Robert Harris

Image of Robert Harris
You know, you can be really quite subversive in popular fiction, which is capable of taking on big issues of politics, war, the rise and fall of commercial dynasties.
- Robert Harris
Image of Robert Harris
Of all human activities, writing is the one for which it is easiest to find excuses not to begin – the desk’s too big, the desk’s too small, there’s too much noise, there’s too much quiet, it’s too hot, too cold, too early, too late. I had learned over the years to ignore them all, and simply to start.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Harris
It is perseverance, and not genius that takes a man to the top. Rome is full of unrecognized geniuses. Only perseverance enables you to move forward in the world.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Perseverance
Image of Robert Harris
History is too important to be left to the historians.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Important
Image of Robert Harris
What is leadership, after all, but the blind choice of one route over another and the confident pretense that the decision was based on reason
- Robert Harris
Collection: Leadership
Image of Robert Harris
You can't make sense of the present unless a part of you lives in the past.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Past
Image of Robert Harris
Cicero smiled at us. 'The art of life is to deal with problems as they arise, rather than destory one's spirit by worrying about them too far in advance. Especially tonight.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Art
Image of Robert Harris
But clever people all make one mistake. They all think everyone else is stupid. And everyone isn't stupid. They just take a bit more time, that's all.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Clever
Image of Robert Harris
If one first gives himself to the Lord, all other giving is easy.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Giving
Image of Robert Harris
Golf requires only a few simple Rules and Regulations to guide the players in the true nature of its sporting appeal. The spirit of the game is its own referee.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Golf
Image of Robert Harris
It is perfectly legitimate to write novels which are essentially prose poems, but in the end, I think, a novel is like a car, and if you buy a car and grow flowers in it, you're forgetting that the car is designed to take you somewhere else.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Flower
Image of Robert Harris
You can always spot a fool, for he is a man who will tell you he knows who is going to win an election.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Winning
Image of Robert Harris
If long hitting is the thing that causes the spectators to whistle through their teeth in wonderment, why not play tournaments up and down an expansive stadium?
- Robert Harris
Collection: Golf
Image of Robert Harris
To be brave, by definition, one has first to be afraid.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Brave
Image of Robert Harris
What a heap of ash most political careers amount to, when one really stops to consider them!
- Robert Harris
Collection: Careers
Image of Robert Harris
Does a name stick because it suits a man or does the man, unconsciously, evolve into his name?
- Robert Harris
Collection: Men
Image of Robert Harris
Another of Cicero's maxims was that if you must do something unpopular, you might as well do it wholeheartedly, for in politics there is no credit to be won by timidity.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Credit
Image of Robert Harris
Their souls were contagious. ... Bloodsuckers, spiders and vampires: that was what Lenin called them.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Soul
Image of Robert Harris
If you spend too long trying to avoid death, you will be dead in at least one way.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Death
Image of Robert Harris
By dawn he had surrendered, gratefully, to the old inertia, the product of always seeing both sides of every question.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Dawn
Image of Robert Harris
The natural impulse of men is to follow and whoever has the strongest sense of purpose will always dominate.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Men
Image of Robert Harris
I've always just wanted to earn my living by writing. The best thing is to go into my study in the morning and stay there and put words together.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Morning
Image of Robert Harris
Egyptologists, skilled in piecing together the papyri of lost civilisations, suddenly discovered that the same talent could be applied to working out the pattern of German radio traffic.
- Robert Harris
Collection: History
Image of Robert Harris
A book unwritten is a delightful universe of infinite possibilities. Set down one word, however, and it immediately becomes earthbound. Set down one sentence and it’s halfway to being just like every other bloody book that’s ever been written.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Book
Image of Robert Harris
Politics? Boring? Politics is history on the wing! What other sphere of human activity calls forth all that is most noble in men's souls, and all that is most base? Or has such excitement? Or more vividly exposes our strengths and weaknesses? Boring? You might as well say that life itself is boring!
- Robert Harris
Collection: Men
Image of Robert Harris
That young man seeks opportunities to test his principles as readily as a drunk picks fights in a bar.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Fighting
Image of Robert Harris
In a generation or two, or maybe sooner, young golfers of true sporting instinct will wonder why all this handling of the ball is necessary. It will seem to them that the game is not as good as it might be.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Golf
Image of Robert Harris
To say she was my girlfriend was absurd: no one the wrong side of thirty has a girlfriend… I suppose I ought to have realize it’s ominous that forty thousand years of human language had failed to produce a word for our relationship.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Girlfriend
Image of Robert Harris
People perish. Books are immortal.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Book
Image of Robert Harris
Power brings a man many luxuries, but a clean pair of hands is seldom among them.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Men
Image of Robert Harris
But only a fool sails into combat with nature
- Robert Harris
Collection: Fool
Image of Robert Harris
A police state is a country run by criminals
- Robert Harris
Collection: Running
Image of Robert Harris
Suicide leaves everyone feeling guilty.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Suicide
Image of Robert Harris
[Boxer is] the ultimate tool for the serious pro' that can't afford the time and patience to mess around with lesser products.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Tools
Image of Robert Harris
I think it's very, very hard not to go slightly crazy if you're in the top in politics, especially if you're there for a long time.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Crazy
Image of Robert Harris
Tape is the archiving champ and has been for decades. Reliable, less expensive than disks and available in large-scale robotic systems that store petabytes.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Tape
Image of Robert Harris
I write as well as I can. I’m a journalist at heart, so it’s the story that matters.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Stories