Niall Horan

Image of Niall Horan
Changing is for weirdos.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Weirdo
Image of Niall Horan
If I was in a horrorfilm I’d die first, because I would have no idea what’s going on.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Ideas
Image of Niall Horan
Don't mess with our fans or we'll come and find you.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Fans
Image of Niall Horan
When you think about it, some people don't like certain things, but when it comes to music, no matter who you are, where you're from, what kind of personality you've got...everyone loves music of some sort; that's what's so epic about it.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Epic
Image of Niall Horan
When i was 12 all of my friends had girlfriends and i didn't, i felt lonely so i asked my mom to date me.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Mom
Image of Niall Horan
Sometimes, the girls hug all boys except me, and I just smile, but it hurts.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Girl
Image of Niall Horan
I’ll always defend the people I Love.
- Niall Horan
Collection: One Direction
Image of Niall Horan
I think there's nothing wrong with eating all the time. At least i'm not doing anything illegal.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Thinking
Image of Niall Horan
I'm the kind of boy that can fall in love with any girl because I love with the heart, not the eyes.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Girl
Image of Niall Horan
I won't date a model, because models are perfect and perfect is boring.
- Niall Horan
Collection: One Direction
Image of Niall Horan
I’m waiting for my princess to come I just have to be patient.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Princess
Image of Niall Horan
The fans always tell me im beautiful but I always tell them that no one will ever be as beautiful as them
- Niall Horan
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Niall Horan
I had a friend, who was abused by her dad. I made a vow to myself that I'd never hurt my daughter.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Daughter
Image of Niall Horan
Every now and then you have like a realization moment where you get goosebumps and think, “I am literally the luckiest person in the world.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Thinking
Image of Niall Horan
I love with the heart not the eyes.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Heart
Image of Niall Horan
I hate to see a guy who insults a girl or is bad with her. Immediately I think she would be better if she was with me.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Girl
Image of Niall Horan
I can't help but look for my future wife in the crowd.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Wife
Image of Niall Horan
My accent always works with girls. They like it, I have no idea why.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Girl
Image of Niall Horan
I hate it when girls act stupid ’cause they think it’s cute. Intelligence is sexy.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Cute
Image of Niall Horan
I don't know, it's odd that girls ask if they can hug me. Don't ask, do it. I'm just a regular guy
- Niall Horan
Collection: Girl
Image of Niall Horan
Age is just a number. Who cares how old the girl is that I date?
- Niall Horan
Collection: Girl
Image of Niall Horan
We're never going to escape the idea of being young. Which I don't mind myself. I mean, who wants to grow up anyway?
- Niall Horan
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Niall Horan
I think our fans are a bit like us — they’re very fun, like to have a laugh, like to party. I think that’s what comes across on our album as well. It’s very fun. It’s music that you could play at a party, but it also deals with teenage relationships.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Fun
Image of Niall Horan
The type of girls that would sleep with you in a heartbeat aren't the type of girls I'd want to take home anyway.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Girl
Image of Niall Horan
Fans always ask me to marry them so I'll have a lot of wives
- Niall Horan
Collection: Wife
Image of Niall Horan
You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you and you'll never treat yourself right darling but I want ya too if I let you knoooowww Im here for you then maybe you'll love yourself like I love you ohhhhh
- Niall Horan
Collection: Love
Image of Niall Horan
Cause I'm Irish, and everyone remembers me.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Causes
Image of Niall Horan
I'd rather go to sleep than find a girl.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Girl
Image of Niall Horan
If I got a girlfriend, I’d feed her playfully all of the time.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Girlfriend
Image of Niall Horan
I'd date a fan as long as she didn't scream in my face.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Long
Image of Niall Horan
The light's hot, everything’s hot, I’m hot.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Light
Image of Niall Horan
The worst thing a girl could do on a date is fart louder than me.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Girl
Image of Niall Horan
I want a girlfriend who can eat like me
- Niall Horan
Collection: Girlfriend
Image of Niall Horan
Anyone who is funny and doesn't take herself to seriously is attractive to me
- Niall Horan
Collection: Attractive
Image of Niall Horan
Red Bull doesn't give you wings, it just makes ya sick.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Wings
Image of Niall Horan
I'd always walk my girlfriend home, i'm too protective!
- Niall Horan
Collection: Girlfriend
Image of Niall Horan
I'd rather be a boy playing with a paper plane, than to be a grown man playing with a woman's heart.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Heart
Image of Niall Horan
We cut up lemons on a chop board because they are good for our voices.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Cutting
Image of Niall Horan
I'm the most carefree mo'fo' in the world.
- Niall Horan
Collection: World
Image of Niall Horan
I used to have an imaginary friend named Michael.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Used
Image of Niall Horan
I want to live forever! I want to learn how to fly high!
- Niall Horan
Collection: Forever
Image of Niall Horan
Katy Perry is the sexiest woman I've ever kissed. It was amazing and very purple - she had purple lipstick on. I don't think there will ever be anything cooler than kissing her until I marry her maybe!
- Niall Horan
Collection: Kissing
Image of Niall Horan
I want a girlfriend who eats as much as I do, which is a lot.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Girlfriend
Image of Niall Horan
I just want to say I've been lucky enough to travel all over the world and every time I come back to Manchester I'm addicted to this place.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Lucky
Image of Niall Horan
I think our fans are a bit like us – they’re very fun, like to have a laugh, like to party. I think that’s what comes across on our album as well. It’s very fun. It’s music that you could play at a party, but it also deals with teenage relationships.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Fun