Orson Scott Card

Image of Orson Scott Card
You take a step, then another. That's the journey. But to take a step with your eyes open is not a journey at all, it's a remaking of your own mind.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Travel
Image of Orson Scott Card
It just gripes me hollow, the way God always sneaks in to take the credit.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Sneak In
Image of Orson Scott Card
I've seen Australia and I've lived on an asteroid and I'd take the asteroid.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Australia
Image of Orson Scott Card
That is the ultimate power, to stare death in the face and be unafraid.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Faces
Image of Orson Scott Card
Knowing something may be a terrible burden to bear, but it holds no danger to them as aren't afraid of truth.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Knowing
Image of Orson Scott Card
It wasn't so bad being a slave when your owner was yourself and stood up for you.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Slave
Image of Orson Scott Card
Where do you draw the line between a humble man who knows his own weaknesses but tries to act out virtues he hasn't quite mastered yet, and a proud man who pretends to have those virtues without the slightest intention of acquiring them?
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Humble
Image of Orson Scott Card
When both parties are lying and they both know the other party's lying, it comes powerful close to being the same thing as telling the truth.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Powerful
Image of Orson Scott Card
Religion is tied to the deepest feelings people have. The love that arises from that stewing pot is the sweetest and strongest, but the hate is the hottest, and the anger is the most violent.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Hate
Image of Orson Scott Card
My hands are clean, but not because I wasn't prepared to bloody them.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Hands
Image of Orson Scott Card
At some point, every science fiction and fantasy story must challenge the reader's experience and learning. That's much of the reason why the genre is so open to experimentation and innovation that other genres reject--strangeness is our bread and butter. Spread it thick or slice it thin, it's still our staff of life.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Genre Is
Image of Orson Scott Card
You grow a whole lot more as a writer by getting old stories out of the house and letting new ones come in and live with you until they grow up and are ready to go. Don't let the old ones stay there and grow fat and cranky and eat all the food out of the refrigerator. You have dozens of generations of stories inside you, but the only way to make room for the new ones is to write the old ones and mail them off.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Orson Scott Card
Religion makes them crazy. Not a woman I ever met wasn't crazy with religion.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Crazy
Image of Orson Scott Card
We don't admit it to ourselves, not until the very moment of death, but in that moment, we see all life before us and we understand how we chose, every day of our lives, the manner of our death.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Moments
Image of Orson Scott Card
I've learned much, Father, and this above all: that no station in life is above any other, if it's occupied by someone with a good heart.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Father
Image of Orson Scott Card
War was never so careful as to inflict suffering only where it was merited.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: War
Image of Orson Scott Card
Who would I be, if other good souls did not make up for my shortcomings?
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Soul
Image of Orson Scott Card
Once you have the gallows, you'll find new reasons to hang people from it.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: People
Image of Orson Scott Card
To expect wickedness from human beings is the best way I know of to avoid surprises. And when I am surprised, it's always pleasantly.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Wickedness
Image of Orson Scott Card
I'm neutral on lying, seeing as how there's times when the truth just hurts people.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Hurt
Image of Orson Scott Card
How short life is for fools.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Short Life
Image of Orson Scott Card
It is the essence of dignity to pretend to desire what you cannot prevent.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Essence
Image of Orson Scott Card
A rustic setting always suggests fantasy; to suggest science fiction, you need sheet metal and plastic. You need rivets.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Needs
Image of Orson Scott Card
I don't know a soul who doesn't maintain two separate lists of doctrines the ones that they believe that they believe; and the ones that they actually try to live by.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Believe
Image of Orson Scott Card
Just because the only way you can maintain control over your bodily passions is to sit straight in your chair, knees together, hands delicately arranged in our lap, fingers tightly intertwined, does not mean that I am required to do the same.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Passion
Image of Orson Scott Card
The dreamers always seem to think their dream is worth the price that other people will pay. They also delude themselves that they will control whatever evil they use to try to bring about their dream.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Dream
Image of Orson Scott Card
In creating the strange milieu in which your story takes place, you must first understand as well as you possibly can the familiar milieu in which your own life is taking place. Until you have examined and comprehended the world around you, you can't possibly create a complex and believable imaginary world.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Creating
Image of Orson Scott Card
I think Santa Claus is, by and large, quite beneficial, for when the child is finally allowed -- or forced -- to recognize the nonexistence of Santa Claus, then the child is able to go through the vital intellectual process of reconstructing reality in light of new evidence, complete with back-forming new stories to account for past events. This prepares the child for many other disillusionments and gives her vital and well-supported experience in maintaining her grip on reality independent of the stories told to her at any given time.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Children
Image of Orson Scott Card
A library is the first step of a thousand journeys, portal to a thousand worlds.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Journey
Image of Orson Scott Card
It's simple. Nothing exists except in relation to something else.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Simple
Image of Orson Scott Card
The first of a thousand lies. Truth flowed to Micah Quill, was sucked in and disappeared, and emerged again looking ever so much like it used to, but changed subtly, at the edges, where none would notice, so that simple truth became a complicated fabric indeed, one that could wrap you up so tightly and close you off from the air until you suffocated in it.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Lying
Image of Orson Scott Card
Maybe we're the fools, for thinking we know things. Maybe humans are the only ones who can deal with the fact that nothing can ever be known at all.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Thinking
Image of Orson Scott Card
The difference between science fiction and fantasy … is simply this: science fiction has rivets and fantasy has trees.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Differences
Image of Orson Scott Card
The only people who ever prize purity of ignorance are those who profit from a monopoly on knowledge.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Ignorance
Image of Orson Scott Card
Human beings are free except when humanity needs them.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Freedom
Image of Orson Scott Card
A weak King must be what other Kings have been; a strong King is himself, and from then on the meaning of the name of King is changed.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Strong
Image of Orson Scott Card
In a way, being a Mormon prepares you to deal with science fiction, because we live simultaneously in two very different cultures. The result is that we all know what it's like to be strangers in a strange land. It's not just a coincidence that there are so many effective Mormon science fiction writers. We don't regard being an alien as an alien experience. But it also means that we're not surprised when people don't understand what we're saying or what we think.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Mean
Image of Orson Scott Card
Satanic Verses is a despicable book that could not have been written by a person who wished to behave decently and responsibly.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Book
Image of Orson Scott Card
Your dream is a good one. [. . .] The desire that is the very root of life itself: To grow until all the space you can see is part of you, under your control. It's the desire for greatness.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Dream
Image of Orson Scott Card
[T]he politically correct are above the rules of ordinary civility, once they have identified you as an unbeliever in their religion.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Ordinary
Image of Orson Scott Card
And above all, what does being liberal have to do with opposing, or, uh, supporting the war against terror? Our enemies in the war against terror are so anti-liberal that you would think it would be liberals leaping to protect the world from these monstrous ideologies.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: War
Image of Orson Scott Card
I merely observe that all living things are manipulated. As long as there is a will, it is bent and twisted constantly. Only the dead are allowed the luxury of freedom, and then only because they want nothing, and therefore can't be thwarted.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Luxury
Image of Orson Scott Card
I always tell what I believe. Whether it's true, I'm no more sure than any man.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Believe
Image of Orson Scott Card
If the Church has no the authority to tell its members that they may not engage in homosexual practices, then it has no authority at all. And if we accept the argument of the hypocrites of homosexuality that their sin is not a sin, we have destroyed ourselves.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Hypocrite
Image of Orson Scott Card
I will love you forever, he thought. I am lying, he thought, and this time he was right
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Time
Image of Orson Scott Card
The Lord took twice the time making thee, Alvin Smith, cause it took that long to put the mischief in.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Time
Image of Orson Scott Card
His vices were the vices of his time and culture, but his virtues transcended the milieu of his life.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Time
Image of Orson Scott Card
He is dead, she thought bitterly, because we have forgotten him.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Forgotten
Image of Orson Scott Card
I don't freeze up because it isn't my battle. I'm helping. I'm watching. But I'm free. Because it's Ender's game.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Games