Top Events Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Events quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Bernhard Schlink
The tectonic layers of our lives rest so tightly one on top of the other that we always come up against earlier events in later ones, not as matter that has been fully formed and pushed aside, but absolutely present and alive. I understand this. Nonetheless, I sometimes find it hard to bear.
- Bernhard Schlink
Collection: Events
Image of Suketu Mehta
Each person’s life is dominated by a central event, which shapes and distorts everything that comes after it and, in retrospect, everything that came before.
- Suketu Mehta
Collection: Events
Image of Tom Ridge
Following a terrorism-related event, fear and panic can be expected from both patients and health care providers.
- Tom Ridge
Collection: Events
Image of Paul Ricoeur
Testimony demands to be interpreted because of the dialectic of meaning and event that traverses it
- Paul Ricoeur
Collection: Events
Image of Anya Seton
It is seldom in life that one knows that a coming event is to be of crucial importance.
- Anya Seton
Collection: Events
Image of John Robbins
Faith is not a matter of trusting that events will always occur to our liking, but of trust that, whatever happens, our inner resources will be equal to the moment.
- John Robbins
Collection: Events
Image of Janet Erskine Stuart
The less event and action there is in a scene the more I can enter into it.
- Janet Erskine Stuart
Collection: Events
Image of Mary Ruefle
Metaphor is not, and never has been, a mere literary term. It is an event.
- Mary Ruefle
Collection: Events
Image of Dervla Murphy
Buying a bicycle is a momentous event, akin to marriage: you are acquiring a partner.
- Dervla Murphy
Collection: Events
Image of James Randi
Nostradamus himself confessed that the vague manner in which he wrote his "prophecies" was so that 'they could not possibly be understood until they were interpreted after the event and by it.'
- James Randi
Collection: Events
Image of Stendhal
Almost all our misfortunes in life come from the wrong notions we have about the things that happen to us.
- Stendhal
Collection: Events
Image of Gavin Extence
Even very low-probability events can, and indeed do, occur.
- Gavin Extence
Collection: Events
Image of Fernand Braudel
Social science virtually abhors the event. Not without reason; the short-term is the most capricious and deceptive form of time.
- Fernand Braudel
Collection: Events
Image of Judith Lewis Herman
The conflict between the will to deny horrible events and the will to proclaim them aloud is the central dialectic of psychological trauma.
- Judith Lewis Herman
Collection: Events
Image of Alfred de Vigny
The events I sought were never as great as I needed them to be.
- Alfred de Vigny
Collection: Events
Image of Emile Coue
We can be, and should be, the masters of events, and not their playthings.
- Emile Coue
Collection: Events
Image of Michel Faber
Nowadays, her life is more like a newspaper: aimless, up-to-date and full of meaningless events
- Michel Faber
Collection: Events
Image of Keith Ablow
Relationships are never chance events.
- Keith Ablow
Collection: Events
Image of Kathy Reichs
I have a cotillion event. Some yacht-club charity fundraiser thingy. Whitney is insisting, and Kit took her side.” Three wide smiles. “Oh shut up.
- Kathy Reichs
Collection: Events
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
I'm a fan of meeting readers face to face, at reader events, where we're able to sit down and take some time to talk.
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Events
Image of Kim Stanley Robinson
History was like some vast thing that was always over the tight horizon, invisible except in its effects. It was what happened when you weren't looking -- an unknowable infinity of events, which although out of control, controlled everything.
- Kim Stanley Robinson
Collection: Events
Image of Grace Slick
Insignificant events can take on monumental proportions when your head is full of practically nothing.
- Grace Slick
Collection: Events
Image of Leonard Mlodinow
Our inner weighing of evidence is not a careful mathematical calculation resulting in a probabilistic estimate of truth, but more like a whirlpool blending of the objective and the personal. The result is a set of beliefs - both conscious and unconscious - that guide us in interpreting all the events of our lives.
- Leonard Mlodinow
Collection: Events
Image of A.S.A. Harrison
Every shrink knows that it's not the event itself but how you respond to it that tells the story. Take ten assorted individuals, expose them all to the same life trial, and they will each suffuse it with exquisite personal detail and meaning.
- A.S.A. Harrison
Collection: Events
Image of Franz Boas
It is our task to inquire into the causes that have brought about the observed differentiation, and to investigate the sequence of events that have led to the establishment of the multifarious forms of human life
- Franz Boas
Collection: Events
Image of Novalis
All the events of our life are materials of which we can make what we will.
- Novalis
Collection: Events
Image of Han Suyin
Many events seem to happen twice to me; even trifles, unimportant-seeming, recur, as if I were destined to live them again, time reconquered, but with added knowledge and a different outcome.
- Han Suyin
Collection: Events
Image of Cherie Carter-Scott
Every event in our lives occurs to teach us something about ourselves.
- Cherie Carter-Scott
Collection: Events
Image of Eric Chaisson
Not that chance dominated events in the early Solar System, for scientific determinism was also functioning. But chance is an essential factor in all evolutionary events, and the birth and development of our planetary system were not exceptions.
- Eric Chaisson
Collection: Events
Image of Kurt Lewin
Every psychological event depends upon the state of the person and at the same time on the environment, although their relative importance is different in different cases
- Kurt Lewin
Collection: Events
Image of Ken Burns
I have come to the realization that history is not a fixed thing, a collection of precise dates, facts and events (even cogent commencement quotes) that add up to a quantifiable, certain, confidently known, truth. It is a mysterious and malleable thing.
- Ken Burns
Collection: Events
Image of James Buchanan
The course of events is so rapidly hastening forward that the emergency may soon arise when you may be called upon to decide the momentous question whether you possess the power by force of arms to compel a State to remain in the Union
- James Buchanan
Collection: Events
Image of Isabelle Holland
Events do not really have beginnings or ends. Behind every event is the previous one, causing, or helping to cause, what follows.
- Isabelle Holland
Collection: Events
Image of Nancy Kress
Characterization is not divorced from plot, not a coat of paint you slap on after the structure of events is already built. Rather characterization is inseparable from plot.
- Nancy Kress
Collection: Events
Image of Dean Radin
The act of observing a quantum event probabalistically influences its outcome.
- Dean Radin
Collection: Events
Image of James Petigru Boyce
It [sin] cannot occur at any time nor in any form without his permission. While he does not actively originate it, he holds such absolute control over it that no single event in connection with it can take place without his permission
- James Petigru Boyce
Collection: Events
Image of Marie-Louise von Franz
Synchronistic events constitute moments in which a 'cosmic' or 'greater' meaning becomes gradually conscious in an individual; generally it is a shaking experience.
- Marie-Louise von Franz
Collection: Events
Image of Richard Rodriguez
Language is a social event.
- Richard Rodriguez
Collection: Events
Image of Sam Shoemaker
Is your Christianity ancient history--or current events?
- Sam Shoemaker
Collection: Events
Image of Gerald Edelman
Most theoretical work since the proposals of Hebb (1949) and Hayek (1952) has relied upon particular forms of dependent synaptic rules in which either pre- or postsynaptic change is contingent upon closely occurring events in both neurons taking part in the synapse.
- Gerald Edelman
Collection: Events
Image of Robert Solow
The world can, in effect, get along without natural resources, so exhaustion is just an event, not a catastrophe.
- Robert Solow
Collection: Events
Image of Polybius
On any occasion when one can discover the cause of events, one should not resort to the gods.
- Polybius
Collection: Events
Image of Klemens von Metternich
The events which can not be prevented, must be directed.
- Klemens von Metternich
Collection: Events
Image of Saul Alinsky
Keep the pressure on, with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose.
- Saul Alinsky
Collection: Events
Image of Roberto Rossellini
Noble acts and momentous events happen in the same way and produce the same impression as the ordinary facts.
- Roberto Rossellini
Collection: Events
Image of Svetlana Khorkina
I knew well in advance even before I stepped on the stage for my first event that I was going to lose.
- Svetlana Khorkina
Collection: Events
Image of James Gunn
In science fiction a fantastic event or development is considered rationally.
- James Gunn
Collection: Events
Image of Francis de Gaston, Chevalier de Levis
The uncertainty of events disturbs the purest enjoyments.
- Francis de Gaston, Chevalier de Levis
Collection: Events
Image of Herbert Benson
We can either change the complexities of life ... or develop ways that enable us to cope more effectively.
- Herbert Benson
Collection: Events
Image of Daniel Taylor
The ability to see our lives as stories rather than unrelated, random events increases the possibility for significant and purposeful action.
- Daniel Taylor
Collection: Events