Ron White

Image of Ron White
Anything I write that I consider stage-quality work, I won't give my TV show. I put it in my live show.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
I always wanted to be a popular comedian.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
I'm set up where I make a lot of money doing stand-up, and it's easy.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
There's no backlog of people we can fire for no reason and act as if they don't exist.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
I go through about 140 cities a year.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
It never dawned on me that I had the option of becoming a comedian. I come from a little dirt street town in northwest Texas, and they really don't talk about the arts there much on career day.
- Ron White
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My brain is like a cross between a colander and a Lazy Susan - thin, slow, and it leaks.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
As long as I stay engaged with everybody else, then I'll create more comedy. It's just when I shut off and stay at home... What helps me is just to keep moving.
- Ron White
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I don't live under the illusion we don't need a military to protect this country.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
I go to more open mic nights than open mikers.
- Ron White
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I don't know who in my family thinks very fast at all, including me. The things that people see me do onstage are written, so it doesn't have to be very quick if you have all day with a pen.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
I think the world has their own good, clean, Christian comedy. They don't need my help.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
My shows are not all-the-way filthy, but they can be.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
I always found that the closer I got to who I really am, on stage, the more they responded to it.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
Somebody the other day had a review, called me 'America's reprobate.' And I don't even know what that means, but I kinda like the way it sounds.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
I have a very fun life. I don't recommend it for anybody else, but it sure has been fun for me.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
If I sit down to write a joke about, whatever, the polluted Gulf of Mexico, it comes out mundane to me.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
My show is more storytelling now than it's ever been. It's what I'm good at.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
I just try to keep it fresh without sacrificing funny.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
If I'm in a town for very long, usually I'll work out in the comedy club just to keep my chops or work out the beats on new stuff.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
There's no such thing as a hit joke.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
Comedy is great because there's no overhead.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
I write all of my material. It's all me.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
I've asked these guys in rock bands with all the 18-wheelers driving to the venue how they make money. I just don't understand it. But I don't understand a lot of things.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
All I know how to do is take what's on my mind and spit it out funny. I don't know what else I could do besides comedy.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
I don't think we have a surplus of fine educators in this country that we can just start dropping them for no reason whatsoever.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
Vegas is famous for a lot of things, and bad marriages are one of them. Margo and I are proof that you can make this work. It just takes a little effort.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
People, when they go on stage, tend to be animated and try to force things out instead of relaxing and bringing it in.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
TV is a hard job. You work 15 hours a day. People tell you what to do. I hate to do it.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
If I see someone out there mouthing the words to a bit, I'm not having fun.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
I've been offered starring roles in horrible movies, but I just didn't want to do it. I don't see why you would.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
People used to say I'm regional, but I'm not... We all have the same human condition.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
Don't bring your kids to my show, and I won't come to your house and cuss.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
The only way to stay sharp is to do live shows. There is no part-time comedy.
- Ron White
Image of Ron White
You can't fix stupid. There's not a pill you can take, or a class you can go to.
- Ron White
Collection: Stupid
Image of Ron White
I did not climb to the top of the food chain to eat carrots.
- Ron White
Collection: Bumper Sticker
Image of Ron White
Years ago, while I was watching a baseball game between the Baltimore Orioles and the Texas Rangers, I remember staring in awe at Cal Ripken. I realized during this game that 'you don't have to be flashy' or have 'power numbers' to be great. It's about the simple things that are the hard things. It's about leadership, work ethic and commitment.
- Ron White
Collection: Baseball
Image of Ron White
The arresting officer, who I had literally known, all my life. You know what I mean? This guy lived four doors down the street me, in a town of less than four hundred people. *We've met.* Now, he takes me to jail, and he asks me if I have any aliases. And I was just being a smartass, and I said, "Yeah. They call me, "Tater Salad!" Seventeen years later, I'm handcuffed on a bench in New York with blood coming out of my nose, and this cop goes, "Are you Ron 'Tater Salad' White?"
- Ron White
Collection: Funny
Image of Ron White
We have hearing aids in order to fix our ears. We have lasik surgery in order to fix our eyes. People ... you can't fix stupid!
- Ron White
Collection: Stupid
Image of Ron White
You can only do two things with your life: give it away or throw it away.
- Ron White
Collection: Two
Image of Ron White
In Texas, we have the death penalty, and we use it. That's right. If you come to Texas and kill somebody, we will kill you back.
- Ron White
Collection: Texas
Image of Ron White
If life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade. And try to find somebody who's life gives them vodka, and have a party.
- Ron White
Collection: Funny
Image of Ron White
Everything creative is somewhat collaborative. If you're a painter and someone stretches your canvas, it was collaborative on some level. Ultimately I'm the writer for me, but also anytime one of my friends gets stuck with a bit, they can call me and I'm pretty good at helping them get there. I think we all work together on some level, but for the most part, we're on our own.
- Ron White
Collection: Thinking
Image of Ron White
The biggest piece of advice that I give young comedians is: If it's your goal to get where I'm at, go do something else. Because you'll never get here. Never. The odds are so bad. Because not only do you have to be a really, really strong comedian but you also have to be lucky. And most people don't get that combination.
- Ron White
Collection: Strong
Image of Ron White
I don't even plan things until later, so no I got no plans.
- Ron White
Collection: Plans
Image of Ron White
Star Wars Episode Three (And One Quarter): Revenge Of The Hicks
- Ron White
Collection: Stars
Image of Ron White
Naw, man, I like big, hard, throbbing co- (stunned pause) ...I did not know that about myself.
- Ron White
Collection: Men
Image of Ron White
It's something that's really fun to do. It's a family business.
- Ron White
Collection: Fun
Image of Ron White
I smoke really good cigars, I don't smoke Cuban cigars. I would never do anything as Un-American as smoke a decent cigar.
- Ron White
Collection: Cuban Cigars