Prince Philip

Image of Prince Philip
I am full of admiration for the technologists who have developed all sorts of gadgets for the purpose of improving communications. However, I believe that all these fascinating machines are complementary to, and not substitutes for, books and the printed word.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Believe
Image of Prince Philip
There's a cord sticking out of the back. Might you tell me where it goes?
- Prince Philip
Collection: Might
Image of Prince Philip
I don't know how they're going to integrate in places like Glasgow and Sheffield.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Classic
Image of Prince Philip
There's a lot of your family in tonight.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Edinburgh
Image of Prince Philip
It's a vast waste of space.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Space
Image of Prince Philip
The French don't know how to cook breakfast.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Breakfast
Image of Prince Philip
I have very little experience of self-government. In fact, I am one of the most governed people in the world.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Government
Image of Prince Philip
It's difficult to see how it's possible to become immensely valuable by singing what are the most hideous songs.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Song
Image of Prince Philip
I therefore suggested that WWF should invite leaders from the major religions to meet together to discuss what - if any - responsibility they felt they had for the natural environment as a "sacred" entity.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Prince Philip
For conservation to be successful it is necessary to take into consideration that it is a characteristic of man that he can only be relied upon to do anything consistently which is in his own interest.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Successful
Image of Prince Philip
I suppose I'd get in trouble if I were to melt them down.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Classic
Image of Prince Philip
Do people trip over you?
- Prince Philip
Collection: People
Image of Prince Philip
Are you running away from something?
- Prince Philip
Collection: Running
Image of Prince Philip
It is frequently more rewarding merely to ask pertinent questions. It may get someone to go and look for an answer.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Pertinent Questions
Image of Prince Philip
The more people there are, the more food we need, the more space we occupy, the more resources and consumer goods we wish to have and the more development has to take place
- Prince Philip
Collection: Space
Image of Prince Philip
Why don't you go and live in a hostel to save cash?
- Prince Philip
Collection: Cash
Image of Prince Philip
We don't come here for our health. We can think of other ways of enjoying ourselves.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Health
Image of Prince Philip
You managed not to get eaten then?
- Prince Philip
Collection: Edinburgh
Image of Prince Philip
Deaf? If you're near there, no wonder you are deaf.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Edinburgh
Image of Prince Philip
We are suffering a national defeat comparable to any lost military campaign, and what is more, it is self- inflicted? It is about time that we pulled our fingers out? The rest of the world most certainly does not owe us a living.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Military
Image of Prince Philip
And what exotic part of the world do you come from?
- Prince Philip
Collection: Exotic
Image of Prince Philip
That's more than you know about anything else then.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Classic
Image of Prince Philip
Can you tell the difference between them?
- Prince Philip
Collection: Differences
Image of Prince Philip
It's not a very big one, but at least it's dead and it took an awful lot of killing!
- Prince Philip
Collection: Awful
Image of Prince Philip
In the end we must, I think, somehow conclude that they have as much right to this planet as we have.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Equality
Image of Prince Philip
The biggest waste of water in the country by far. You spend half a pint and flush two gallons.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Country
Image of Prince Philip
Oh, it's you that owns that ghastly car, is it?
- Prince Philip
Collection: Car
Image of Prince Philip
No, I'd probably end up spitting it out over everybody.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Classic
Image of Prince Philip
Oh! You're the people ruining the rivers.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Rivers
Image of Prince Philip
If we could just stop the tourism, we could stop the congestion.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Edinburgh
Image of Prince Philip
I don't claim to have any special interest in natural history, but as a boy I was made aware of the annual fluctuations in the number of game animals and the need to adjust the cull to the size of the surplus population.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Animal
Image of Prince Philip
Your country is one of the most notorious centres of trading in endangered species.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Country
Image of Prince Philip
And if we could get the local leaders to appreciate their responsibility for the environment then they would be able to explain that responsibility to the people of their faith.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Prince Philip
Well, you didn't design your beard too well, did you?
- Prince Philip
Collection: Design
Image of Prince Philip
You bloody silly fool!
- Prince Philip
Collection: Silly
Image of Prince Philip
We go into the red next year... I shall have to give up polo.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Prince Philip
This could only happen in a technical college.
- Prince Philip
Collection: College
Image of Prince Philip
It seems to me that it's the best way of wasting money that I know of. I don't think investments on the moon pay a very high dividend.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Moon
Image of Prince Philip
People say after a fire it's water damage that's the worst. We're still drying out Windsor Castle.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Fire
Image of Prince Philip
Were you here in the bad old days? ... That's why you can't read and write then!
- Prince Philip
Collection: Writing
Image of Prince Philip
We don't come here for our health.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Classic
Image of Prince Philip
That's a nice tie... Do you have any knickers in that material?
- Prince Philip
Collection: Nice
Image of Prince Philip
You can't have been here long, you haven't got a pot belly.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Long
Image of Prince Philip
How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test?
- Prince Philip
Collection: Diamond Jubilee
Image of Prince Philip
During the Blitz, a lot of shops had their windows blown in and put up notices saying, 'More open than usual'. I now declare this place more open than usual.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Usual
Image of Prince Philip
In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Death
Image of Prince Philip
A horse which stops dead just before a jump and thus propels its rider into a graceful arc provides a splendid excuse for general merriment.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Horse
Image of Prince Philip
You're just a silly little Whitehall twit: you don't trust me and I don't trust you.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Silly
Image of Prince Philip
A few years ago, everybody was saying we must have more leisure, everyone's working too much. Now everybody's got more leisure time they're complaining they're unemployed. People don't seem to make up their minds what they want.
- Prince Philip
Collection: Years