Rainbow Rowell

Image of Rainbow Rowell
The next night, Lincoln parked his Corolla right next to The Courier's front door. I'm here, he thought. Find me. Follow me. Make this inevitable.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Night
Image of Rainbow Rowell
Holding Eleanor’s hand was like holding a butterfly. Or a heartbeat. Like holding something complete, and completely alive. As soon as he touched her, he wondered how he’d gone this long without doing it. He rubbed his thumb through her palm and up her fingers, and was aware of her every breath.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Butterfly
Image of Rainbow Rowell
Nothing before you counts,” he said. “And I can’t even imagine an after.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Imagine
Image of Rainbow Rowell
As I moved to less and less diverse places in my life, I realized that white people dont talk about race amongst themselves!
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Race
Image of Rainbow Rowell
I was in my mid 20s when email finally took off. Until then, the phone was my primary way of connecting with the people in my life.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Phones
Image of Rainbow Rowell
With Attachments, my goal was to write a really good romantic comedy. I wanted the reader to be smiling throughout.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Writing
Image of Rainbow Rowell
She wanted to lose herself in him. To tie his arms around her like a tourniquet. If she showed him how much she needed him, he'd run away.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Running
Image of Rainbow Rowell
It's more like you meet someone, and you fall in love, and you hope that that person is the one - and then at some point, you have to put down your chips. You just have to make a commitment and hope that you're right.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Love
Image of Rainbow Rowell
He tried to remember how this happened – how she went from someone he’d never met to the only one who mattered.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Remember
Image of Rainbow Rowell
I don’t just kiss people. Kisses aren’t... just with me.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Kissing
Image of Rainbow Rowell
I wrote all four of my books at Starbucks.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Book
Image of Rainbow Rowell
He didn't take her breath away. Maybe the opposite. But that was okay-that was really good, actually, to be near someone who filled your lungs with air.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Love
Image of Rainbow Rowell
I'm sorry about yesterday," she said. He hung on to his straps and shrugged. "Yesterday happens.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Sorry
Image of Rainbow Rowell
...and his eyes were so green they could turn carbon dioxide into oxygen.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Eye
Image of Rainbow Rowell
You're a kaleidoscope, you change every time I look away.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Life
Image of Rainbow Rowell
I look like a hobo?" "Worse," he said. "Like a sad hobo clown." "And you like it?" "I love it." As soon as he said it, she broke into a smile. And when Eleanor smiled, something broke inside of him. Something always did.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Looks
Image of Rainbow Rowell
Dumb. He should have gotten the pen. Jewelry was so public... and personal, which was why he'd bought it. He couldn't buy Eleanor a pen. Or a bookmark. He didn't have bookmarklike feelings for her.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Should Have
Image of Rainbow Rowell
Eleanor's hair caught fire at dawn. Her eyes were dark and shining, and his arms were sure of her. The first time he touched her hand, he'd known.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Eye
Image of Rainbow Rowell
Everytime, he breaks your heart. And everytime, he expects me to pick up the pieces.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Heart
Image of Rainbow Rowell
She’d majored in English, hoping that meant she could spend the next four years reading and writing. And maybe the next four years after that.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Reading
Image of Rainbow Rowell
I don't want to do anything. I don't even want to start this day because then I'll just be expected to finish it.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Want
Image of Rainbow Rowell
I don't like hello. It makes me sound like I have dementia, like I've never heard a phone ring before and I don't know what's supposed to happen next. Hello?
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Phones
Image of Rainbow Rowell
You know?" he repeated. She smiled, so he kissed her. "You're not the Han Solo in this relationship, you know." "I'm totally the Han Solo," she whispered. It was good to hear her. It was good to remember it was Eleanor under all this new flesh. "Well, I'm not the Princess Leia," he said. "Don't get so hung up on gender roles," Eleanor said.” ... “You can be Han Solo," he said, kissing her throat. "And I'll be Boba Fett. I'll cross the sky for you.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Princess
Image of Rainbow Rowell
He pulled away to say he's sorry, and she shook her head no, because even though she really want him to be sorry, she wanted to kiss him more.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Sorry
Image of Rainbow Rowell
Emergency dance party--go away.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Party
Image of Rainbow Rowell
Eggnog reminds me of mucus." "Me, too. But in a good way.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Way
Image of Rainbow Rowell
I don’t want to kiss a stranger,” Cath would answer. “I’m not interested in lips out of context.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Kissing
Image of Rainbow Rowell
Happily ever after, or even just together ever after, is not cheesy.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Cheesy
Image of Rainbow Rowell
Maybe he was Filipino. Was that in Asia? Probably. Asia's out-of-control huge.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Asia
Image of Rainbow Rowell
I thought you were just mean," Reagan said. "I liked that about you.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Mean
Image of Rainbow Rowell
What if I promise not to touch you?" "Cath laughed. "Now I have zero incentive to come." "What if I promise to let you touch me first?" "Are you kidding? I'm the untrustworthy person in this relationship. I'm all hands." "I've seen no evidence of that, Cath." "In my head, I'm all hands." "I want to live in your head.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Zero
Image of Rainbow Rowell
No, I know,” Levi said. “But it’s not you. You don’t push through every moment. You pay attention. You take everything in. I like that about you—I like that better.” Cath closed her eyes and felt tears catch on her cheeks. “I like your glasses,” he said. “I like your Simon Snow T-shirts. I like that you don’t smile at everyone, because then, when you smile at me.… Cather.” He kissed her mouth. “Look at me.” She did. “I choose you over everyone.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Eye
Image of Rainbow Rowell
To really be a nerd, she'd decided, you had to prefer fictional worlds to the real one.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Life
Image of Rainbow Rowell
When Cath's eyes closed, her eyelids stuck. She wanted to open them. She wanted to get a better look at Levi's too-dark eyebrows, she wanted to admire his crazy, vampire hairline--she had a feeling this was never going to happen again and that it might even ruin what was left of her life, so she wanted to open her eyes and bear some witness.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Crazy
Image of Rainbow Rowell
Levi's eyebrows were pornographic. If Cath were making this decision just on eyebrows, she would have been "up to his room" a long time ago.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Eyebrows
Image of Rainbow Rowell
That's not the point," he said. "What kind of creep would I be if I let my girl carry something heavy while I walked along, swinging my arms?" Your girl? "The kind that respects my wishes," she said. "And my strength, and my... arms." Levi grinned some more. Because he wasn't taking her seriously. "I have a lot of respect for your arms. I like how they're attached to the rest of you.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Girl
Image of Rainbow Rowell
You're wearing at least four different kinds of sweater." "This is a scarf." "You look tarred and sweatered.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Sweaters
Image of Rainbow Rowell
Cath wanted to go back and rewrite every scene she'd ever written about Baz or Simon's chests. She'd written them flat and sharp and hard. Levi was all soft motion and breath, curves and warm hollows. Levi's chest was a living thing.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Curves
Image of Rainbow Rowell
The me that's me right now is yours. Always.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: You Saved Me
Image of Rainbow Rowell
There are other people on the Internet. It's awesome. You get all the benefits of 'other people' without the body odor and the eye contact.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Eye
Image of Rainbow Rowell
Just … isn’t giving up allowed sometimes? Isn’t it okay to say, ‘This really hurts, so I’m going to stop trying’?” “It sets a dangerous precedent.” “For avoiding pain?” “For avoiding life.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Hurt
Image of Rainbow Rowell
The professor leaned forward. “But there’s nothing more profound than creating something out of nothing.” Her lovely face turned fierce. “Think about it Cath. That’s what makes a god—or a mother. There’s nothing more intoxicating than creating something from nothing. Creating something from yourself.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Mother
Image of Rainbow Rowell
Knowing they were in the same city again made the missing him flare up inside her. In her stomach. Why were people always going on and on about the heart? Almost everything Levi happened in Cath’s stomach.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Heart
Image of Rainbow Rowell
I miss you." "That's stupid," she said. "I saw you this morning." "It's not the time," Levi said, and she could hear that he was smiling." It's the distance.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Morning
Image of Rainbow Rowell
He wished that they could go through life like this. That he could physically put himself between Eleanor and the world.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: World
Image of Rainbow Rowell
Take off your glasses." "Why? I thought you liked my glassess." "I love your glasses. I especially love the moment when you take them off.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Glasses
Image of Rainbow Rowell
I dare you to call Ask-A-Nurse and tell them you feel a presence in your womb region.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Nurse
Image of Rainbow Rowell
You don't know when you're twenty-three. You don't know what it really means to crawl into someone else's life and stay there. You can't see all the ways you're going to get tangled, how you're going to bond skin to skin. How the idea of separating will feel in five years, in ten - in fifteen. When Georgie thought about divorce now, she imagined lying side by side with Neal on two operating tables while a team of doctors tried to unthread their vascular systems. She didn't know at twenty-three.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Love
Image of Rainbow Rowell
The snow came up to the top of Georgie's calves - she had to lift her feet high to make any progress. Her ears and eyelids were freezing ... God, she'd never even been able to imagine this much cold before. How could people live someplace that so obviously didn't want them?
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Feet