Salman Rushdie

Image of Salman Rushdie
You've got a generation of young men - almost all are young men - in situations of great economic hardship, where they don't really have work. The chances of them making a decent life for themselves, of making a family, living in a kind of decent, happy way, are very, very remote. It's very hard for them to ever even have that as a dream, so when people are that deprived of the ordinary hope of human beings, it creates anger. And that anger can be channeled by unscrupulous persons, whether secular or religious leaders, and there's been a lot of that.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Dream
Image of Salman Rushdie
There's no point going to a country which is torturing people to ask them to stop if they can point out that the United States is doing it too. It enormously weakens the argument. Back in the early days of the Bush administration, PEN made a decision that we would try and make human rights issues and civil rights issues in this country part of the priority, and not just international issues, which had more or less been the priority up until then.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Country
Image of Salman Rushdie
I think the book is less emotional than the film. With the film, the emotions are much more raw and in front. In the book, they are kind of ironized and seen through comedy.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Book
Image of Salman Rushdie
I do not read the works of Salman Rushdie, I write them. By the time I have finished writing them all I can think of is never reading them again. It's so deep, your involvement with a book, that once it's finished, then you are really done with it.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Book
Image of Salman Rushdie
I had become a kind of information magpie, gathering to myself all manner of shiny scraps of fact and hokum and books and art-history and politics and music and film, and developing, too, a certain skill in manipulating and arranging these pitiful shards so that they glittered and caught the light. Fool's gold, or priceless nuggets mined from my singular childhood's rich bohemian seam? I leave it to others to decide.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Art
Image of Salman Rushdie
I get a lot of letters - a lot of letters saying, who knew that you were funny?
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Letters
Image of Salman Rushdie
It's difficult not to color our perception of author's product with his personality. There are so many examples of this. What do we think of Ezra Pound - clearly a great poet and clearly kind of an asshole? You can say the same thing about Louis-Ferdinand Céline, who clearly was a Nazi sympathizer, and yet one of the great writers of the 20th century. It is tough, but there are enough examples around where we have to somehow find a way of separating the work from the artist and seeing what there is to see in the work, while also condemning the thoughts we see in the man.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Artist
Image of Salman Rushdie
When you're writing for the screen, you have to be hyper-conscious every moment of how the audience is going to react. If you write just one scene where the audience is confused or it breaks their concentration in some way, then you've lost them, and you might never get them back.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Confused
Image of Salman Rushdie
If you were standing next to the prophet on the mountain, would you have seen the archangel? And my answer to that was probably not, even though it's supposed to be a really big archangel. He describes it as - the Archangel Gabriel as standing on the horizon and filling the sky. That's a big angel.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Angel
Image of Salman Rushdie
One of the characteristics of mudslinging is that mud sticks if it's thrown with enough force for long enough.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Long
Image of Salman Rushdie
An iceberg is water striving to be land; a mountain, especially a Himalaya, especially Everest, is land's attempt to metamorphose into sky; it is grounded in flight, the earth mutated--nearly--into air, and become, in the true sense, exalted. Long before she ever encountered the mountain, Allie was aware of its brooding presence in her soul.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Air
Image of Salman Rushdie
Travel was pointless. It removed you from the place in which you had a meaning, and to which you gave meaning in return by dedicating your life to it, and it spirited you away into fairylands where you were, and looked, frankly absurd.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Return
Image of Salman Rushdie
The thing that always attracted me to New York was the sense of being in a place where a lot of people had a lot of stories not unlike mine,' Rushdie says. 'Everybody comes from somewhere else. Everyone's got a Polish grandmother, some kind of metamorphosis in their family circumstances. That's a very big thing - the experience of not living where you started.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: New York
Image of Salman Rushdie
There is a point beyond which conciliation looks like capitulation. I do not believe I passed that point, but others have thought otherwise.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Believe
Image of Salman Rushdie
Life is elsewhere. Cross frontiers. Fly away.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Life Is
Image of Salman Rushdie
I determined to make my peace with Islam, even at the cost of my pride. Those who were surprised and displeased by what I did perhaps failed to see that ... I wanted to make peace between the warring halves of the world, which were also the warring halves of my soul.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Pride
Image of Salman Rushdie
There is nothing like a War for the reinvention of lives.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: War
Image of Salman Rushdie
The thing that I think was very brave of my younger self was that he decided he would be an idiot. Just persevere. That feels brave to me: deciding that I'm going to damn well be this person that I've set my heart on being.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Heart
Image of Salman Rushdie
I don't think I've ever quite grown out of it, actually. There was a point where I could recite some of those Elvish verses - which I've mercifully forgotten. But I can still, if really pushed, recite the text of the inside of the ruling ring in the language of Mordor.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Thinking
Image of Salman Rushdie
Free speech is life itself.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Speech
Image of Salman Rushdie
Sometimes we feel we straddle two cultures; at other times, that we fall between two stools.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Fall
Image of Salman Rushdie
What kind of a god is it that's upset by a cartoon in Danish?
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Upset
Image of Salman Rushdie
The only privilege literature deserves - and this privilege it requires in order to exist - is the privilege of being in the arena of discourse, the place where the struggle of our languages can be acted out.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Struggle
Image of Salman Rushdie
We must conclude that it is not only a particular political ideology that has failed, but the idea that men and women could ever define themselves in terms that exclude their spiritual needs.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Salman Rushdie
In Europe, the Enlightenment of the 18th century was seen as a battle against the desire of the Church to limit intellectual freedom, a battle against the Inquisition, a battle against religious censorship. And the victory of the Enlightenment in Europe was seen as pushing religion away from the center of power. In America, at the same time, the Enlightenment meant coming to a country where people were not going to persecute you by reason of your religion. So it meant a liberation into religion. In Europe, it was liberation out of religion.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Country
Image of Salman Rushdie
People don't like being around despair. Our tolerance for the truly hopeless, for those who are irredeemably broken by life is strictly limited. The sob stories we like are the ones that end before we're bored.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: People
Image of Salman Rushdie
I always thought storytelling was like juggling [...] You keep a lot of different tales in the air, and juggle them up and down, and if you're good you don't drop any.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Air
Image of Salman Rushdie
He had picked up languages the way most sailors pick up diseases; languages were his gonorrhoea, his syphilis, his scurvy, his ague, his plague.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Disease
Image of Salman Rushdie
A figure of speech is a shifty thing; it can be twisted or it can be straight.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Speech
Image of Salman Rushdie
I know that when people pull apart, they usually employ misunderstanding as a weapon, deliberately getting hold of the stick's wrong end, impaling themselves on its point in order to prove the perfidy of the other.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Order
Image of Salman Rushdie
‎No people whose word for 'yesterday' is the same as their word for 'tomorrow' can be said to have a firm grip on the time.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Yesterday
Image of Salman Rushdie words and pickles, I have immortalized my memories, although distortions are inevitable in both methods. We must live, I'm afraid, with the shadows of imperfections.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Memories
Image of Salman Rushdie
It may be argued that the past is a country from which we have all emigrated, that its loss is part of our common humanity.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Country
Image of Salman Rushdie
How to forgive the world for its beauty, which merely disguises its ugliness; for its gentleness, which merely cloaks its cruelty; for its illusion of continuity, seamlessly, as the night follows the day, so to speak- whereas in reality life is a series of brutal raptures, falling upon your defenseless hands, like the blows of a woodman's axe?
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Life
Image of Salman Rushdie
They lived in a great city, a metropolis of many narratives that converged briefly and then separated for ever, discovering their different dooms in that crowd of stories through which all of us, following our own destinies, had to push and shove to find our way through, or out.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Destiny
Image of Salman Rushdie
Matthew Wiener on Mad Men writes the entire series before they start shooting, and if you have that, then what you can do with character and story is not at all unlike what you can do in a novel.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Writing
Image of Salman Rushdie
What grows best in the heat: fantasy; unreason; lust.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Lust
Image of Salman Rushdie
To respect Louis Farrakhan, we must understand, is simply to agree with him... If dissent is now also to be thought of as a form of 'dissing,' then we have indeed succumbed to the thought police.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Police
Image of Salman Rushdie
To put it as simply as possible: I am not a Muslim.[...] I do not accept the charge of apostacy, because I have never in my adult life affirmed any belief, and what one has not affirmed one can not be said to have apostasized from. The Islam I know states clearly that 'there can be no coercion in matters of religion'. The many Muslims I respect would be horrified by the idea that they belong to their faith purely by virtue of birth, and that a person who freely chose not to be a Muslim could therefore be put to death.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Ideas
Image of Salman Rushdie
I don't think it is always necessary to take up the anti-colonial -- or is it post-colonial? -- cudgels against English. What seems to me to be happening is that those people who were once colonized by the language are now rapidly remaking it, domesticating it, becoming more and more relaxed about the way they use it -- assisted by the English language's enormous flexibility and size, they are carving out large territories for themselves within its frontiers.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Thinking
Image of Salman Rushdie
We must agree on what matters: kissing in public places, bacon sandwiches, disagreement, cutting-edge fashion, literature, generosity, water, a more equitable distribution of the world's resources, movies, music, freedom of thought, beauty, love.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Fashion
Image of Salman Rushdie
We who have grown up on a diet of honour and shame can still grasp what must seem unthinkable to people living in the aftermath of the death of God and of tragedy: that men will sacrifice their dearest love on the implacable altars of their pride.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Pride
Image of Salman Rushdie
Every Day Is for the Thief, by turns funny, mournful, and acerbic, offers a portrait of Nigeria in which anger, perhaps the most natural response to the often lamentable state of affairs there, is somehow muted and deflected by the author's deep engagement with the country: a profoundly disenchanted love. Teju Cole is among the most gifted writers of his generation.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Country
Image of Salman Rushdie
I have been only the humblest jugglers-with-facts; and that, in a country where the truth is what it is instructed to be, reality quite literally ceases to exist, so that everything becomes possible except what we are told is the case; and maybe this was the difference between my Indian childhood and Pakistani adolescence--that in the first I was beset by an infinity of alternative realities, while in the second I was adrift, disoriented, amid an equally infinite number of falsenesses, unrealities and lies.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Country
Image of Salman Rushdie
Sometimes, people trying to commit suicide manage it in a manner that leaves them breathless with astonishment.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Suicide
Image of Salman Rushdie
I've never read anything so badly written that got published. It made 'Twilight' look like 'War and Peace.'
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: War
Image of Salman Rushdie
Khattam-Shud,' he said slowly, 'is the Arch-Enemy of all Stories, even of language itself. He is the Prince of Silence and the Foe of Speech. And because everything ends, because dreams end, stories end, life ends, at the finish of everything we use his name. "It's finished," we tell one another, "it's over. Khattam-Shud: The End.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Dream
Image of Salman Rushdie
My love for Dan Brown knows no bounds. It literally has no mass.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Brown
Image of Salman Rushdie
I didn't become a writer to write about me.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Writing