Suzanne Brockmann

Image of Suzanne Brockmann
I love the fact that so many of my readers are intelligent, exceptional, accomplished people with an open-minded love of diversity. But even more than that, I love it when my readers find lasting friendship with others of my readers - knowing that they met through their mutual affection for my books and characters makes me happy!
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Friendship
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
Dare, dream, dance, smile, and sing loudly! And have faith that love is an unstoppable force!
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Faith
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
Marriage equality is coming, and not merely to a theater near you.
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Equality
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
The lust and attraction are often a given in a romance novel - I want to dig into the elements of true friendship that form a foundation for a solid, gonna-last-forever romantic relationship.
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Romantic
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
Sometimes it takes you awhile to get to it, but you always get there, and what you say is always worth waiting for.
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Waiting
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
If he's at this party, I want you to stay far away from him." "Shouldn't that rule apply to you, and Jules, too? Unless your penises make you magically bulletproof.
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Party
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
Life. Unfair and painful at times. But always moving forward, always shifting,changing, with times relentless passage smoothing down jagged parts until it no longer hurts quite so much to breathe.
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Hurt
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
Recovering from a gunshot wound is not a vacation. You need to, like, write that on your hand or something.
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Writing
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
Forget about writing to Penthouse. This one was going to be a story for their grandkids.
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Writing
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
I really like writing heroes who arent necessarily Hollywood handsome. Personally, I think men who are self-confident, intelligent, and funny are outrageously attractive - and my heroines tend to think that, too!
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Hero
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
My favorite color is you.
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Color
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
You love me,” he said. “That’s all I need to know.” “You always say the right thing,” Savannah told him, her eyes so filled with love that he almost wept. “Sometimes it takes you awhile to get to it, but you always get there, and what you say is always worth waiting for.
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Eye
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
This wasn't Weirdville, this was fricking Wonderland. Alice here was all grow up, but she was still chowing down on too much of that psychedelic mushroom.
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
He spoke in telegram-as if every word he used cost five bucks, and he only had a twenty in his wallet.
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Twenties
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
That leaves Decker and what's his name, Mr. I'm Too Sexy for My Shirt.
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Sexy
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
No doubt about it, Lawrence Decker was the reason God had invented nakedness.
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Doubt
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
...there's no such thing as an underwear elf. Even when it goes missing, it's somewhere in the room. So make sure you find it." -- DARK OF NIGHT by Suzanne Brockmann
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Dark
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
I know the M-word makes you nervous, but yeah. I'm talking about the big, permanent friendship. A little different from what Joe and Charles had, though. See, I want to be the kind of best friends who make love every night, who share all their darkest secrets and favorite jokes, and maybe even someday make babies together. I know that kind of friendship requires hard work, but you know, I'm pretty good at hard work. ~ Tom Paoletti, "The Unsung Hero
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Baby
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
If you want, I can carry you—” “I’m fine,” she said shortly. “Let’s go.” He’d said that wrong. He should have said, “I want to carry you.
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Should Have
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
I’m going to carry you now,” he told her, “so we can move even faster. I’m not asking you, I’m telling you. Any response from you is unnecessary and unwelcome.
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Moving
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
You couldn't attach a 'but' to 'I love you'. You could onlt attach an 'and'.
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Love You
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
Jenk shook his head as he headed for the rental car counter. He felt his shoulders tightening as he walked away, certain that Izzy wasn't quite ready to be silent or invisible yet. He was halfway there when Izzy shouted, "Jenkins! I wish I could quit yew!" Of course. The obligatory Brokeback Mountain reference. Jenk flipped Zanella a double bird without bothering to look back.
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Halfway There
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
Everything in my life has been leading up to this," he whispered. "Everything that's happened, everything I've done has been worth it because it's brought me here.
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Done
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
That's actually kind of scary. Sex with a mime. Do I have to pay extra to make sure you don't do the trapped-in-a-box thing while we're doing it?
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Sex
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
I remain convinced that the most valuable use of time for a newly published author is to write a second book that's even better than the first, and a third that's better than the second, and on and on.
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Book
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
I'm a fan of meeting readers face to face, at reader events, where we're able to sit down and take some time to talk.
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Events
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
I love the fact that so many of my readers are intelligent, exceptional, accomplished people with an open-minded love of diversity.
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
What do you think, Ronnie? Do you think we could stop after just one kiss?
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Kissing
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
My glass is not only half-full, it holds five-hundred-dollar-a-bottle Dom Perignon champagne.
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Glasses
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
-When I was growing up, Lieutenant Uhura was a major role model for me, a strong black woman on the bridge of a starship… -In a miniskirt, answering the interplanetary telephone?
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Strong
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
Two Navy SEALs versus one angry seven-month-old," he mused, "The odds could go either way.
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Odds
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
He wanted to wake up to her smile every day for the rest of his life, like some stupid coffee commercial on TV.
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Stupid
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
The lust and attraction are often a given in a romance novel – I want to dig into the elements of true friendship that form a foundation for a solid, gonna-last-forever romantic relationship.
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Romance