Taylor Momsen

Image of Taylor Momsen
I've always wanted to make a record.
- Taylor Momsen
Image of Taylor Momsen
I'm a big fan of Die Antwoord, which is a different style than I normally listen to.
- Taylor Momsen
Image of Taylor Momsen
People misinterpret what I say all the time: They think I'm being offensive, when really, I'm only being opinionated.
- Taylor Momsen
Image of Taylor Momsen
I'm completely neurotic, totally anxious and high-strung all the time.
- Taylor Momsen
Image of Taylor Momsen
My mum's really short so she always wears really tall heels, and I used to steal them and now it's just a part of my everyday life.
- Taylor Momsen
Image of Taylor Momsen
The Beatles did everything first, and they did it the best.
- Taylor Momsen
Image of Taylor Momsen
I really enjoy English and poetry and writing classes.
- Taylor Momsen
Image of Taylor Momsen
I'm not interested in playing the field and all that stuff because frankly I'm not into frivolous relationships.
- Taylor Momsen
Image of Taylor Momsen
My legs are really long and that's cool apparently, but I'm totally klutzy. I mean, I'm like Bambi. I fall all over myself because I can't control my arms and my really long legs.
- Taylor Momsen
Image of Taylor Momsen
New York's home. It's everything I'd want it to be. It's the most inspiring city I've ever been to, and I haven't been everywhere in the world, but I've been to quite a few places.
- Taylor Momsen
Image of Taylor Momsen
You get more insight as you get older, on everything.
- Taylor Momsen
Image of Taylor Momsen
I kind of woke up one morning and was like, 'Oh I see what's happening, I get everything'. I woke up and was like, 'I get it, I'm a product.'
- Taylor Momsen
Image of Taylor Momsen
I'm not happy if I'm not making music; it's as simple as that. It's a need.
- Taylor Momsen
Image of Taylor Momsen
I can work 24 hours a day and not have it bother me.
- Taylor Momsen
Image of Taylor Momsen
My style's not for everyone - I'm an extremist.
- Taylor Momsen
Image of Taylor Momsen
I don't work with a stylist.
- Taylor Momsen
Image of Taylor Momsen
Edie Sedgwick had a cool style; she pushed the envelope for the time.
- Taylor Momsen
Image of Taylor Momsen
My thing about going to the gym is that I leave my bracelets on, and I put on my makeup the way I would do it in real life, and I wear cute clothes, because if I don't feel good when I leave the house, then I'm not motivated to do it. I need to like how I look while I'm doing it.
- Taylor Momsen
Image of Taylor Momsen
I don't eat any red meat.
- Taylor Momsen
Image of Taylor Momsen
I could hum Beatles songs before I could talk - not very well, but sort of.
- Taylor Momsen
Image of Taylor Momsen
I think Robert Plant is the quintessential frontman - just the way he moves. His voice is superhuman.
- Taylor Momsen
Image of Taylor Momsen
Like, when I write a song, the song comes first before production. Everything is written on an acoustic guitar so you can strip away everything from it and have it be equally as entertaining and good without the bells and whistles.
- Taylor Momsen
Image of Taylor Momsen
The goal as a musician, I think, is to be able to make music as a living for the rest of your life.
- Taylor Momsen
Image of Taylor Momsen
My goal isn't to shock.
- Taylor Momsen
Image of Taylor Momsen
I don't believe there's a hole in the ground with demons in it but I could be wrong. Hell is all around us - it's the way we treat each other and the way we treat the Earth. We already live in it.
- Taylor Momsen
Collection: Believe
Image of Taylor Momsen
I believe in good, having morals, be a decent person.
- Taylor Momsen
Collection: Believe
Image of Taylor Momsen
I'm not someone who likes to go out very much.
- Taylor Momsen
Collection: Likes
Image of Taylor Momsen
People think pop is rock, and the lines are getting blurred. Now Rihanna's wearing f-ckin' leather jackets, and it's really annoying . . . (My style is) high-class hooker. I dress for myself. Clearly, it's provocative, but it makes me feel good. And if the only reason it makes someone uncomfortable is because I'm 17, then that person's a scumbag because it shouldn't matter.
- Taylor Momsen
Collection: Thinking
Image of Taylor Momsen
You can't change what happened.
- Taylor Momsen
Collection: Can't Change
Image of Taylor Momsen
I write about what I know, what I live, what I observe.
- Taylor Momsen
Collection: Writing
Image of Taylor Momsen
I'm always writing. It's kind of a curse: You never stop. But I need isolation to write. So the real meat of the material comes when I'm off the road.
- Taylor Momsen
Collection: Real
Image of Taylor Momsen
I'm a promoter of masturbation. Don't sleep around...learn yourself first! Guys do it, but girls don't. They should.
- Taylor Momsen
Collection: Girl
Image of Taylor Momsen
This is my life, and I want to live it and enjoy it if I can.
- Taylor Momsen
Collection: Want
Image of Taylor Momsen
There's a lot of things in my past that wouldn't have necessarily been my choices but at the same time, going back in time and changing something, I wouldn't want to do that because I like where I came out.
- Taylor Momsen
Collection: Past
Image of Taylor Momsen
I have such trust comples. I'm close to like two people.
- Taylor Momsen
Collection: Two
Image of Taylor Momsen
The Beatles are, first and foremost, my favorite band of all time.
- Taylor Momsen
Collection: Band
Image of Taylor Momsen
I really enjoy English and poetry and writing classes. You do get writer's block when you're writing music, and having inspiration from other great writers is great. You have to look for inspiration because sometimes music isn't the only thing that you can look at.
- Taylor Momsen
Collection: Block
Image of Taylor Momsen
When I realized I could actually make my decisions, it was a very strange feeling. It's like a switch went off in my brain, like, "Oh, then why am I doing this? I don't enjoy this, so I'm just gonna stop doing this."
- Taylor Momsen
Collection: Decision
Image of Taylor Momsen
I love comedy. If I could be a comedian - well, I probably would not take that job because it seems really hard, but I wish I could be.
- Taylor Momsen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Taylor Momsen
I have a place in New England. It's in the middle of nowhere, like horror movie style - Stephen King-ville. It's a good kind of retreat for me to regroup my thoughts and work. I split time: 50 percent there, 50 percent in New York
- Taylor Momsen
Collection: Kings
Image of Taylor Momsen
I think I'm a homebody. I don't talk to anyone. I sit at home, and no one asks me questions or I'm talking about goat noises.
- Taylor Momsen
Collection: Home
Image of Taylor Momsen
I like to wear a lot of baggy things. Like, I buy guys' clothes, like T-shirts, and I cut them up and wear them loose, but my blazers have to be really fitted. I also like layering things and really short skirts - or showing off my legs.
- Taylor Momsen
Collection: Cutting
Image of Taylor Momsen
I live very strictly by the mentality that what goes on the road, stays on the road. I keep it contained.
- Taylor Momsen
Collection: Goes On
Image of Taylor Momsen
I like to wear platform heels onstage and they're actually hard to find. But fans started putting money in them - so now they are filled with tons of bills. It's pretty amazing.
- Taylor Momsen
Collection: Fans
Image of Taylor Momsen
When you finish something of great importance to you and then it's over, you're left with this giant hole.
- Taylor Momsen
Collection: Over You
Image of Taylor Momsen
You write a lot of bad songs before you write good ones. It takes time!
- Taylor Momsen
Collection: Song
Image of Taylor Momsen
I'll let the record [Who You Selling For] speak for itself. I don't want to get too in-depth with my personal opinions of it and where the songs came from because I think it messes with the listener to know the inside mindset of the writer. For example, I watched a Pink Floyd documentary the other day, and I learned that "Shine on You Crazy Diamond" was about [frontman] Syd Barrett. I didn't want to know that!
- Taylor Momsen
Collection: Song
Image of Taylor Momsen
There are pop-culture things on television [that I like]. Not so much in music at all.
- Taylor Momsen
Collection: Culture
Image of Taylor Momsen
Obviously everyone has things in their past that they don't enjoy looking back on [Laughs], but no, you can't change it.
- Taylor Momsen
Collection: Past