
Image of RuPaul
The whole point is to live life and be - to use all the colors in the crayon box.
- RuPaul
Collection: Life
Image of RuPaul
It's true in everything, not just in drag: To be a success, you have to understand the landscape. You have to know thyself, and you have to know your history so that you can draw from people who have figured out the equation you are faced with. It's not rocket science.
- RuPaul
Collection: History
Image of RuPaul
The secret of success in every field is redefining what success means to you. It can't be your parent's definition, the media's definition, or your neighbor's definition. Otherwise, success will never satisfy you.
- RuPaul
Collection: Success
Image of RuPaul
Personally, I experience success when I enjoy what I'm doing. I love the creative process, even if the end result isn't embraced by anyone else.
- RuPaul
Collection: Experience
Image of RuPaul
Honestly, it's important to not take this whole process of life on this planet too seriously. And you need games to remind you that every aspect of your experience on this planet is a game. And you have to be a good sport. You have to strategize, and you have to have fun.
- RuPaul
Collection: Experience
Image of RuPaul
It's important to remember that you're born naked, and the rest is drag.
- RuPaul
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It's important to find your tribe.
- RuPaul
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'The Wizard of Oz' is my favourite. It explains what life on this planet is about. Although Dorothy reaches Oz, she finds she had what she needed to go back to Kansas all along, but the Good Witch tells her that she had to learn it for herself. All of the answers to the meaning of life are there.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
Life is not to be taken seriously.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
I dance to the beat of a different drummer.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
We are all doing drag. Every single person on this planet is doing it.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
I remember being 14 years old, making a pact with myself. I would never join into the matrix, never join into the status quo, and I would always fight it. It always felt like I was on an operating table and the anesthesia never worked.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
Don't believe the hype; don't believe what it tells you on your driver's license. You are an extension of the power that created this whole universe.
- RuPaul
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I'm a pop victim. I love pop music; I love pop culture. I love Olivia Newton-John.
- RuPaul
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La Flavour's 'Mandolay' is a disco classic - I dare you to sit still while listening to it.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
I had mentors, growing up in gay life - older gay men who told me about our history and the history of art and culture - but somehow, the younger generation missed out on that synergy.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
My focus is on love and inclusiveness.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
I don't think there is a life in the mundane 9-to-5 hypocrisy. That's not living.
- RuPaul
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From childhood, we're trained to be a certain way, to behave a certain way - so that the power base can control us, really. And punk and drag are completely outside of that.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
My spiritual practice reminds me of what's really real, what's really hood.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
People deal with grief in many different ways. And some people in show business parade their relationships around like an accessory, and others like to keep it separate from business and commerce. It's perfectly fine to say, 'I actually don't want to talk about my love because that's not part of the fantasy world I created in commerce.'
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
Young people need to know there are ways for them to navigate this life.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
In our subconscious, we all know we're playing roles.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
If you look at their voting habits and their eating habits, you realize people are stupid.
- RuPaul
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I think this life is hard without assistance from others.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
I haven't found a heel that's been too high for me yet.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
For my tribe, the people I found years ago, we've found sanctuary in the irreverent, in the off-center, in the quirky... And that's how we stay entertained, and that's how we stay engaged in what would otherwise seem to be a really cruel world. A really harsh world.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
For both men and women, an eyelash curler is a must. It gives your eye the appearance of being well-rested and wide open.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
Never forget that the most political thing you can ever do is follow your heart.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
If you grow up in show business, you look beyond the looking glass. So, all of the surface facades get broken.
- RuPaul
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The only person I look up to - and not just in show business but also in the world - is a little lady named Judge Judy! Honestly.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
We humans are still a very primitive culture, and it's one of the traps we've fallen into over the course of our lives - to forget our history. That's why George Orwell's 'Animal Farm' is so profound. It chronicles our short memory.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
I've never personally differentiated a person who dressed up in a three-piece suit and goes to Wall Street from a person who dresses up in a polyester uniform and works at McDonalds. I think it's all drag.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
Everybody is in drag.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
I'm not religious, but I do pray. It's 60 seconds of meditation, visualizing myself, looking at myself, and being conscious of my own consciousness. That will align me for the rest of the day.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
If you're upset by something I said, you have bigger problems than you think.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
Drag is involved with changing identities and not taking identities too seriously at all. That's why drag is such a hard sell to a network - or anyone, really - because it's up against the ego.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
If you've worked in a factory, and you haven't learned how to do something else, you're obsolete. That's just nature.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
I've always been drawn to people who dance to the beat of a different drum; it didn't matter if they were in film or music or fashion.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
Life's journey - it unfolds for you as you are ready for it.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
This is an important thing: People who live in the mainstream and the status quo think that everyone else is there to serve them.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
Drag is there to remind culture not to take itself too seriously. All of this is illusion.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
It's very easy to look at the world and think this is all so cruel and so mean. It's important to not become bitter from it.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
I love games. My favorite thing on this planet to do is to play games. And if you don't enjoy games, then you're really missing the point of what this life is.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
All things to do with drag are inherently therapeutic because the realization of your own insanity is the beginning of sanity.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
There are so many sensitive souls; they don't know what to do with their feelings.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
Once you clear out from your consciousness things that no longer matter, you're able to make room for other things.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
Hollywood is an idea. It's not a real place.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
I've been on both sides; I've interviewed people, and I do an okay job, I guess. But it's awful. Because you feel like you have to defend your life, which is such an interesting concept. It's not an easy process to sit down and talk about, 'What's your motivation?' Because as I'm answering, I'm working it out for myself at the same time.
- RuPaul
Image of RuPaul
Drag queens have always taken on that role of spilling the tea - and the tea is the emperor has no clothes!
- RuPaul