
Image of Martial
The virtuous man is never a novice in worldly things.
- Martial
Collection: Men
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Neither fear your death's day nor long for it.
- Martial
Collection: Fear
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She grieves sincerely who grieves unseen.
- Martial
Collection: Grief
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There is nothing more revolting than an old busybody.
- Martial
Collection: Busybodies
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You praise, in three hundred verses, Sabellus, the baths of Ponticus, who gives such excellent dinners. You wish to dine, Sabellus, not to bathe.
- Martial
Collection: Giving
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While you remain at home your hair is at the hairdresser's; you take out your teeth at night and sleep tucked away in a hundred cosmetics boxes - even your face does not sleep with you.
- Martial
Collection: Sarcastic
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They let out on hire their passions and eloquence. [Referring to lawyers.]
- Martial
Collection: Passion
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Wish to be what you are, and wish for no other position.
- Martial
Collection: Wish
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A good man doubles the length of his existence; to have lived so as to look back with pleasure on our past existence is to live twice.
- Martial
Collection: Life
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Be cheerful, if you are wise.
- Martial
Collection: Wise
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Life consists not merely in existing, but in enjoying health.
- Martial
Collection: Enjoy
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You complain, friend Swift, of the length of my epigrams, but you yourself write nothing. Yours are shorter.
- Martial
Collection: Friendship
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If pale beans bubble for you in a red earthenware pot, you can often decline the dinners of sumptuous hosts.
- Martial
Collection: Food
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A cook should double one sense have: for he Should taster for himself and master be.
- Martial
Collection: Should
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Laugh, if thou art wise.
- Martial
Collection: Wise
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He truly sorrows who sorrows unseen.
- Martial
Collection: Sorrow
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Short is the life of those who possess great accomplishments, and seldom do they reach a good old age. Whatever thou lovest, pray that thou mayest not set too high a value on it.
- Martial
Collection: Accomplishment
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Service cannot be expected from a friend in service; let him be a freeman who wishes to be my master.
- Martial
Collection: Freedom
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I commend you, Postumus, for kissing me with only half your lip; you may, however, if you please, withhold even the half of this half. Are you inclined to grant me a boon still greater, and even inexpressible? Keep this whole half entirely to yourself, Postumus.
- Martial
Collection: Kissing
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All your female friends are either old or ugly; nay, more ugly than old women usually are. These you lead about in your train, and drag with you to feasts, porticos and theaters. Thus, Fabulla, you seem handsome, thus you seem young.
- Martial
Collection: Female
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If my opinion is of any worth, the fieldfare is the greatest delicacy among birds, the hare among quadrupeds.
- Martial
Collection: Bird
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Life's not just about being alive, but being well.
- Martial
Collection: Life
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Your page stands against you and says to you that you are a thief.
- Martial
Collection: Creative
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The flaw which is hidden is deemed greater than it is.
- Martial
Collection: Flaws
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You crystal break, for fear of breaking it: Careless and careful hands like faults commit.
- Martial
Collection: Hands
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However great the dish that holds the turbot, the turbot is still greater than the dish.
- Martial
Collection: Eating
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Be satisfied, and pleased with what thou art, Act cheerfully and well thou allotted part; Enjoy the present hour, be thankful for the past, And neither fear, nor wish, the approaches of the last.
- Martial
Collection: Art
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It is easy in adversity to despise death; he has real fortitude who dares to live and be wretched.
- Martial
Collection: Real
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The world is blessed most by men who do things, and not by those who merely talk about them. -James Oliver 'Tomorrow I will live,' the fool does say; tomorrow itself is late; the wise live yesterday.
- Martial
Collection: Wise
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When your crowd of attendants so loudly applaud you, Pomponius, it is not you, but your banquet, that is eloquent.
- Martial
Collection: Crowds
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I do not love thee, Sabidius, nor can I say why; I can only say this, "I do not love thee."
- Martial
Collection: Life
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A fisherman's walk: three steps and overboard.
- Martial
Collection: Three
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I wont let a wife lead me to the altar. [I will not have a wife that shall be my master.]
- Martial
Collection: Wife
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Joys do not stay, but take wing and fly away.
- Martial
Collection: Wings
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There is no glory in outstripping donkeys.
- Martial
Collection: Glory
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You importune me, Tucca, to present you with my books. I shall not do so; for you want to sell, not to read, them.
- Martial
Collection: Book
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Life is not living, but living in health.
- Martial
Collection: Life
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You'll get no laurel crown for outrunning a burrow.
- Martial
Collection: Crowns
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Tis easy to write epigrams nicely, but to write a book is hard.
- Martial
Collection: Book
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Fortune gives many too much, but none enough.
- Martial
Collection: Giving
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Man loves malice, but not against one-eyed men nor the unfortunate, but against the fortunate and proud.
- Martial
Collection: Men
Image of Martial
If you have any shame, forbear to pluck the beard of a dead lion.
- Martial
Collection: Respect
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You're obstinate, pliant, merry, morose, all at once. For me there's no living with you, or without you.
- Martial
Collection: Life