Top Genre Is Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Genre Is quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Steven Van Zandt
Rock'n'roll as a genre is different from pop and hip hop: it is about bands, and that for me suggests brotherhood, family, friendship and community.
- Steven Van Zandt
Collection: Genre Is
Image of David Shields
Genre is a minimum security prison.
- David Shields
Collection: Genre Is
Image of Sam Worthington
There's always gonna be criticisms, no matter what movie you do, no matter what. You can't please everybody, and it doesn't matter what the genre is. There's always gonna be a positive to a negative comment.
- Sam Worthington
Collection: Genre Is
Image of Charlie Jane Anders
There are no requirements when you're using a particular genre. It's not like the genre is your boss and you have to do what it says. You can make use of the genre any way you want to, as long as you can make it work.
- Charlie Jane Anders
Collection: Genre Is
Image of Rob Halford
I'll always have a totally open mind to endless possibilities. I want to do a dance album. Not Techno, but a record that's exclusively designed for people to dance to. That whole dance genre is kinda into its own world. I'd just like to get in there and mess around with that.
- Rob Halford
Collection: Genre Is
Image of Conor McPherson
I could not flourish in the Hollywood system because the first thing spoken about is "What genre is it?" and "Who's it for?" It's a very strange question to me; it's for human beings.
- Conor McPherson
Collection: Genre Is
Image of Tony Sunshine
Being gone for so long and coming back into the game, I'm the type of person to reinvent myself pretty often and I can adapt to pretty much whatever genre is popping at the moment.
- Tony Sunshine
Collection: Genre Is
Image of Orson Scott Card
At some point, every science fiction and fantasy story must challenge the reader's experience and learning. That's much of the reason why the genre is so open to experimentation and innovation that other genres reject--strangeness is our bread and butter. Spread it thick or slice it thin, it's still our staff of life.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Genre Is
Image of Woody Allen
One of the wonderful things about making a film of any genre is that you have dialogue. You can take up a position. If you want to say something about your position, you can just say it. You don't have to spend massive amounts of screen time.
- Woody Allen
Collection: Genre Is
Image of Martin Amis
Dickens is a much misunderstood and mis-approached writer, in that he tends to be read, particularly in the twentieth century, as a social commentator - like the great Victorians, a realist in his way. But he isn't at all like that. His genre is actually more like a fairy tale - weird transformations, long voyages from which people come back altered, parental mysteries, semi-magical twists.
- Martin Amis
Collection: Genre Is
Image of James Berardinelli
Parodies are hard to do well, as is shown by the mediocrity of so many recent attempts. No matter how ripe a genre is for satirizing, unless you know how to do it, there are no guarantees.
- James Berardinelli
Collection: Genre Is
Image of Stanislaw Lem
The demand for absolute purity of genres is becoming nowadays an anachronism in literature.
- Stanislaw Lem
Collection: Genre Is
Image of Stephen King
The horror genre is an extremely delicate thing. You can talk to filmmakers and even psychologists who've studied the genre, and even they don't understand what works or what doesn't work. More importantly, they don't understand why it works when it works.
- Stephen King
Collection: Genre Is