Melissa McCarthy

Image of Melissa McCarthy
I have experience dressing me as a 6, a 12, and more. And when you go above a size 12, you don't lose your love of fashion.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I loved the playfulness of fashion. I think maybe that's why I became an actress. You put on one outfit and feel one way, and another one will make you feel another way. Clothes are a wonderful tool.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I lived on a farm in Illinois, and we didn't have a lot of money. But I lived vicariously through magazines. I was obsessed with Jean Paul Gaultier. I still have the scrapbooks, and I've kept all my designs and sketches.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
When I believe in something, I'm like a dog with a bone.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
Once you start writing a character visually, you're in trouble.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I refuse to give energy to the negative. I've got a great fella and two great little girls.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I've never felt like I needed to change. I've always thought, 'If you want somebody different, pick somebody else.' But sure, criticism can sometimes still get to me. Some things are so malicious, they knock the wind out of you.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I was always Missy, never Melissa. I went to college, and I thought it was so much more interesting to go by a different name, and then it just kind of stuck.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
Everybody's a train wreck in their own very special way. But there's something wildly freeing about someone who's unapologetic, who knows they're a wreck and doesn't even try to hide it, just bulldozes through life.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
Some days, I want to be prim and proper, and others, I want to be in a band.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
Nothing's more charming than someone who doesn't take herself too seriously.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
In my 20s, I used to cry about why I wasn't thinner or prettier, but I want to add that I also used to cry about things like, 'I wish my hair would grow faster. I wish I had different shoes...' I was an idiot... It's a decade of tears.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
As a teenager I went all Goth, but I wasn't mopey enough. I would pretend to be, but I'd end up making people laugh.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
Jason Statham is funny, I never knew that.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I wanted to be a drag queen so badly. I'll bet I still own more wigs than any drag queen - I love me a wig.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I just don't lose weight easily.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I want to be healthy.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
Part of being young is you think gaining 6 lbs. is the end of the world.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I don't know any neighborhoods where everyone's walking around in seven-inch heels and perfect makeup.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I'm not a great pregnant woman.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
Sometimes I wish I were just magically a size 6 and I never had to give it a single thought.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I don't really know why I'm not thinner than I am.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I'm certainly not shy, but I like playing it because I love those characters that are incredibly confident but really still a mess.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I'm really happy in my life.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I am not a princess, I don't want to be referred to as a princess - I find that super creepy.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I've always had mostly gay male friends.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
Even when someone gets to looking like she should be so proud of herself, instead she's like, 'I could be another three pounds less; I could be a little taller and have bigger lips.'
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I watch HGTV like a maniac, and when it's bad, it's like some crazy college guy watching a football game.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
To me, having 500 rolls of fabric around is the most calming thing in the world. I think it's what football is to some guys.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I'm always tinkering with something - suddenly I'll think I can work with wood, but then I'll realize I can't, so I go back to sewing.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
It's funny; as I get older I'm reverting to my roots - I want to plant stuff.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I went to school for clothing and textiles and thought this is what I was going to do. Then I started working in costumes and literally said, 'I don't know if I can take the actors.'
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
Comedy to me is all about the bumps and bruises and weird tics.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I've never been interested in playing the boring ingenue.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
My back was just destroyed after pregnancy. I almost had to have surgery, until I did Pilates and rebuilt my body.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I believe in Heaven. I don't believe that this is it, and then we're done.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I think the reason I'm an actress is because I love playing kind of a more extreme people.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I just think we tear down women in this country for all these superficial reasons, and women are so great and strong.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I'll do almost anything for a laugh.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I feel like I got hit with a lucky stick.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I want to make each piece of clothing work 15 different ways.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I didn't wear jeans for, like, a decade of my life.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
When I went to college, I did clothing and textiles. It really wasn't until I moved to New York, my second night in, I did stand-up. I took a wild left turn, and instead of going back and finishing school at FIT, I started doing stand-up and acting.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
Since grade school, I focused on women's clothing.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I could eat healthier; I could drink less.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I should be learning another language and working out more, but I'm just always saying, 'Ah, I could get hit by a bus tomorrow.'
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I have blocks of wood all over my house; I spend all of my day knocking!
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I did nothing but dramas for seven years in New York. I didn't really start anything comedic until I moved out to L.A. and found The Groundlings.
- Melissa McCarthy
Image of Melissa McCarthy
I see teenagers or people who are 21 and think, 'I was an idiot at that age.' I was running around New York like a crazy woman. Thank God I only had three and a half cents to my name. I was too immature to handle success then.
- Melissa McCarthy