Top Russia Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Russia quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Don Young
Russia's increased Arctic presence. The Arctic has vast natural resources and security value, and Russia is drastically increasing its footprint in the region.
- Don Young
Collection: Russia
Image of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
What would things been like [in Russia] if during periods of mass arrests people had not simply sat there, paling with terror at every bang on the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but understood they had nothing to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people?
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Collection: Russia
Image of Mark Kurlansky
In nineteenth-century Russia, sauerkraut was valued more than caviar.
- Mark Kurlansky
Collection: Russia
Image of Osip Mandelstam
Only in Russia poetry is respected - it gets people killed.
- Osip Mandelstam
Collection: Russia
Image of Alexei Navalny
We've grown accustomed to injustice in Russia. People are constantly being arrested unlawfully.
- Alexei Navalny
Collection: Russia
Image of Hjalmar Schacht
Allied supplies of arms to Russia, and the manpower reserves of Russia have been sufficient to bring continuous counter-attacks against our Eastern Front
- Hjalmar Schacht
Collection: Russia
Image of Mark Shields
The stated objective and the mission of Vladimir Putin's Russia is to destabilize the North Atlantic Alliance.
- Mark Shields
Collection: Russia
Image of Vladimir Putin
Hitler wanted to destroy Russia- everyone needs to remember how that ended
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Russia
Image of Vladimir Putin
Russia doesn't negotiate with terrorists. It destroys them.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Russia
Image of Victoria Wood
In Russia, show the least athletic aptitude and they've got you dangling off the parallel bars with a leotard full of hormones.
- Victoria Wood
Collection: Russia
Image of David Remnick
I would also like to see Russia not interfere in our elections.
- David Remnick
Collection: Russia
Image of Joseph Stalin
By May, 1st, 1937, there should not be one single church left within the borders of Soviet Russia, and the idea of God will have been banished from the Soviet Union as a remnant of the Middle Ages, which has been used for the purpose of oppressing the working classes.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Russia
Image of Joseph Stalin
Great Britain provided time; the United States provided money and Soviet Russia provided blood.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Russia
Image of Prince Philip
I would like to go to Russia very much — although the bastards murdered half my family.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Russia
Image of Adam Schiff
Russia is leading a movement around the world to spread autocracy and authoritarianism.
- Adam Schiff
Collection: Russia
Image of Yakov Smirnoff
In America, you assassinate president. In Soviet Russia, president assassinate you!
- Yakov Smirnoff
Collection: Russia
Image of Yakov Smirnoff
In America, you drive car. In Soviet Russia, car drive you!
- Yakov Smirnoff
Collection: Russia
Image of Otto von Bismarck
Do not expect that once taking advantage of Russia's weakness, you will receive dividends forever. Russian has always come for their money. And when they come - do not rely on an agreement signed by you, you are supposed to justify. They are not worth the paper it is written. Therefore, with the Russian is to play fair, or do not play.
- Otto von Bismarck
Collection: Russia
Image of Eric Roberts
We loved being in Russia and would love to go back again, especially to visit my namesake
- Eric Roberts
Collection: Russia
Image of Nikolay Davydenko
If I didn't have [a] wife, maybe I can say, 'Yeah, I'm disappointed I'm not maybe good looking.' ... I don't know about China, but in Russia, I still look good.
- Nikolay Davydenko
Collection: Russia
Image of Svetlana Alliluyeva
Moscow seethes and bubbles and gasps for air. It's always thirsting for something new, the newest events, the latest sensation. Everyone wants to be the first to know. It's the rhythm of life today.
- Svetlana Alliluyeva
Collection: Russia
Image of Karl Donitz
With the new weapons like the atom bomb, Russia would have it, too, and use it first. It is a very difficult world. But that trouble is imminent is obvious.
- Karl Donitz
Collection: Russia
Image of Robert K. Massie
In Russia everything is a secret, but there is no secrecy.
- Robert K. Massie
Collection: Russia
Image of Mary Heaton Vorse
Gathering news in Russia was like mining coal with a hat pin.
- Mary Heaton Vorse
Collection: Russia
Image of Hayley Wickenheiser
I'm really happy that it's in Russia. I've had a lot of success here. I had my first world championships here when I was younger so I am happy to do the Olympics here. I am really enjoying myself.
- Hayley Wickenheiser
Collection: Russia
Image of Marquis de Custine
In Russia, whatever be the appearance of things, violence and arbitrary rule is at the bottom of them all. Tyranny rendered calm by the influence of terror is the only kind of happiness which this government is able to afford its people.
- Marquis de Custine
Collection: Russia
Image of Lech Kaczynski
We want the best possible relations with Russia, of course. But at the same time, we are very vigilant when it comes to the German-Russian relationship. The reasons for this bilateral pipeline through the Baltic Sea were purely political.
- Lech Kaczynski
Collection: Russia
Image of Wen Jiabao
China and other members should join efforts to combat serious infectious disease, such as bird flu. To enhance the cooperation on the prevention of bird flu is an important target of the organization, which includes Russia, China and four Central Asian states.
- Wen Jiabao
Collection: Russia
Image of Dana Rohrabacher
My entire life was dedicated to defeating communism. I felt really great when Ronald Reagan helped us establish peace and the elimination of communism from Russia. We are now dealing with a national power, and, you know, it is a big power in the world. It's no longer being motivated by communist ideology that has it trying to overthrow democratic governments and replace them with atheistic communist dictatorships.
- Dana Rohrabacher
Collection: Russia
Image of Nancy Gibbs
Nixon urged Clinton to maintain his relationship with Yeltsin but make contact with other democrats in Russia. He warned Clinton away from some ultranationalists and toward those interested in liberty and reform. He pressed Clinton to replace his ambassador in Kiev and concentrate future U.S. economic aid on Ukraine, where it would matter most.
- Nancy Gibbs
Collection: Russia
Image of Frank Chodorov
Increasing the power of the state in response to the Soviet menace would not defeat socialism in Russia but bring it to the United States.
- Frank Chodorov
Collection: Russia
Image of Alexander Ovechkin
Everybody is jumping up and down back in Russia. Probably lots of vodka, too.
- Alexander Ovechkin
Collection: Russia
Image of Marine Le Pen
The Americans are trying to expand their influence in the world, particularly in Europe. They are defending their own interests, not ours. I am in favor of a multi-polar world in which France once again takes its position as the leader of non-aligned states, not with the US, not with Russia and not with Germany. One should strive to be neither slave nor master.
- Marine Le Pen
Collection: Russia
Image of George Stephanopoulos
I'm talking about the finding in October that is public now of 17 different intelligence agencies saying Russia tried to meddle with our elections.
- George Stephanopoulos
Collection: Russia
Image of Donald Keyhoe
Russia and the U. S. have announced they are definitely planning several space machines. So it's quite possible that the first space ships or satellites may encounter other interplanetary machines, manned or otherwise. Our space devices may even be closely approached by such alien machines.
- Donald Keyhoe
Collection: Russia
Image of Henry Hamilton Beamish
Communism is Judaism. The Jewish Revolution in Russia was in 1918.
- Henry Hamilton Beamish
Collection: Russia
Image of Anatoly Chubais
The Americans have gone through 150 years of ups and downs, to pull themselves up out of the mud. After only 15 years, Russia is already in the process of liberating itself from the same thing.
- Anatoly Chubais
Collection: Russia
Image of Andrey Illarionov
One cannot overestimate the options the West has available with which it can apply pressure on Russia.
- Andrey Illarionov
Collection: Russia
Image of Grigory Zinoviev
To overcome of our enemies we must have our own socialist militarism. We must carry along with us 90 million out of the 100 million of Soviet Russia's population. As for the rest, we have nothing to say to them. They must be annihilated.
- Grigory Zinoviev
Collection: Russia
Image of Marvin Kalb
Russia can never be an empire unless it is in control of Ukraine.
- Marvin Kalb
Collection: Russia
Image of Marvin Kalb
Vladimir Putin is a Russian czar. He's kind of a mix of Peter the Great and Stalin. He's got both in his veins. And he looks out first and foremost for the national security interests of Russia. He accepts that, in Eastern Europe, that is a Russian backyard, that is a Russian sphere of influence. Ukraine lives most uncomfortably and unhappily in a Russian backyard.
- Marvin Kalb
Collection: Russia
Image of Alexander Lebed
Russia is like a dinosaur. A lot of time is needed for change to reach the tail from the head.
- Alexander Lebed
Collection: Russia
Image of Zbigniew Jaworowski
The climatically inefficient and economically disastrous Kyoto Protocol, based on IPCC projections, was correctly defined by President George W. Bush as "fatally flawed". This criticism was recently followed by the President of Russia Vladimir V. Putin. I hope that their rational views might save the world from enormous damage that could be induced by implementing recommendations based on distorted science.
- Zbigniew Jaworowski
Collection: Russia
Image of Peter Kenyon
here are problems with the Turkish products inside Russia and the tourism going down. People are worried about that. But the really big economic weapons, oil and especially natural gas, those have not been brought into play yet - mostly in the form of threat so far. So basically the view from here is that, yeah, things are getting bad, but they could still get much, much worse.
- Peter Kenyon
Collection: Russia
Image of Peter Kenyon
Turkey's NATO membership is one thing that is forestalling the worst-case scenario - open conflict between Russia and Turkey - because neither Moscow nor the West wants a Russian NATO conflict to erupt.
- Peter Kenyon
Collection: Russia
Image of Sasha Pivovarova
In Russia, we have proverb: Only bad soldiers don't want to be general.
- Sasha Pivovarova
Collection: Russia
Image of Jack Valenti
To many Congressmen and Senators right now, there's a ceaseless antagonism toward Hollywood because politically, it is high-reward and low-risk. So when you can't do anything about poverty or the budget deficit, and you can't deal with Bosnia or the possibility of nuclear explosions in Russia, what do you do? You bash Hollywood and get on the front pages.
- Jack Valenti
Collection: Russia
Image of Katrina vanden Heuvel
In the United States national security interests to have a working relationship with Russia.
- Katrina vanden Heuvel
Collection: Russia
Image of Katrina vanden Heuvel
I agree that we need a working relationship with Russia to deescalate a nuclear arms race, to resolve the crisis in Syria.
- Katrina vanden Heuvel
Collection: Russia
Image of Olafur Eliasson
If I have the choice of traveling to Russia, India or New Zealand alone for a week for preliminary discussions or to spend that week with my family, I routinely choose my family.
- Olafur Eliasson
Collection: Russia