Top innovation Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of innovation quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Jeffrey R. Immelt
Managing innovation better may be the only way out of the abyss called commodity hell.
- Jeffrey R. Immelt
Collection: Innovation
Image of Erskine Bowles
The US Debt is the single biggest threat I see to innovation in American business.
- Erskine Bowles
Collection: Innovation
Image of Robert Motherwell
Collage is the twentieth century's greatest innovation
- Robert Motherwell
Collection: Innovation
Image of Scott Adams
Large corporations welcome innovation and individualism in the same way the dinosaurs welcomed large meteors.
- Scott Adams
Collection: Innovation
Image of Tim Harford
Failure in Innovation - it's a price worth paying.
- Tim Harford
Collection: Innovation
Image of David Ogilvy
Encourage innovation. Change is our lifeblood, stagnation our death knell.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Innovation
Image of John Sculley
Innovation has never come through bureaucracy and hierarchy. It's always come from individuals.
- John Sculley
Collection: Innovation
Image of Richard Branson
We should all seek to innovate, or be curious about innovation. Innovation truly is one of our greatest gifts.
- Richard Branson
Collection: Innovation
Image of Joseph A. Schumpeter
Innovation is the market introduction of a technical or organisational novelty, not just its invention.
- Joseph A. Schumpeter
Collection: Innovation
Image of Joseph A. Schumpeter
Innovations are changes which cannot be decomposed into infinitessimal steps.
- Joseph A. Schumpeter
Collection: Innovation
Image of Herbert Simon
Innovation has a lot to do with your ability to recognise surprising and unusual phenomena.
- Herbert Simon
Collection: Innovation
Image of Marcus Samuelsson
Larousse Gastronomique has always been the first and last word on classic European techniques and recipes. I love that it has expanded its reach to cover world cuisines and modern culinary innovations, making it more indispensable than ever.
- Marcus Samuelsson
Collection: Innovation
Image of George Takei
Confidence in the human capacity for problem solving, for invention, for innovation.
- George Takei
Collection: Innovation
Image of Charles R. Schwab
I am like a chief. I like to taste the food. If it tastes bad, I don't serve it. I'm constantly monitoring what we do, and I'm always looking for better ways we can provide financial services, ways that would make me happy if I were a client.
- Charles R. Schwab
Collection: Innovation
Image of Geoff Mulgan
Societies advance through innovation every bit as much as economies do.
- Geoff Mulgan
Collection: Innovation
Image of Thomas Cahill
The Irish innovation was to make all confession a completely private affair between penitent and priest - and to make it as repeatable as necessary. (In fact, repetition was encouraged on the theory that, oh well, everyone pretty much sinned just about all the time.)
- Thomas Cahill
Collection: Innovation
Image of George Steiner
Tragedy speaks not of secular dilemmas which may be resolved by rational innovation, but of the unalterable bias toward inhumanity and destruction in the drift of the world.
- George Steiner
Collection: Innovation
Image of Terry Leahy
If you find it difficult to accept failure then you simply won't get any innovation because employees will be too frightened
- Terry Leahy
Collection: Innovation
Image of Sergey Brin
Too many rules will stifle innovation.
- Sergey Brin
Collection: Innovation
Image of Jack Anderson
Once an innovation is implemented it is no longer innovative.
- Jack Anderson
Collection: Innovation
Image of Brian Herbert
The first step in innovation is to know that a thing can be created. After that, the rest is a matter of detail.
- Brian Herbert
Collection: Innovation
Image of Satya Nadella
Our industry does not respect tradition - it only respects innovation.
- Satya Nadella
Collection: Innovation
Image of Janine Benyus
Biomimicry is innovation inspired by nature. In a society accustomed to dominating or 'improving' nature, this respectful imitation is a radically new approach, a revolution really. Unlike the Industrial Revolution, the Biomimicry Revolution introduces an era based not on what we can extract from nature, but on what we can learn from her.
- Janine Benyus
Collection: Innovation
Image of Wen Jiabao
Inappropriate macro economic policies in some economies, characterised by [a] low savings rate and high consumption [and] failure of financial supervision and regulation to keep up with innovation which allowed financial derivatives to spread.
- Wen Jiabao
Collection: Innovation
Image of Clayton Christensen
The answer is the disruptive innovator, an outsider, who creates a product or service for the non-existing consumer in a non-existing market for almost no profit.
- Clayton Christensen
Collection: Innovation
Image of Sydney Brenner
Innovation comes only from an assault on the unknown.
- Sydney Brenner
Collection: Innovation
Image of Vinton Cerf
By placing intelligence at the edges rather than control in the middle of the network, the Internet has created a platform for innovation.
- Vinton Cerf
Collection: Innovation
Image of Marc Benioff
You need to have a beginner's mind to create bold innovation.
- Marc Benioff
Collection: Innovation
Image of Jay Abraham
Innovation basically involves making obsolete that which you did before.
- Jay Abraham
Collection: Innovation
Image of Michael J. Gelb
Innovation is the creation and delivery of new customer value in the marketplace.
- Michael J. Gelb
Collection: Innovation
Image of Paul Keres
An innovation need not be especially ingenious, but it must be well worked out.
- Paul Keres
Collection: Innovation
Image of Diane Paulus
The musical theater is a glorious and distinctly American innovation in the history of theater.
- Diane Paulus
Collection: Innovation
Image of John Seely Brown
The locus of corporate innovations has been product development. But in times of rapid and unpredictable change, the creation of individual products becomes less important than the creation of a general organizational aptitude for innovation.
- John Seely Brown
Collection: Innovation
Image of John Seely Brown
Conversation is a catalyst for innovation
- John Seely Brown
Collection: Innovation
Image of Michael Dell
Collaboration equals innovation.
- Michael Dell
Collection: Innovation
Image of Hal Varian
Brynjolfsson and McAfee take us on a whirlwind tour of innovators and innovations around the world. But this isn't just casual sightseeing. Along the way, they describe how these technological wonders came to be, why they are important, and where they are headed.
- Hal Varian
Collection: Innovation
Image of Scott Berkun
Innovation is significant positive change.
- Scott Berkun
Collection: Innovation
Image of Pope Stephen I
Let there be no innovation; keep to what has been handed down.
- Pope Stephen I
Collection: Innovation
Image of Scott D. Anthony
In my mind, so-called "cultures of innovation" really boil down to one word: curiosity.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Innovation
Image of Pope Gregory XVI
That rule must be absolutely observed which states that, except for the most serious reasons and with the Apostolic See, no innovations are to be introduced into the holy rites of the liturgy.
- Pope Gregory XVI
Collection: Innovation
Image of Ray Mabus
A more diverse force is a stronger force. A more diverse mindset makes you a stronger force. If you have the same outlook, if you have the same mindset, you don't get much innovation.
- Ray Mabus
Collection: Innovation
Image of Thomas Piketty
It's important to realize that innovation and growth in itself are not sufficient to moderate inequality of wealth.
- Thomas Piketty
Collection: Innovation
Image of Ginni Rometty
For CEOs today, it's all about acheieving growth and efficiency through innovation. It's not about product innovation so much anymore as about innovating business models. process, culture and management.
- Ginni Rometty
Collection: Innovation
Image of Max McKeown
Innovation is new stuff that is made useful.
- Max McKeown
Collection: Innovation
Image of Burton Richter
Innovation and renewal are required to keep a laboratory on the frontiers of science.
- Burton Richter
Collection: Innovation
Image of Tom Riley
The other great innovation are things like Transparent or One Mississippi on Amazon, Master of None on Netflix, and those half-hours. It's a lot easier to watch a load of those because it's far more palatable to go, "You know, I'm just going to do one more of these."
- Tom Riley
Collection: Innovation
Image of Craig Mundie
I am not that concerned that innovation in some large scale sense will suddenly and abruptly shift from one part of the world to another.
- Craig Mundie
Collection: Innovation
Image of Israel Kirzner
Innovations until now conceived by no one at all
- Israel Kirzner
Collection: Innovation
Image of Shreya Ghoshal
The good thing is that there is a constant need for innovation, which is important in the evolution of music and sound.
- Shreya Ghoshal
Collection: Innovation
Image of Andy Bechtolsheim
Innovation is the never-ending search for better solutions
- Andy Bechtolsheim
Collection: Innovation