Melissa McCarthy

Image of Melissa McCarthy
I wore white kabuki makeup, had blue-black hair. At one point, I shaved an inch and a half around my hairline and continued the white makeup up so it made my head look slightly deformed. I thought it was hilarious.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I was never sullen. I was a terrible punk - I was still so chatty.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
Funny is funny, and it can come in 8 billion different shades and flavors, so I think it's silly to kind of limit it.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I just think that wigs and makeup and costumes completely transform me.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
When I read a character that I really, really love, I know immediately what they look like. It's like I want to 100 percent become that person.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
You look much better when you're comfy.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I've never been interested in playing the boring ingenue. I always wonder: Who's her weird friend? I like the oddballs.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I'm not a crazy germophobe; I have kids, and that ship has sailed.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I make a mean coconut macaroon.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I've been every size in the world. Parts of my twenties, I was in great shape, but I didn't appreciate it. 'If I was a 6 or an 8,' I thought, 'Why aren't I a 2 or a 4?'
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
The letters I really love are from young actresses who were worried they had to fit a certain look. They say I've opened it up. And I don't just mean plus-size girls. You can push things now. With all the great performances in 'Bridesmaids', it changed how people see funny women.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I felt really bad for someone who is swimming in so much hate. I just thought, that's someone who's in a really bad spot, and I am in such a happy spot. I laugh my head off every day with my husband and my kids who are mooning me and singing me songs.
- Melissa McCarthy
Collection: Song
Image of Melissa McCarthy
There’s a greatness in not caring what people think
- Melissa McCarthy
Collection: Caring
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I think if anyone tells you the odds are slim, just keep walking. Just do whatever the hell you want to do, because they don't know what they're talking about. When you love something, and you work really really hard at it, you can do it.
- Melissa McCarthy
Collection: Thinking
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I've never felt like I needed to change. I've always thought, 'If you want somebody different, pick somebody else.'
- Melissa McCarthy
Collection: Different
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I don't associate with people who blame the world for their problems. You are your problem. You are also your solution.
- Melissa McCarthy
Collection: People
Image of Melissa McCarthy
Hollywood wants to make women so perfect. Perfect hair. Perfect job. Perfect manners... I know some of the most beautiful women, and they are so weird. That's what makes them funny and captivating.
- Melissa McCarthy
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I could eat healthier, I could drink less. I should be learning another language and working out more, but I'm just always saying, 'Ah, I could get hit by a bus tomorrow.'
- Melissa McCarthy
Collection: Work Out
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I'm a bit obsessed with women that are so incredibly solid in their shoes that they don't care what other people think of them. I just think there's something so interesting about that kind of confidence.
- Melissa McCarthy
Collection: Thinking
Image of Melissa McCarthy
When someone really believes in what they're saying, but it's crazy, it's like my favorite thing on earth.
- Melissa McCarthy
Collection: Crazy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
You just have to say, 'It’s pretty damn good. I am right here at the moment and I’m OK with it. I've got other things to think about.'
- Melissa McCarthy
Collection: Thinking
Image of Melissa McCarthy
You push so far past the normal boundaries of what’s O.K. in society. I’m always fully aware of, ‘You can’t do this’… When someone really believes in what they’re saying, but it’s crazy, it’s like my favorite thing on earth… [But] Crazy’s just crazy and there’s nowhere to go. You can have a point of view, it can be very strange, but we have to know your reasoning.
- Melissa McCarthy
Collection: Crazy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I don't like to do anything that's mean spirited just because I don't find it funny. I'd rather be the jackass than makes fun of somebody else. It just seems too cheap and easy.
- Melissa McCarthy
Collection: Fun
Image of Melissa McCarthy
In my 20s I used to cry about why I wasn’t thinner or prettier, but I want to add that I also used to cry about things like: ‘I wish my hair would grow faster. I wish I had different shoes …
- Melissa McCarthy
Collection: Hair
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I've been every size in the world. Parts of my 20s, I was in great shape, but I didn't appreciate it. If I was a 6 or an 8, I thought, "Why aren't I a 2 or a 4?" Now I feel like I have two great kids and the dreamiest husband on the planet, and everything else is just a work in progress.
- Melissa McCarthy
Collection: Husband
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I think when you can actually do what you love to do, if it's a little play somewhere, if it's a photo, if it's anything- if you can somehow do what you want and do a really good job at it, I think that's pretty successful.
- Melissa McCarthy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Melissa McCarthy
It's like I'm managing to achieve all this success in spite of my affliction ... Would you ever put that in the headline for a male star?
- Melissa McCarthy
Collection: Stars
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I ran right back to work. My back was just destroyed after pregnancy. I almost had to have surgery, until I did Pilates and rebuilt my body.
- Melissa McCarthy
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
Pretty much everyone I know, no matter what size, is trying some system. Even when someone gets to looking like she should be so proud of herself, instead she's like, 'I could be another three pounds less; I could be a little taller and have bigger lips.' Where does it end? You just have to say, 'It's pretty damn good. I am right here at the moment and I'm OK with it. I've got other things to think about.'
- Melissa McCarthy
Collection: Thinking
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I do think comedy needs to be a living thing, but I think without a great script and fully realized characters, you cannot keep it living. Otherwise it just becomes long and rambling indulgent.
- Melissa McCarthy
Collection: Character
Image of Melissa McCarthy
In terms of threshold, as long as it's based in reality, you can go pretty far, as long as you buy that it's really happening.
- Melissa McCarthy
Collection: Reality
Image of Melissa McCarthy
Part of being young is you thinking that gaining 6 lbs. Is the end of the world
- Melissa McCarthy
Collection: Loss
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I've never felt like I needed to change. I've always thought, 'If you want somebody different, pick somebody else.' But sure, criticism can sometimes still get to me. Some things are so malicious, they knock the wind out of you. It's like I'm managing to achieve all this success in spite of my affliction... Would you ever put [America's plus-size sweetheart] in the headline for a male star?
- Melissa McCarthy
Collection: Stars
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I've grown to love L.A., but it's the most socially awkward place. All these people have come there not to be something but to pretend to be someone trying to be someone. Even in line for coffee, you're standing with someone who's trying to be so interesting.
- Melissa McCarthy
Collection: Coffee
Image of Melissa McCarthy
You can't just play crazy. It makes you push yourself to stay in the realm of reality. And when you do that, it's a lot funnier. That's my favorite, when you think it's a real strange person and not just someone being wacky.
- Melissa McCarthy
Collection: Crazy