Top fire Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of fire quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Harold B. Lee
You cannot lift another soul until you are standing on higher ground than he is. You cannot light a fire in another soul unless it is burning in your own soul.
- Harold B. Lee
Collection: Fire
Image of Rachel Weisz
Fear is like the steam that fires the combustion engine. You need fear to get a performance going.
- Rachel Weisz
Collection: Fire
Image of Harriet Lerner
Underground issues from one relationship or context invariably fuel our fires in another.
- Harriet Lerner
Collection: Fire
Image of John Wesley
My fear is not that our great movement, known as the Methodists, will eventually cease to exist or one day die from the earth. My fear is that our people will become content to live without the fire, the power, the excitement, the supernatural element that makes us great.
- John Wesley
Collection: Fire
Image of Sonny Bono
It was scary when the Beatles came on the scene. It was like an earthquake or a fire or an accident.
- Sonny Bono
Collection: Fire
Image of Malcolm Turnbull
We learn from every natural disaster. Whether it's a fire or a flood, we learn something from it so we can respond to the next one better.
- Malcolm Turnbull
Collection: Fire
Image of Karen Maitland
But then, the flames of a fire are not made less painful by the knowledge that others are burning with you.
- Karen Maitland
Collection: Fire
Image of Laura Anne Gilman
Civilization did not come with fire. It came with the discovery of how to use fire to heat water.
- Laura Anne Gilman
Collection: Fire
Image of Bruce Sterling
I've been asked to explain why I don't worry much about the topics of privacy threat...One reason is that these scenarios seem to assume that there will be large, monolithic bureaucracies...that are capable of harnessing computers for one-way surveillance of an unsuspecting populace. I've come to feel that computation just doesn't work that way. Being afraid of monolithic organizations especially when they have computers, is like being afraid of really big gorillas especially when they are on fire.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Fire
Image of Bruce Sterling
Worrying about a large institution, especially when it has computers, is like worrying about a large gorilla, especially when it's on fire.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Fire
Image of Tennessee Williams
Not facing a fire doesn't put it out.
- Tennessee Williams
Collection: Fire
Image of George Ade
If you have to be burned at the stake, be a good fellow and collect your own fire-wood.
- George Ade
Collection: Fire
Image of Samuel Rutherford
Praise God for the hammer, the file, and the furnace. The hammer molds us, the file sharpens us, and the fire tempers us.
- Samuel Rutherford
Collection: Fire
Image of Charles Dudley Warner
To poke a wood fire is more solid enjoyment than almost anything else in the world.
- Charles Dudley Warner
Collection: Fire
Image of Samantha Shannon
his thumbs ran over my cheeks. Our foreheads touched. My dreamscape scorched. He set fire to the poppies
- Samantha Shannon
Collection: Fire
Image of Matt Bomer
You can't please everybody. There's that old saying that there's no sure formula for success, but the only sure fire formula for failure is to try to please everyone. You're not going to do that.
- Matt Bomer
Collection: Fire
Image of Christopher Golden
Xander Harris: Hair. Red. Red is good. Fire engines are red. Porsche's are red.
- Christopher Golden
Collection: Fire
Image of Alexander Theroux
Why should a blacksmith put his hands in the fire if he has tongs?
- Alexander Theroux
Collection: Fire
Image of Ann Richards
I've been tested by fire, and the fire lost.
- Ann Richards
Collection: Fire
Image of Stevie Smith
The religion of Christianity Is mixed of sweetness and cruelty Reject this Sweetness, for she wears A smoky dress out of hell fires.
- Stevie Smith
Collection: Fire
Image of Ethel Waters
Only those who are being burned know what fire is like.
- Ethel Waters
Collection: Fire
Image of Laurie R. King
Impossibility is a log thrown on the fires of love.
- Laurie R. King
Collection: Fire
Image of Algernon Charles Swinburne
His speech is a burning fire.
- Algernon Charles Swinburne
Collection: Fire
Image of Ben Nelson
Some decisions, like opening a fire hydrant to put out a fire, are easy to make. Other decisions, like deciding how to best distribute a drought-limited water supply among urban, rural and recreational uses, require careful deliberation.
- Ben Nelson
Collection: Fire
Image of Michael O'Brien
Solitude is the natural dwelling place of truth…It is there you will wrestle. It is there you will be tested by fire and by darkness.
- Michael O'Brien
Collection: Fire
Image of Nichiren
If one lights a fire for others, one will brighten one's own way.
- Nichiren
Collection: Fire
Image of Peter Brook
Many audiences all over the world will answer positively from their own experience that they have seen the face of the invisible through an experience on the stage that transcended their experience in life. They will maintain that Oedipus or Berenice or Hamlet or The Three Sisters performed with beauty and with love fires the spirit and gives them a reminder that daily drabness is not necessarily all.
- Peter Brook
Collection: Fire
Image of Smith Wigglesworth
God never intended His people to be ordinary or commonplace. His intentions were that they should be on fire for Him, conscious of His divine power, realizing the glory of the cross that foreshadows the crown.
- Smith Wigglesworth
Collection: Fire
Image of Bruce Springsteen
You can't start a fire without a spark
- Bruce Springsteen
Collection: Fire
Image of David Ogilvy
When you advertise fire extinguishers, open with the fire.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Fire
Image of William Booth
Look well to the fire of your souls, for the tendency of fire is to go out.
- William Booth
Collection: Fire
Image of Cate Tiernan
Fire is a fragile lover, court her well, neglect her not; her faith is like a misty smoke, her anger is destructive hot.
- Cate Tiernan
Collection: Fire
Image of Lech Walesa
Everyone wants a voice in human freedom. There's a fire burning inside all of us.
- Lech Walesa
Collection: Fire
Image of Alexander Pope
Religion blushing, veils her sacred fires, And unawares Morality expires.
- Alexander Pope
Collection: Fire
Image of Sharon Shinn
Only the strongest are put through the fire,' Josiah said. 'And the forge creates things of great strength and beauty.' 'Then I shall be truly glorious by the time my tenure ends.
- Sharon Shinn
Collection: Fire
Image of George Sterling
As a breath on glass, - As witch-fires that burn, The gods and monsters pass, Are dust, and return. (“The Face of the Skies”)
- George Sterling
Collection: Fire
Image of Grant Morrison
A cannon fires only once but words detonate across centuries
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Fire
Image of George S. Patton
A civil servant is sometimes like a broken cannon - it won't work and you can't fire it.
- George S. Patton
Collection: Fire
Image of Larry Niven
Never fire a laser at a mirror.
- Larry Niven
Collection: Fire
Image of Charles Grandison Finney
There can be no higher enjoyment found in this world that is found in pulling souls out of the fire and bringing them to Christ.
- Charles Grandison Finney
Collection: Fire
Image of Sissela Bok
Secrecy is as indispensable to human beings as fire, and as greatly feared.
- Sissela Bok
Collection: Fire
Image of Jeffrey Sachs
Deep down, if we really accept that their lives - African lives - are equal to ours, we would all be doing more to put the fire out. Its an uncomfortable truth.
- Jeffrey Sachs
Collection: Fire
Image of Scott Lynch
Stand aside, and try not to catch fire if I shed sparks of genius.
- Scott Lynch
Collection: Fire
Image of Bertolt Brecht
To those who does not know the world is on fire, I have nothing to say.
- Bertolt Brecht
Collection: Fire
Image of Ilsa J. Bick
Why can't you like me?" he said, his voice breaking. His scent steamed then, hot and heady with a welter of contradictions: apples and fire and electric roil of those cold, black shadows. "Why can't you like me just a little?" She would never know how she might have answered, because he never gave her the chance. Instead, he kissed her.
- Ilsa J. Bick
Collection: Fire
Image of Patrick Lencioni
People will walk through fire for a leader that's true and human.
- Patrick Lencioni
Collection: Fire
Image of Kevin Rudd
For Australians, climate change is no longer a distant threat. Our rivers are dying, bush fires are more ferocious and more frequent and our natural wonders - the Great Barrier Reef, Kakadu, our rainforests - are now at risk.
- Kevin Rudd
Collection: Fire
Image of Dan Wells
If other things must be destroyed in order for fire to exist, that's all right with fire. As far as fire is concerned, that's what those things are there for in the first place.
- Dan Wells
Collection: Fire
Image of Emily Mortimer
You don't have to be brilliant at everything. You just have to have the courage to put yourself in the line of fire.
- Emily Mortimer
Collection: Fire