Scott D. Anthony

Image of Scott D. Anthony
I think the most important thing to do is to recognize the fundamentally different circumstances of pursuing growth.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Thinking
Image of Scott D. Anthony
I think it is only in hindsight that you can determine whether something is a mistake or not.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Mistake
Image of Scott D. Anthony
Creating the new increasingly is more than 50 percent of a top leader's job.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Jobs
Image of Scott D. Anthony
In the strengthening the core job, a leader can draw on their past experiences. After all, in most cases they did the job of the people that are reporting to them! So they know when something is screwed up, they know the risks worth taking, and they know the corners to cut. But when they are creating the new, no one knows what the right answer is.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Jobs
Image of Scott D. Anthony
There's a general belief that failure is the friend of the innovator, but I've come to view it a different way.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Views
Image of Scott D. Anthony
The school at which you studied - design school, disruptive school, TRIZ school, user-centered innovation school, etc - determines the specific words you use.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: School
Image of Scott D. Anthony
The curious company studies the anomalies or the unexpected findings. The company that isn't curious ignores them or punishes people who don't do exactly what they set out to do.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: People
Image of Scott D. Anthony
Three of our core corporate values are inclusiveness, collaboration, and humility.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Humility
Image of Scott D. Anthony
People who copy what exists copy a point-in-time artifact, and if you are managing the process correctly you are already hard at work on the next thing.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: People
Image of Scott D. Anthony
Now, I worry a bit about the TEDification of the world where style trumps substance, so hopefully you have a good blend of both!
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Worry
Image of Scott D. Anthony
You have to make the decision about whether you want to avoid or you want to overcome the resistance.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Decision
Image of Scott D. Anthony
If you are trying to improve the performance of existing operations in known markets, it is an analytical problem where it's just a question of aligning your execution engine in the right way. If it is about creating something new and different, you can't derive the right answer analytically.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Creating
Image of Scott D. Anthony
You have to chip away at it and shape it to let the winning idea emerge.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Winning
Image of Scott D. Anthony
I'm not very good at sitting still.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Sitting Still
Image of Scott D. Anthony
Avoiding along some dimensions is easy. Create organization space and bring in some new talent so the innate cultural resistance is less material. Unfortunately, it's rarely that easy.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Organization
Image of Scott D. Anthony
Some people who were central to former success aren't the right people for your future success.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: People
Image of Scott D. Anthony
What looks like resistance in many cases is rational responses to incentives and ingrained resource-allocation processes.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Looks
Image of Scott D. Anthony
The reality is customers lie - not because they want to want to deceive you, but because they don't do a good job of predicting what they will do in the future.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Jobs
Image of Scott D. Anthony
It would be fun too to put some of the great philosophers and political scientists of the past couple centuries into a time machine, have them look at the world today, and see what they think. Imagine Schumpeter, Malthus, Hobbes, Nietzsche, Marx, and more! That would be good fun.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Couple
Image of Scott D. Anthony
The number one thing I urge people to remember is it is all about being scientific about managing strategic uncertainty, while striking the important balance between being thorough and being flexible.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Numbers
Image of Scott D. Anthony
Leaders today face challenges for which they are utterly unprepared.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Leader
Image of Scott D. Anthony
People who live in more than two countries are more successful innovators.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Country
Image of Scott D. Anthony
I'm suggesting that principles meant to deal with uncertainty that occurs naturally can be useful to manage the uncertainty that characterizes any new idea.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Ideas
Image of Scott D. Anthony
If you work on a new product launch, spent time in a new geography, or work to develop a completely new skill, you have no choice but to figure out new ways to solve problems.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Skills
Image of Scott D. Anthony
I have a fear right now that what I call the advertising-narcissism complex is sucking up way too much top talent.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Too Much
Image of Scott D. Anthony
I find social media as fun and engaging as the next person, but imagine if all the creative talent that was pouring into finding increasingly clever ways for us to broadcast daily banality (and then serve ads based on what is learned) instead focused on some of the UN Millennium goals? The world would be a better place.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Clever
Image of Scott D. Anthony
Bring different groups together internally, send them out to visit other companies, or bring in interesting speeches. Show that you love learning by having people on staff whose job it is to explore without any near-term metrics. Publicly shut a project down and talk about what a great job a team did because they learned so much. And so on.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Jobs
Image of Scott D. Anthony
Another key role the CEO plays is to focus efforts.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Keys
Image of Scott D. Anthony
In the face of uncertainty, many companies will default to asking their innovators to study and analyze, which can't actually ever provide a definitive answer. The decision-making systems here are meant to deal with the reality that decisions about innovative ideas will rely on patterns and intuitions. The best venture capital organizations deal with this challenge by staging investment, actively participating in startups they fund, tying decisions to learning as opposed to artificial dates on the calendar, and assembling a diverse team of decision-makers.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Team
Image of Scott D. Anthony
In the face of uncertainty, many companies will default to asking their innovators to study and analyze, which can't actually ever provide a definitive answer.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Asking
Image of Scott D. Anthony
It's very easy to skip steps when documenting an idea.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Ideas
Image of Scott D. Anthony
We fool ourselves into thinking that the spreadsheets that capture our financial projections are something different than what they are.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Thinking
Image of Scott D. Anthony
Think about how you will start and where you will go. Get the head with logic and the heart with visuals or stories. And think about your core customer and all the other stakeholders as well.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Heart
Image of Scott D. Anthony
Successful strategies adhere to a basic pattern.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Successful
Image of Scott D. Anthony
Document, evaluate, focus, test.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Focus
Image of Scott D. Anthony
First you document your idea. You should be comprehensive, but that doesn't mean you have to produce a doctoral thesis length plan. Rather you want to make sure you have touched all the different things that have to happen to succeed. Then, you evaluate your approach. The goal here isn't to figure out if your idea is good or bad, but rather to begin to figure out what are some of its weakest elements.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Mean
Image of Scott D. Anthony
Why do people do crossword puzzles? There's no reward for completing one, but some people just like the challenge.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: People
Image of Scott D. Anthony
Good innovators are careful observers, network extensively, run experiments, ask lots of questions, and find ways to bring diverse ideas together. Overarching all of this is an intrinsic interest in working through puzzles.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Running
Image of Scott D. Anthony
Checklists are really helpful ways to remind people around how to manage complicated tasks.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: People
Image of Scott D. Anthony
The reality is sometimes markets don't exist for very good reasons. It might be that there isn't a deep customer need. Or the economic model is just hard to pull off. Or maybe there is a regulatory barrier.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Reality
Image of Scott D. Anthony
It takes a great deal of humility to recognize you have made a wrong turn on the road to successful innovation, but better to stop and try a radically different approach then to continue down the wrong route for too long.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Humility
Image of Scott D. Anthony
Most companies are built to execute today's business model, not discover tomorrow's.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Today
Image of Scott D. Anthony
Data about an innovative idea is rarely crystal clear.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Data
Image of Scott D. Anthony
Innovation is doubly hard inside big companies.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Innovation
Image of Scott D. Anthony
Seeking chaos is at least one way to develop the skills and mindsets to tackle ambiguity.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Skills