Top Pregnancy Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Pregnancy quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Michael Sandel
In natural pregnancy, more than half of fertilized eggs fail to implant or are otherwise lost. Should we regard that as an instance of infant mortality? And if so, why are we not mounting ambitious public health campaigns to try to save and rescue all of the fertilized eggs that are lost in natural pregnancy? We would need a public health campaign of massive proportions if there really were over a fifty percent rate of infant mortality.
- Michael Sandel
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Alexander Theroux
The urge for Chinese food is always unpredictable: famous for no occasion, standard fare for no holiday, and the constant as to demand is either whim, the needy plebiscite of instantly famished drunks, or pregnancy.
- Alexander Theroux
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Daphne Gottlieb
The thing about superheroes is that they don't have problems, right? A feminist hooker superhero wouldn't have to worry about assault, or pregnancy, or poverty, or disease, or eating and shelter, or police. In order to make her a superhero, you have to divorce her of the very context that makes her story possible. You have to gloss over the trauma.
- Daphne Gottlieb
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of J. B. Priestley
Much of writing might be described as mental pregnancy with successive difficult deliveries.
- J. B. Priestley
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Paul Begala
The Bush Republicans' policies are, the antithesis of patriotic. And so we urge Democrats to reclaim patriotism - to call on all Americans to pull together. And, yes, to sacrifice. Rich people will have to do with fewer tax cuts. Middle class people will need to drive less and switch to more fuel efficient cars . And poor folks - especially young ones - will have to reduce out-of-wedlock pregnancies and other indicia of social pathology.
- Paul Begala
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Melina Marchetta
She asked me what type of contraceptive I use. Underwear. Keeping it on prevents pregnancy.
- Melina Marchetta
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Jim Crace
Secrets are like pregnancies hereabouts. You can hide them for a while but then they will start screaming.
- Jim Crace
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Harry A. Blackmun
The right to privacy... is broad enough to encompass a woman's decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy.
- Harry A. Blackmun
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Gabriela Mistral
Let the earth look at me, and bless me, for now I am fecund and sacred, like the palms and the furrows.
- Gabriela Mistral
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Gabriela Mistral
Now my belly is as noble as my heart.
- Gabriela Mistral
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Voltairine de Cleyre
[The married woman is] is a bonded slave, who takes her master's name, her master's bread, and serves her master's passion; [and] who passes through the ordeal of pregnancy and the throes of travail at his dictation.
- Voltairine de Cleyre
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Jenna Marbles
Thongs are the leading cause of pregnancy in the United States.
- Jenna Marbles
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Marion Jones
A lot of women say they love being pregnant, but I wasnt such a big fan.
- Marion Jones
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Susan Cheever
Pregnancy is difficult for women but it is even more difficult for men.
- Susan Cheever
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Robert Genn
Keep busy while you are waiting for something to happen.
- Robert Genn
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Steve Rushin
As life speeds by, nostalgia has a shorter pregnancy. Games still in progress are given the straight-to-sepia status of "Instant Classics" no matter how oxymoronic that phrase appears.
- Steve Rushin
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Charisma Carpenter
When you gain 50 pounds during pregnancy like I did, you fear that you'll never get back in shape
- Charisma Carpenter
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of David Bainbridge
Pregnancy is a uniquely intimate relationship between two people. All of us luxuriate in this relationship once, and half of us are lucky enough to be able to do it all over again a second time, from the other side as it were. Never again outside of pregnancy can we be so truly intwined with someone else, no matter how hard we try.
- David Bainbridge
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Gregory S. Paul
In general, higher rates of belief in and worship of a creator correlate with higher rates of homicide, juvenile and early adult mortality, STD infection rates, teen pregnancy, and abortion.
- Gregory S. Paul
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Meridel Le Sueur
Suddenly many movements are going on within me, many things are happening, there is an almost unbearable sense of sprouting, of bursting encasements, of moving kernels, expanding flesh.
- Meridel Le Sueur
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Leon Henderson
Having a little inflation is like being a little pregnant.
- Leon Henderson
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Tommy Franks
I, for one, begin with intent. ... There is no question that Saddam Hussein had intent to do harm to the Western alliance and to the United States of America.
- Tommy Franks
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Sarah Weddington
We are not here to advocate abortion. We do not ask this Court to rule that abortion is good or desirable in any particular situation. We are here to advocate that the decision as to whether or not a particular woman will continue to carry or will terminate a pregnancy is a decision that should be made by that individual. That, in fact, she has a constitutional right to make that decision for herself and that the state has shown no interest in interfering with that decision
- Sarah Weddington
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Norma McCorvey
I did not go to the Supreme Court on behalf of a class of women. I wasn't pursuing any legal remedy to my unwanted pregnancy. I did not go to the federal courts for relief. I went to Sarah Weddington asking her if she knew how I could obtain an abortion. She and Linda Coffey said they didn't know where to get one. They lied to me just like I lied to them. Sarah already had an abortion. She knew where to get one. Sarah and Linda were just looking for somebody, anybody, to further their own agenda. I was their willing dupe. For this, I will forever be ashamed.
- Norma McCorvey
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Bernard Nathanson
There is no longer serious doubt in my mind that human life exists from the very onset of pregnancy.
- Bernard Nathanson
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Sheila Kitzinger
For far too many, pregnancy and birth is still something that happens to them rather than something they set out consciously and joyfully to do themselves
- Sheila Kitzinger
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of John Fugelsang
America doesn't have an abortion problem - it has an unwanted pregnancy problem, and an abortion symptom.
- John Fugelsang
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Lee Jong-wook
...thousands of women could be saved each year if they had access to skilled care during pregnancy and childbirth, and access to emergency obstetric care. Most of the interventions they need are simple, affordable, and highly effective.
- Lee Jong-wook
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of David Garrow
Prior to Roe , ... whether one could obtain a legal abortion in the face of an unwanted pregnancy was a crap shoot. For 30 years now, it's been a constitutionally guaranteed right
- David Garrow
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Emily Oster
For many women - myself included - pregnancy brings on tremendous anxiety and confusion, along with the joy.
- Emily Oster
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Grantly Dick-Read
No other natural bodily function is painful and childbirth should not be an exception
- Grantly Dick-Read
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Grantly Dick-Read
What manner of mind considers this holy estate [pregnancy] which women are privileged by the Almighty to attain as a slur upon the social conscience?
- Grantly Dick-Read
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Catherine Gunsalus Gonzalez
When he saw what drugs or alcohol or unwanted pregnancy did to kids he fell in love with, he realized there had to be a straight path
- Catherine Gunsalus Gonzalez
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Navi Pillay
Discrimination and multiple deprivations of human rights are also frequently part of the problem, sentencing entire populations to poverty... It is surely a matter of outrage that over half a million women die annually from complications related to pregnancy and childbirth. This is nearly half the annual global death toll, and arguably, a direct reflection of the disempowerment of women in social, economic and political life.
- Navi Pillay
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Kerry Katona
On her breast size increase during pregnancy: I even make Jordan look normal.
- Kerry Katona
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Maggie Scarf
Pregnancy is getting company inside one's skin.
- Maggie Scarf
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of William Rehnquist
Pregnancy is of course confined to women, but it is in other ways significantly different from the typical covered disease or disability.
- William Rehnquist
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Jean Marzollo
The frequency of personal questions grows in direct proportion to your increasing girth. . . . No one would ask a man such a personally invasive question as "Is your wife having natural childbirth or is she planning to be knocked out?" But someone might ask that of you. No matter how much you wish for privacy, your pregnancy is a public event to which everyone feels invited.
- Jean Marzollo
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Susun Weed
The childbearing year is a thirteen month year: the two months before conception, the nine months of pregnancy, and the two months following the birth. The childbearing is a time of adjustments and fierce emotions. The childbearing year touches every season.
- Susun Weed
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Ken Calvert
The measure would set criminal penalties, the same as those that would apply if harm or death happened to the pregnant woman, for those who harm a fetus.
- Ken Calvert
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Robert Kroetsch
Ariel Gordon is superbly, supremely, a poet of the body. She finds words for the physicality of the forest, of the garden, of pregnancy. Hump speaks the erotics of being alive and being in love with being alive.
- Robert Kroetsch
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of John Holdren
The development of a long-term sterilizing capsule that could be implanted under the skin and removed when pregnancy is desired opens additional possibilities for coercive fertility control. The capsule could be implanted at puberty and might be removable, with official permission, for a limited number of births.
- John Holdren
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Barbara Seaman
According to the Western model, pregnancy is a disease, menopause is a disease, and even getting pregnant is a disease. Dangerous drugs and devices are given to women, but not to men- just for birth control. I've reached the conclusion that to many doctors BEING A WOMAN IS A DISEASE
- Barbara Seaman
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Ina May Gaskin
Remember this, for it is as true as true gets: Your body is not a lemon. You are not a machine. The Creator is not a careless mechanic. Human female bodies have the same potential to give birth as well as aardvarks, lions, rhinoceri, elephants, moose, and water buffalo. Even if it has not been your habit throughout your life so far, I recommend that you learn to think positively about your body.
- Ina May Gaskin
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Ina May Gaskin
Even if it has not been your habit throughout your life so far, I recommend that you learn to think positively about your body.
- Ina May Gaskin
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Ina May Gaskin
The Creator is not a careless mechanic.
- Ina May Gaskin
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Roy Hattersley
Morality and expediency coincide more than the cynics allow.
- Roy Hattersley
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Josiah Strong
Long before the thousand millions are here, the mighty centrifugal tendency, inherent in this stock and strengthened in the United States, will assert itself.
- Josiah Strong
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Mark E. Hyman
The news is what it is. It's going to be good, it's going to be positive, it's going to be negative. It's going to have all sorts of effects on candidates always.
- Mark E. Hyman
Collection: Pregnancy