Robin Williams

Image of Robin Williams
I only ever play Vegas one night at a time.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Night
Image of Robin Williams
I learned that by being entertaining you make a connection with another person.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Connections
Image of Robin Williams
Men may have wars, but women have their period. Men go off and kill each other, but women say nasty things, which is even better.
- Robin Williams
Collection: War
Image of Robin Williams
Women have so many levels. There's the physical level, which is a lot of fun. There's this emotional level, which is extremely mercurial.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Fun
Image of Robin Williams
When you have a great audience, you can just keep going and finding new things.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Robin Williams
Canadian money is also called the loony. How can you take an economic crisis seriously?
- Robin Williams
Collection: Economic
Image of Robin Williams
I had one or two steady girlfriends in high school, but then in college, it was three, four... I went crazy. At one point I had three separate girlfriends, running around mad.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Running
Image of Robin Williams
Cable is not bound because people pay for it. It's literally a choice, that's the operative word. If you don't like the language, if cocksucker offends you, then turn it off.
- Robin Williams
Collection: People
Image of Robin Williams
Mickey Mouse to a three-year-old is a six-foot-tall RAT!
- Robin Williams
Collection: Years
Image of Robin Williams
Humor is a great defense, and an offense too. Usually the recipient isn't too happy about it, but the people around are laughing.
- Robin Williams
Collection: People
Image of Robin Williams
The only weapon we have is comedy.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Robin Williams
They're talking about partial nuclear disarmament, which is also like talking about partial circumcision - you either go all the way or forget it.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Talking
Image of Robin Williams
My comedy is like emotional hang-gliding.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Emotional
Image of Robin Williams
My preference is live performance, because you get the feedback. There's an energy. It's live theater. That's why I think actors like that.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robin Williams
I know size can be daunting but don't be afraid.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Size
Image of Robin Williams
It's the same sex all the time.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Sex
Image of Robin Williams
I love being backstage, or doing littler things like Blame Canada.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Love Is
Image of Robin Williams
In truth I never really liked any of the heavy drugs, because normally my energy is up when I'm performing, and that's about it. Cocaine is nothing new. It's the pressure, I think. People use it to relieve that, and for me it is about getting numb and forgetting. I have a reverse metabolic reaction to the stuff.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robin Williams
What kind of man gives cigarettes to trees?
- Robin Williams
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Robin Williams many pedestrians, so little time...
- Robin Williams
Collection: Littles
Image of Robin Williams
In California, we are a sixty percent Hispanic state, we elected an Austrian governor. Even old Nazis are going "That's weird."
- Robin Williams
Collection: California
Image of Robin Williams
I always wanted to play a big, black man, but that would cost too much make-up.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Men
Image of Robin Williams
If we were interested in making money, we wouldn't have become teachers.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Teacher
Image of Robin Williams
It never fails - you get in the bath and there's a rub at the lamp
- Robin Williams
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Robin Williams
We're not laughing at you - we're laughing near you
- Robin Williams
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Robin Williams
You'd think all of these "atypical" somethings would add up to a typical something
- Robin Williams
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Robin Williams
My God, look at the size of this man! Quick! Tell the other villagers we're going back to the boats!
- Robin Williams
Collection: Men
Image of Robin Williams
[On creating] And you get that little endorphin buzz, it's great. Why do you think Einstein looked like that? I don't think he was going "You know this is some dynamite weed! It's all relative you know."
- Robin Williams
Collection: Weed
Image of Robin Williams
I couldn't imagine living the way I used to live. Now people come up to me from the drug days and go, 'Hi, remember me?' And I'm going, 'No, did I have sex with you? Did I take a dump in your tool box?'
- Robin Williams
Collection: Sex
Image of Robin Williams
Ronald Reagan is the world's largest Muppet.
- Robin Williams
Collection: World
Image of Robin Williams
She is not perfect. You are not perfect. The question is whether or not you are perfect for each other
- Robin Williams
Collection: Perfect
Image of Robin Williams
Some are born great. Some achieve greatness. Some get it as a graduation gift.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Robin Williams
What some folks call impossible is just stuff they haven't seen before.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Stuff
Image of Robin Williams
Our job is improving the quality of life, not just delaying death.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robin Williams
Please, don't worry so much. Because in the end, none of us have very long on this Earth. Life is fleeting.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Robin Williams
I try to make sense of things. Which is why, I guess, I believe in destiny. There must be a reason that I am as I am. There must be.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Believe
Image of Robin Williams
And some people say Jesus wasn't Jewish. Of COURSE he was Jewish! 30 years old, single, lives with his parents, come on! He works in his father's business, his mom thought he was God's gift, he's Jewish! Give it up!
- Robin Williams
Collection: Funny
Image of Robin Williams
When I was growing up they used to say, "Robin, drugs can kill you." Now that I'm 58 my doctor's telling me, "Robin, you need drugs to live." I realize now that my doctor is also my dealer.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Funny
Image of Robin Williams
A woman would never make a nuclear bomb. They would never make a weapon that kills, no, no. They'd make a weapon that makes you feel bad for a while.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Memorable
Image of Robin Williams
The things we fear the most have already happened to us.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Happened
Image of Robin Williams
Change is not popular; we are creatures of habit as human beings. 'I want it to be the way it was.' But if you continue the way it was there will be no 'is.'
- Robin Williams
Collection: Want
Image of Robin Williams
The human body was designed by a civil engineer. Who else would run a toxic waste pipeline through a recreational area ?
- Robin Williams
Collection: Running
Image of Robin Williams
Sometimes you can have a whole lifetime in a day and never notice that this is a beautiful as it gets.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Robin Williams
There's a time for daring and there's a time for caution, and a wise man understands which is called for.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Wise
Image of Robin Williams
I always thought the idea of education was to learn to think for yourself.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Carpe Diem
Image of Robin Williams
When you create you get a little endorphin rush. Why do you think Einstein looked like that?
- Robin Williams
Collection: Creativity
Image of Robin Williams
Life is fleeting. And if you're ever distressed, cast your eyes to the summer sky when when the stars are strung across the velvety night. And when a shooting star streaks through the blackness, turning night into day... make a wish and think of me.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Summer
Image of Robin Williams
If you listen real close, you can hear them whisper their legacy to you. Go on, lean in. Listen, you hear it? Carpe diem, seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Robin Williams
You need a touch of madness, just enough that you don't become stupid!
- Robin Williams
Collection: Stupid