Rand Paul

Image of Rand Paul
I went to my first national convention in 1976, when my family supported [Ronald] Reagan over [Gerald] Ford, so we've always been Republicans, but we've always wanted the Republican Party to be the party of fiscally conservative, limited-government types. And I think, sometimes, we haven't done that as well.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Party
Image of Rand Paul
Roll back federal spending to 2008 levels.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Levels
Image of Rand Paul
I'm a Reagan conservative. Reagan did negotiate with the Soviets. But you have to negotiate from a position of strength.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Conservative
Image of Rand Paul
The president wants more tax money in Washington. I want more money left in the communities, particularly poor communities, particularly communities that have high unemployment.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Community
Image of Rand Paul
President Obama, I think, wanted what was best for the country, but I think it didn't work well. I think we have the death spiral, and I think particularly premiums in the individual market are going through the roof. Republicans want what's best for the country, but I think they're not fixing the death spiral of Obamacare. They're going to subsidize it with a lot of taxpayer money. So, characterizing something as mean or generous I think goes to people's motives, and I think it is sort of why we have such an angry country now. We think that people have ill motives.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Country
Image of Rand Paul
I just can't vote to go to war unless I think there's a real clear-cut American purpose in the war, that we're going to win and that we're not going fight for stalemate.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Real
Image of Rand Paul
I would set aside all these budget cuts that are going to devastate the F.B.I., the C.I.A., and the N.S.A. Sequestration, cuts, are not only gutting the military, they're gutting the F.B.I. So if I were president, I would set these cuts aside. I would reinstate the N.S.A. program as robust as possible within the constitutional limits.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Military
Image of Rand Paul
Every chance at destabilizing [Bashar] Assad... the bombing campaign causes a flood of refugees into Jordan, there's already half a million in Jordan. I think a bombing campaign - I think it's hard to argue that a U.S. bombing campaign is going to cause less refugees. And I think it causes more refugees and more of a humanitarian disaster. I think it causes, or allows, the risk of Israel being attacked with a gas attack to go up, if we attack Assad. So there's all kinds of bad things.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Thinking
Image of Rand Paul
The one way, possibly, out of this is for [Bashar] Assad to abdicate and plead, perhaps to Russia or somewhere else. Would save another wave of civilian casualties if we could get him to abdicate.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Russia
Image of Rand Paul
There's a sense of urgency that the president does not possess, that there is a 9/11 in the making.
- Rand Paul
Collection: President
Image of Rand Paul
The more we can have peaceful trade both with Russia, with China, and with others, you know, there's a self interest in this for everyone.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Russia
Image of Rand Paul
I will tell , though, that Donald Trump got 70 percent in eastern Kentucky and I don't think it had anything to do with the Russian. He got 70 percent because in eastern Kentucky we didn't like what President [Barack] Obama or Hillary Clinton wanted to do to our coal jobs. It didn't have anything to do with the Russians.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rand Paul
One of the things that came out of the campaign, as I recall, was a high ranking [Hillary's] Clinton official, I believe, sent their password via email. We also need to learn how to protect our own information. And I think that's important as well.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Believe
Image of Rand Paul
I think that, most importantly, when I see issues of war, I see them in a personal vein, and I am reluctant to go to war unless there's a real, valid American interest because I've seen the wounded soldiers.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Real
Image of Rand Paul
I think we need to get to the bottom of it. And I think there should be an investigation [of hackers attacks] because in order to defend ourselves against other adversarial countries, we have to protect our information.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Country
Image of Rand Paul
We should understand the limitations of war. We should understand the sacrifices our young men and women go through losing lives and limbs. And they should only do it for the highest of purposes.
- Rand Paul
Collection: War
Image of Rand Paul
I think if Russia is really an honest signatory to the chemical weapons ban, if Syria wants to be, ultimately someone has to be responsible for killing civilians. And that's the hard part out of this.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Thinking
Image of Rand Paul
The president's rattling the saber and beating the drums may have an effect.
- Rand Paul
Collection: President
Image of Rand Paul
I think it's fair to point out that there is bias in the media on both sides, both right and left. And that it's very hard to find objective news because we have gotten, particularly as you watch cable news, it's so dominated by opinion.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Thinking
Image of Rand Paul
For example, the use of chemical weapons [in Syria]- some on the Democrat side have said well, this encourages the North Koreans to use chemical weapons against our troops.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Use
Image of Rand Paul
I think the entire world knows, and North Korea knows, that if they used any weapons on our soldiers they would be obliterated. And it would be an overwhelming response.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Thinking
Image of Rand Paul
How would you possibly sell 700 companies in a fire sale and hope to get what they were worth?It's just an unrealistic sort of standard they're trying to hold [Donald Trump] to.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Fire
Image of Rand Paul
Really, while gas is an awful thing to watch - the death is painful - to even watch these deaths - it's also bad to die from a bullet, a hand grenade, or a machete.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Hands
Image of Rand Paul
I don't think he fully analyzes the situation. If you destabilize [Bashar] Assad and punish Assad, you do embolden terrorists. You embolden al-Qaida because al-Qaida is on the other side of this war. So, one side wins if you destabilize the other side. So, he will be emboldening al-Qaida and the Islamic rebels. And I'm not so sure they're better than Assad.
- Rand Paul
Collection: War
Image of Rand Paul
I am pleased though that there's a possibility of a diplomatic solution [in Syria]. I remain somewhat skeptical, but I am pleased that it's a possibility and I think people like myself who've been arguing for delaying this bombing, have allowed this diplomatic possibility to occur.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Thinking
Image of Rand Paul
40 percent of people who come to visit America on a visa overstay their visa and we have no idea where they are. On 9/11, at least 2 of the hijackers were here on visa. They were traveling back and forth to the Middle East. And we really had no idea where they were or what they were doing. And they were overstaying their visa. So there are problems I think in the immigration system that need to be fixed for our safety.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Thinking
Image of Rand Paul
We don't have enough money to rebuild our own country if we're rebuilding everyone else's countries.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Country
Image of Rand Paul
I think we can all agree [Bashar] Assad is a bad and evil actor, but I'm not so sure that we want the Islamic rebels to be in charge of Syria either.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Islamic
Image of Rand Paul
We've had presidents that have put their stock into account and they didn't know what their stock mix was and I like that. And I think Donald Trump has agreed that he would do the same on his stock. He's either sold it or will do it.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Thinking
Image of Rand Paul
You can see why there are more people wanting to come from economically-distressed areas, and they can't all come to America. So it gets into the valid, legitimate debate over immigration as to how do we choose. Do we have a diversity lottery and take people from everywhere, do we base it more on merit?
- Rand Paul
Collection: People
Image of Rand Paul
The question's whether or not there's an American interest in the Civil War [in Syria]. The question is whether or not a military strike on [Bashar] Assad will cause him to be encouraged to use more weapons or discouraged. It's easy enough to say - and the president [Barack Obama] says though this will teach him a lesson - but his military strike is intended not to target him individually, not to bring about regime change.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Military
Image of Rand Paul
If Americans were attacked, it does change the equation. The problem is, is that with regard to this is there've been horrendous killings of civilians with conventional weapons.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Weapons
Image of Rand Paul
I have a great deal of concern for any president and the amount of power they accumulate versus congress. I'm a stickler about the idea of separation of powers.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Ideas
Image of Rand Paul
I think when people voted for Donald Trump, they realized he owned a lot of stuff with his name on it. I think the concern over conflict of interest seems to be higher in the media than the public. People saying, oh, he has to sell all of his stuff.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Thinking
Image of Rand Paul
John McCain is the guy that has advocated for war everywhere. He would bankrupt the nation.
- Rand Paul
Collection: War
Image of Rand Paul
America does not need to continue to have regime change throughout the world, nation-building.
- Rand Paul
Collection: America
Image of Rand Paul
Our intervention to destabilize the Assad regime has really made the chaos worse in Syria. And if you were to get rid of Assad today, I would actually worry about the 2 million Christians that are protected by Assad.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Christian
Image of Rand Paul
The idea of foreign policy realism, I think, fits more neatly with President Trump. And with John McCain, the neoconservative label of let's make the world safe for democracy and we're going to topple every regime hasn't worked.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Thinking
Image of Rand Paul
If someone tries to put limits on the press, I'll be the first one standing up for the right of press, left and right, to continue saying and being part of the discussion and forwarding the discussion.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Trying
Image of Rand Paul
The separation of powers is about legislative powers. It isn't about discussion or words.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Separation
Image of Rand Paul
We are more polarized. And some of that comes from the people and some of that comes from the media.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Media
Image of Rand Paul
I was very, very concerned about President Obama and how much executive order and how much executive power he tried to exert. But I think I want to be, and I think congress will be, a check on any executive, Republican or Democrat, that tries to grasp too much power. And really, a lot of the fault is not only presidents trying to take too much power, it's Congress giving up too much power.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Rand Paul
Overall do I believe exchange with other cultures is good, people going back and forth is good, trade is good. Yes, all of these things are good. But I think you have to make sure the system's working. We need to know, virtually 100 percent of the time, when you come and when you leave. It's called entry and exit.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Believe
Image of Rand Paul
The current budget that the Republicans are looking at never balances. How can that be fiscally responsible? And how can we look at the public with a straight face and say yes we ran on balanced budgets.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Balance
Image of Rand Paul
Actually we're very lucky John McCain is not in charge because I think we would be in perpetual war.
- Rand Paul
Collection: War
Image of Rand Paul
I think the problem with John Bolton is he disagrees with President Trump's foreign policy. He would be closer to John McCain's foreign policy. John Bolton still believes the Iraq war was a good idea. He still believes that regime change is a good idea. He still believes that nation-building is a good idea.
- Rand Paul
Collection: War
Image of Rand Paul
I think it's a mistake to downgrade and say surveillance is no big deal. It is a huge deal that we are collecting millions of Americans phone calls and that someone can go to a keyboard and put your name in and search it without a warrant.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Mistake
Image of Rand Paul
I think that there is a bipartisan consensus that's incorrect that we should have the whole world be in NATO. For example, if we had Ukraine and Georgia in NATO - and this is something McCain and the other neocons have advocated for - we would be at war now because Russia has invaded both of them.
- Rand Paul
Collection: War
Image of Rand Paul
This is an ongoing threat from a variety of sources around the world. And actually I think it works both ways. I'm not privy to it, but I think all of the various country that have the ability are invading each other's computers all the time. But we have to protect our data. It's very important.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Country