
Image of RuPaul
Style is a celebratory expression of your life force. You must approach it with a sense of joie de vivre.
- RuPaul
Collection: Expression
Image of RuPaul
The truth is - most things are probably gonna fail. But my failures bring me to the next thing. So in that regard, nothing's a failure, it's a continuation.
- RuPaul
Collection: Next
Image of RuPaul
Negativity is basically laziness.
- RuPaul
Collection: Negativity
Image of RuPaul
My motivation comes from a love of being creative. I'm in love with music and colour and laughter and dancing and all things that are beautiful.
- RuPaul
Collection: Beautiful
Image of RuPaul
Spirituality has nothing to do with church, and everything to do with hair.
- RuPaul
Collection: Hair
Image of RuPaul
Very little is off -limits, but draw the line at being unkind.
- RuPaul
Collection: Lines
Image of RuPaul
We are all illusionists and that's why we are attracted to drag queens. This whole world is an illusion. It's not real.
- RuPaul
Collection: Queens
Image of RuPaul
Don't be afraid to use all the colors in the crayon box.
- RuPaul
Collection: Color
Image of RuPaul
It's important to make a great first impression, so make sure to hold on to your damn weave.
- RuPaul
Collection: Important
Image of RuPaul
The mantle of glamour has been taken from the women and given to the men. The women toil in their shadows, plain and ordinary-looking. So that transition has left a void. It is a void for drop-dead, impossible, over-the-top glamour. Supermodels fill that void. The only thing they have to do is work the runway, sweetie, and refuse to get out of bed for less than ten thousand dollars.
- RuPaul
Collection: Taken
Image of RuPaul
I'm a regular Joe...I just have the unique ability to accessorize.
- RuPaul
Collection: Unique
Image of RuPaul
You are not your body. You are actually an extension of the power that created the whole universe.
- RuPaul
Collection: Body
Image of RuPaul
You want to know the truth about drugs? You can only go one or two ways. You can go up, or you can go down. That's it. After a certain point, though, no matter what you do, what you take, you don't go anywhere, and that's when you've got to sit down and face yourself.
- RuPaul
Collection: Two
Image of RuPaul
We as gay people get to choose our family and the people we're around. I am your family. We are a family here.
- RuPaul
Collection: Gay
Image of RuPaul
You have to use what you have to get what you want.
- RuPaul
Collection: Use
Image of RuPaul
It's all about knowing that everybody that you see, everybody that you sit across from is a different aspect of yourself. So once you can accept yourself on every level, that's when everything opens up, that's when the party really begins.
- RuPaul
Collection: Party
Image of RuPaul
So many times, people are afraid to start something because of fear of failing. But it can be fabulous - because it leads you to the next thing.
- RuPaul
Collection: People
Image of RuPaul
And If I fly or if I fall, at least I can say I gave it all.
- RuPaul
Collection: Fall
Image of RuPaul
I feel an obligation to myself to entertain myself and if other people get something out of it, I'm like, right on.
- RuPaul
Collection: People
Image of RuPaul
That is the key to navigating this life - don't take it too seriously. That's when the party begins.
- RuPaul
Collection: Party
Image of RuPaul
If you have goals and the stick-with-it-ness to make things happen, people will feel threatened by you, especially if your goals don’t include them. They believe that if you take a piece of pie, then that leaves less pie for them. Seeing you follow your dreams leaves them realizing that they’re not following theirs. In truth, there is unlimited pie for everyone!
- RuPaul
Collection: Dream
Image of RuPaul
Everyone gets drunk and makes out with the wrong guy sometimes.
- RuPaul
Collection: Drunk
Image of RuPaul
I've dedicated my career to fighting the mundane. My hope is that my career will be a shining example to children everywhere that life is more meaningful when you are not afraid to see all colors of the rainbow.
- RuPaul
Collection: Meaningful
Image of RuPaul
The world we live in is made up of polar opposites, black/white, male/female, night/day, and a human being who possesses both masculine and feminine – vulnerability and strength – is intriguing to us, whether they be a singer or actor or dancer, intrigues us, because THAT Is who we really are.
- RuPaul
Collection: Night
Image of RuPaul
American culture is one that is so easily in denial. We have such a strange dichotomy, so hypocritical. The truth can be blaring in neon letters but our culture will find a reason not to hear what the truth is.
- RuPaul
Collection: Culture
Image of RuPaul
We all came into this world naked. The rest is all drag.
- RuPaul
Collection: Naked
Image of RuPaul
Be very careful of what you allow to infiltrate your consciousness and subconsciousness. When you watch too much television, you'll start to feel inferior from all the commercials hard selling the idea that you're not complete unless you buy their product. The ad agencies appeal to your fear of not being wanted or loved. It's the same with the local news. They get you to stay tuned with a constant stream of fear tactics. It's as if our culture is addicted to fear and the flat screen is our drug dealer. Don't allow that crap into your head!
- RuPaul
Collection: Ideas
Image of RuPaul
As a kid, I was searching for my tribe of other people who saw through the matrix. Even as a kid I could never buy into the status quo. I just thought it was a joke; I couldn't believe other people weren't laughing at it.
- RuPaul
Collection: Believe
Image of RuPaul
When there are no words, let your eyes do the talking.
- RuPaul
Collection: Eye
Image of RuPaul
I do not impersonate females! How many women do you know who wear seven inch heels, four foot wigs, and skintight dresses?
- RuPaul
Collection: Feet
Image of RuPaul
Illusion starts between the ears. If the person doing illusion doesn't believe it, then the audience doesn't believe it. Seeing the picture in your head will allow the audience to see it in their heads.
- RuPaul
Collection: Believe
Image of RuPaul
Don’t take life too seriously.
- RuPaul
Collection: Sarcastic