Top princess Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of princess quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Princess Nokia
Everything that I embody is the fluidity of my own consumption.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
My definition of God is the highest supreme feeling of beauty and light and happiness.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
I'm undereducated in politics, and I don't like to involve myself in them because they have dark spaces that I do not want to touch.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
When white supremacy has you down, honey, go out dancing, have as much fun as you can.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
Everybody wants to act like I ain't a big deal when I am. I'm one of the most successful, relevant and influential rappers of my generation.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
I've written all of my songs, I directed all my videos. Every part of what I've done for music, from the visuals to the business, I did it. And I'm really proud of that.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
When I started out rapping, I became very frightened by the idea that people were trying to pigeonhole me. That's usually what happens to most female rappers. They fit in a box and there's a prototype or person they're compared to.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
I was always so many different things, all at once: a little hood, a little punk, a little grunge, a little glam, a little gay. I have a whole bunch of flavours.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
I'm not trendy and I'm not popular.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
I'm from Harlem.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
The world is going to come to a place where we're all being spied on and nothing is private.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
That whole Wavy Spice, '90s thing, it wasn't who I was or what I saw myself doing in the future.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
I'm not aloof at all.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
I'm loud, I'm super comedic about my life, and I always try to look for partners who are the same about theirs, and with that I just try to always find a partner who I can have a laugh with who completely understands me before I begin to share anything.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
I've got a lot of male energy.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
I think that sharing experiences with a person is very valuable, because it allows you to have a bond to become closer.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
My experience is that white kids love hip-hop, and brown and black kids love rock music. That shows that brown kids - they carry emotion, they carry pain, they carry oppression and strife.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
All the greatest comedians use comedy and humor to release pain and sadness, and I think that instead of wanting to live within my pain, or live within my sadness, I try to be funny and look at things with a funny view.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
I prefer my partner to have profound, deep intellect, a profound education, but where their education comes from is no preference of my own.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
There are many types of education: formal education, street education, personal education, experiential education, and I've found that I've had different partners who have a lot of wonderful intellect and education from all different types of sources.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
Men should understand that women are creatures of nature, and that they are to be respected as nature, and that they are interchangeable and complex like nature.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
I'm 100 percent in control of my artistry, music, and finances.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
I've been investing in and funding myself since day one.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
I bike around New York City for hours and write about everything I love, think about, or see. I also ride back and forth on the subway - that's where I get my best writing done.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
I'm kind of like a musical Bill Cunningham.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
Alternative culture has always had a populace within the black and brown community.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
With every resurgence or generational turning, fashion and music becomes reiterated.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
I believe in God, Nature, Magic, and the spiritual healing of all holistic properties.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
I'm very conscious of my body, and how I take care of it. I like clean foods, drink a lot of water, and soak up much sunlight and positive energy as I can.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
I meditate and pray multiple times a week to guide myself with divine clarity.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
I am really connected to my astral body. Thats why I think the study of chakras and auras are so important.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
My parents were artists, bohemian, hanging out a lot.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
I remember at school one day there was a vocabulary list on the chalkboard, and the word 'nonconformist' was on there, and it said, 'Someone that doesn't appeal to society, someone who doesn't fit in.' We had this whole conversation about it, and I realized it cohered to the punk-rock world that I was into.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
Music has empowered me through poverty, abuse, and mental-health issues.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
Music gives me a focused purpose. It saves my life every day.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Princess Nokia
I've always been a champion of love.
- Princess Nokia
Collection: Princess
Image of Christina Dodd
A princess always takes care that her words are honeyed, for she may have to eat them
- Christina Dodd
Collection: Princess
Image of Cintra Wilson
If Marilyn Monroe and Princess Diana were "candles in the wind," and Anna Nicole Smith was a bonfire in a hailstorm, and Lindsay Lohan is an electric toaster thrown intentionally into a Jacuzzi, then Paris Hilton s a strobe light in an epilepsy ward.
- Cintra Wilson
Collection: Princess
Image of Alton Brown
The way to any woman's heart, be she witch or Wonderwoman, princess or Pocahontas, is through her stomach.
- Alton Brown
Collection: Princess
Image of Simon Pegg
We are never more creative than when we are at odds with the world and there is nothing so artistically destructive as comfort. Princess Leia taught me that.
- Simon Pegg
Collection: Princess
Image of Simon Pegg
It wasn't until a year later, when a young woman with Danish pastries on either side of her head knelt down in front of a walking dustbin to record an important message, that love truly came to town." - p 16 [re: Princess Leia]
- Simon Pegg
Collection: Princess
Image of John Ford
The joys of marriage are the heaven on earth, Life's paradise, great princess, the soul's quiet, Sinews of concord, earthly immortality, Eternity of pleasures.
- John Ford
Collection: Princess
Image of Cameron Dokey
Little princess, lovely as the dawn, well named Aurore.
- Cameron Dokey
Collection: Princess
Image of Cindy Gerard
Marry me, princess. I'll give you my kingdom—small potatoes that it is.
- Cindy Gerard
Collection: Princess
Image of Terry Brooks
A cat never discusses his business with humans, not even Princesses. A cat never explains and never apologizes. A cat never alibis. You must accept a cat as it is and for what it is and not expect more than the pleasure of its company.
- Terry Brooks
Collection: Princess
Image of Regina Doman
Can you imagine anything more tragic?' Rose asked. 'To be born a princess --native and to the manor born-- and then to forget who you are and settle for being something horrible like an--an accountant!
- Regina Doman
Collection: Princess
Image of Jack Vance
Nothing is more conspicuous than a farting princess.
- Jack Vance
Collection: Princess
Image of Jessica Day George
How wonderful," he purred. "I've been longing to speak to you for days, Princess Cecelia." "And I've been wanting to kick you in the shin for days.
- Jessica Day George
Collection: Princess
Image of Jessica Day George
Both princesses immediately looked wary, exchanging glances. "Warn us of what?" Petunia asked. She studied him with those blue, blue eyes and Oliver wondered all over again what he was doing here.
- Jessica Day George
Collection: Princess
Image of Gaelen Foley
You saved me again," she told him with a starstruck gaze. He cupped her cheek and gave her a tender smile in the dark. "Because you are my princess and I am your knight.
- Gaelen Foley
Collection: Princess