Top Organization Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Organization quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Julia Stiles
The thing with the Bourne movies is that they're so big in scope and the production value is so high and it takes so much organization.
- Julia Stiles
Collection: Organization
Image of Frances E. Willard
If women can organize missionary societies, temperance societies, and every kind of charitable organization... why not permit them to be ordained to preach the Gospel and administer the sacraments of the Church?
- Frances E. Willard
Collection: Organization
Image of Jeffrey R. Immelt
Every leader needs to clearly explain the top three things the organization is working on. If you can't, you are not leading well.
- Jeffrey R. Immelt
Collection: Organization
Image of Eric Ries
Products a start-up builds are really experiments…Learning about how to build a sustainable business is the outcome of those experiments [which follow] a three-step process: Build, measure, learn.” “[A startup is] … an organization dedicated to creating something new under conditions of extreme uncertainty.
- Eric Ries
Collection: Organization
Image of Hjalmar Branting
Let us return, however, to the League of Nations. To create an organization which is in a position to protect peace in this world of conflicting interests and egotistic wills is a frighteningly difficult task
- Hjalmar Branting
Collection: Organization
Image of Colin Powell
Every organization should tolerate rebels who tell the emperor he has no clothes
- Colin Powell
Collection: Organization
Image of John Ratzenberger
I speak to women's groups, Chambers of Commerce, manufacturing organizations. Just did the Mike Huckabee Show. I do about two speaking engagements a month. I still enjoy travelling.
- John Ratzenberger
Collection: Organization
Image of Alton Brown
Remember, America: organization will set you free.
- Alton Brown
Collection: Organization
Image of David Packard
More organizations die of indigestion than starvation
- David Packard
Collection: Organization
Image of Herbert Butterfield
It is not a sin to introduce a personal bias that can be recognized and discounted. The sin in historical composition is the organization of the story in such a way that bias cannot be recognized.
- Herbert Butterfield
Collection: Organization
Image of Indra Nooyi
If you want to improve the organization, you have to improve yourself.
- Indra Nooyi
Collection: Organization
Image of Indra Nooyi
I pick up the details that drive the organization insane. But sweating the details is more important than anything else
- Indra Nooyi
Collection: Organization
Image of Harvey Pekar
And no business can possibly equate happy workers (community) with profit (effectiveness). Happy workers are much more productive workers and hence contribute to profit, but no organization is formed for the idea of pleasing its employees.
- Harvey Pekar
Collection: Organization
Image of John Sculley
In the industrial age, the CEO sat on the top of the hierarchy and didn't have to listen to anybody ... In the information age, you have to listen to the ideas of people regardless of where they are in the organization.
- John Sculley
Collection: Organization
Image of Carroll Quigley
everything is too important ever to be entrusted to professional experts, because every organization of such professionals and every established social organization becomes a vested-interest institution more concerned with its efforts to maintain itself or advance its own interests than to achieve the purpose that society expects it to achieve.
- Carroll Quigley
Collection: Organization
Image of Anthony Marra
Life: a constellation of vital phenomena—organization, irritability, movement, growth, reproduction, adaptation.
- Anthony Marra
Collection: Organization
Image of Joshua Reynolds
Taste depends upon those finer emotions which make the organization of the soul.
- Joshua Reynolds
Collection: Organization
Image of Georges Braque
Never join an organization.
- Georges Braque
Collection: Organization
Image of Norbert Wiener
Just as entropy is a measure of disorganization, the information carried by a set of messages is a measure of organization. In fact, it is possible to interpret the information carried by a message as essentially the negative of its entropy, and the negative logarithm of its probability. That is, the more probable the message, the less information it gives. Cliches, for example, are less illuminating than great poems.
- Norbert Wiener
Collection: Organization
Image of Nancy Pelosi
Hamas is a humanitarian organization.
- Nancy Pelosi
Collection: Organization
Image of Feisal Abdul Rauf
Any organization or any individual that targets civilians and kills them for political agenda is a terrorist organization.
- Feisal Abdul Rauf
Collection: Organization
Image of Margaret Heffernan
Huge open source organizations like Red Hat and Mozilla manage the collaboration of hundreds of people who don't know one another and have spent no time hanging around the water cooler.
- Margaret Heffernan
Collection: Organization
Image of E. F. Schumacher
Development does not start with goods; it starts with people and their education, organization, and discipline. Without these three, all resources remain latent, untapped, potential.
- E. F. Schumacher
Collection: Organization
Image of B. Traven
The prison was very important - as everywhere on earth. Everywhere the building of a prison is the first step in the organization of a civilized state.
- B. Traven
Collection: Organization
Image of George Washington
All Freemasonry should be disbanded in America because our organization has been infiltrated by the Illuminati and they have bad intention for America and the World.
- George Washington
Collection: Organization
Image of Patrick Lencioni
If you could get all the people in an organization rowing in the same direction, you could dominate any industry, in any market, against any competition, at any time.
- Patrick Lencioni
Collection: Organization
Image of Bjarne Stroustrup
An organisation that treats its programmers as morons will soon have programmers that are willing and able to act like morons only.
- Bjarne Stroustrup
Collection: Organization
Image of Massimo Vignelli
I see graphic design as the organization of information that is semantically correct, syntactically consistent and pragmatically understandable.
- Massimo Vignelli
Collection: Organization
Image of Joseph A. Schumpeter
The strategic stimulus to economic development in Schumpeter's analysis is innovation, defined as the commercial or industrial application of something new---a new product, process or method of production, a new market or source of supply, a new form of commercial, business or financial organization.
- Joseph A. Schumpeter
Collection: Organization
Image of Madalyn Murray O'Hair
The churches rose to power on the income from tax-free property. What earthly -or heavenly- right have they got to enjoy a privilege denied to everyone else, even including nonprofit organizations? None! My contention is that with the churches exempted from property taxation, you and I have to pay that much more in taxes to make up for what they're not contributing.
- Madalyn Murray O'Hair
Collection: Organization
Image of Wendelin Van Draanen
If chaos is a necessary step in the organization of one's universe, then I was well on my way.
- Wendelin Van Draanen
Collection: Organization
Image of Herbert Simon
Many individuals and organization units contribute to every large decision, and the very problem of centralization and decentralization is a problem of arranging the complex system into an effective scheme.
- Herbert Simon
Collection: Organization
Image of Carl Schmitt
The metaphysical image that a definite epoch forges of the world has the same structure as what the world immediately understands to be appropriate as a form of its political organization.
- Carl Schmitt
Collection: Organization
Image of Harun Yahya
All the members of terrorist organizations, even those that portray themselves as Muslim organizations.....they are all Darwinists.
- Harun Yahya
Collection: Organization
Image of Matt Mullenweg
If you're building a startup or any sort of organization, take a few moments to reflect on the qualities that the people you most enjoy working with embody and the user experience of new people joining your organization, from the offer letter to their first day.
- Matt Mullenweg
Collection: Organization
Image of David Bohm
Dialogue is a space where we may see the assumptions which lay beneath the surface of our thoughts, assumptions which drive us, assumptions around which we build organizations, create economies, form nations and religions. These assumptions become habitual, mental habits that drive us, confuse us and prevent our responding intelligently to the challenges we face every day.
- David Bohm
Collection: Organization
Image of Henry Mintzberg
Organizations are communities of human beings, not collections of human resources
- Henry Mintzberg
Collection: Organization
Image of Kate Douglas Wiggin
One cannot see callers, answer the telephone, go to luncheons or dinners, visit the dentist or shoemaker, address charitable organizations in or from a bed; therefore a bed, in my experience, is simply bristling with ideas.
- Kate Douglas Wiggin
Collection: Organization
Image of Hyman Rickover
Human experience shows that people, not organizations or management systems, get things done
- Hyman Rickover
Collection: Organization
Image of Hyman Rickover
Any one detail, followed through to its source, will usually reveal the general state of readiness of the whole organization.
- Hyman Rickover
Collection: Organization
Image of Arthur Blank
You need a lot of things in any organization, but one of the critical things is trust. When you lose trust and you feel betrayed, and it's not a matter of judgment.
- Arthur Blank
Collection: Organization
Image of Dana Stabenow
Why was it that the instant you sent someone a check, no matter how worthy the organization, the first thing they did was ask you for more? Irritating, and a waste of the money she had just sent them.
- Dana Stabenow
Collection: Organization
Image of Dee Hock
An organization's success has more to do with clarity of shared purpose, common principles and strength of belief in them than to assets, expertise, operating ability or management competence, important as they may be.
- Dee Hock
Collection: Organization
Image of John Jantsch
A thrilled customer is the most potent marketing asset your organization can leverage.
- John Jantsch
Collection: Organization
Image of Theodore Levitt
All organizations are hierarchical. At each level people serve under those above them. An organization is therefore a structured institution. If it is not structured, it is a mob. Mobs do not get things done, they destroy things.
- Theodore Levitt
Collection: Organization
Image of Rushworth Kidder
The moral climate of any organization, larger than that of the individual, is created hour by hour through the multitude of choices and behaviors of its members.
- Rushworth Kidder
Collection: Organization
Image of David Meerman Scott
...many organizations don't realize that they have a much better option-they can tell their story directly to an interested market.
- David Meerman Scott
Collection: Organization
Image of Lawrence Bossidy
How people talk to each other absolutely determines how well the organization will function.
- Lawrence Bossidy
Collection: Organization
Image of Tom DeMarco
If nothing is declared unchangeable, then the organization will resist all change.
- Tom DeMarco
Collection: Organization
Image of Kurt Lewin
If you want to learn about an organization, try to change it.
- Kurt Lewin
Collection: Organization