival, people come to see music in general - so don't be fearful. The people are there to enjoy and discover new music so approach the show with confidence and optimism.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Artist
Image of Vince Staples
Music was never really something I wanted to do, so I never thought about it as a kid.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Kids
Image of Vince Staples
I don't really have a focus, I just make music.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Focus
Image of Vince Staples
I was never like, "Oh man, I want a Grammy and I'll do whatever it takes". Someone like that might not do what it takes to have a decent touring career, because they're in the studio trying to master whatever they're doing to win a Grammy.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Winning
Image of Vince Staples
When kids can't come to my show, I feel bad, because grown-up 21 and up people really probably don't need my help as much as an 11-year-old child.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Children
Image of Vince Staples
Someone who only wants to play sold-out shows will find a tempo that works at the shows and then focus on making that kind of music, but maybe they'll miss out on other things because of it.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Play
Image of Vince Staples
I live in a pretty liberal place, so it's a lot of hidden racism and things like that. If you really look up California, it's a really shitty place when it comes to things like that. So I think it will just take time. Old people have to die. Once the generation right under my Mom dies, we'll be fine.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Mom
Image of Vince Staples
I don't think I've ever been personally fulfilled performing. It's kind of a challenging thing; it's more of a sacrifice for the people that I love.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Sacrifice
Image of Vince Staples
If your children don't fight, they won't love each other when they get older! It's a common thing.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Children
Image of Vince Staples
Drugs are horrible; I say no to drugs. I've never done drugs in my life.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Drug
Image of Vince Staples
I've heard a lot of crack stories. I heard a RZA crack story, up close and personal, over a platter of 100 chicken wings that only him and his friend ate. It was a good day.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Good Day
Image of Vince Staples
We have bad things happen, but it's not like Syria, which we ignore and pretend doesn't happen. We've got it pretty good, no matter who the president is, to be honest.
- Vince Staples
Collection: President
Image of Vince Staples
Rappers kinda look stupid sometimes. Most of the time. I'm pretty sure I look stupid too a lot.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Stupid
Image of Vince Staples
I wake up sometimes with an idea and then I write it down. It's not necessarily easy, but when you focus on something it comes.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Writing
Image of Vince Staples
School doesn't really teach you how to interact with people properly, you learn that outside of school.
- Vince Staples
Collection: School
Image of Vince Staples
A lot of music comes from a selfish place.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Selfish
Image of Vince Staples
My brothers used to beat me up, but I used to fight my sisters 'cuz I couldn't hit them back, so I had to find specific severe ways to punish them.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Brother
Image of Vince Staples
Radio is better than writing because they can't lie. Cause sometimes writers be straight lying, bro, and these headlines be making me mad.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Lying
Image of Vince Staples
Where I come from, there's no common enemy, there's no "why." There's no, "I hate white people."
- Vince Staples
Collection: Hate
Image of Vince Staples
The work is the understanding of the people that you're speaking for. The further you get away from that, the further you are from the work.
- Vince Staples
Collection: People
Image of Vince Staples
I don't care at all. I don't know the difference from one president to the next.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Differences
Image of Vince Staples
I feel like that's the reason a lot of pop music doesn't have that grasp that other forms of music do, because it's more rooted in only the happier aspects of life - there's not really a connection.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Connections
Image of Vince Staples
I just make what I'm making, and then one day I won't want to make it anymore. I think that's a luxury we should be able to have as people, especially as artists.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Artist
Image of Vince Staples
I hate when a show has an age limit. Like a little tiny child is standing outside, like, 'Hey, I wanted to go but I couldn't.' That sucks.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Children
Image of Vince Staples
The ones that actually affect people who don't have enough money to change them - which is almost everybody. But that has nothing to do with the president.
- Vince Staples
Collection: People
Image of Vince Staples
I've had a lot of people online say they're going to kill me at my shows. A lot of people say they're going to punch me in the face - never happened. It's just people being sad because their life sucks.
- Vince Staples
Collection: People
Image of Vince Staples
Everybody deserves a right to be happy.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Deserve
Image of Vince Staples
That's something that I've always gotten: a sense of humanity, a sense of awareness of yourself and the world around you.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Humanity
Image of Vince Staples
When I was a kid I used to want to be a Beethoven or something. That was my dream.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Dream
Image of Vince Staples
I live in a pretty liberal place, so it's a lot of hidden racism and things like that. If you really look up California, it's a really shitty place when it comes to things like that.
- Vince Staples
Collection: California
Image of Vince Staples
We should focus on the things that are bad that we can immediately control, because people are always going to be people.
- Vince Staples
Collection: People
Image of Vince Staples
Hip-hop culture is deeply rooted in the wrong things. Hip-hop is about drugs right now. It's more so about drugs - about selling drugs, about using drugs - it's bad for kids.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Kids
Image of Vince Staples
I'm just saying what I think about at the time. I don't make a point to do anything, really.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Thinking
Image of Vince Staples
I saw The Revenant, and they were calling Native Americans "tree niggers," and that is not cool.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Native American
Image of Vince Staples
It's human nature, we take a mile when we're given an inch. We're crazy. You see what we did to the animals! They don't even exist anymore!
- Vince Staples
Collection: Crazy
Image of Vince Staples
Hopefully New Zealand let me stay, and they don't kick me out and ban me. And I hope I don't get killed by a kangaroo, 'cuz I heard that happens out there.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Kangaroos
Image of Vince Staples
It really hurts my feelings when people are mean to old people, or when people yell at their little kids. Just ask them what's wrong, bro. I think we all just need to be nicer.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Hurt
Image of Vince Staples
We live in an age where everyone is so opinionated about everything in general in life, especially their expertise or their personal knowledge of anything that they're commenting on.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Personal Knowledge
Image of Vince Staples
I say what I have to say at the moment and when I don't want to say it anymore, then I won't.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Want
Image of Vince Staples
I think I'm pretty regular. I try to keep it pretty regular; I go to sleep early. I don't know what distances me from other rap artists - I haven't met a lot of 'em.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Distance
Image of Vince Staples
Sprite really does taste different everywhere! That's like a fact. Because of certain regulations, you can only put so many sugars.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Doe
Image of Vince Staples
So many things come from people's parents lying to them about the truth about things. I feel like, once those ideas die with people, we'll be good in a couple of generations.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Couple
Image of Vince Staples
We give people way too much credit. People just get crazy.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Crazy
Image of Vince Staples
When people ask me my influences and I'm like, "nobody" they're like, "there has to be somebody." People seem to think you have to have an influence.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Thinking
Image of Vince Staples
I remember, once, my sister used to tell me that they found me in the trash-can when I was younger, so one time I pushed my sister into a trash-can - I put it over her head and pushed her down the street. And then after that, we been close ever since.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Remember
Image of Vince Staples
If you don't put out a shirt for eight months, that doesn't mean it took you eight months to make the shirt.
- Vince Staples
Collection: Mean