Top Female Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Female quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Merlin Stone
The Goddess is not just the female version of God. She represents a different concept.
- Merlin Stone
Collection: Female
Image of Florence Nightingale
The next Christ will perhaps be a female Christ.
- Florence Nightingale
Collection: Female
Image of Emma McLaughlin
We "chicks" have munched our popcorn while romantic comedies became just comedies, and then each female protagonist got recast for Mathew McConaughey or Seth Rogan.
- Emma McLaughlin
Collection: Female
Image of Laurie R. King
You cannot help being a female, and I should be something of a fool were I to discount your talents merely because of their housing.
- Laurie R. King
Collection: Female
Image of Sara Blakely
Ensure that you do things differently from everyone else
- Sara Blakely
Collection: Female
Image of Claudia Black
Build other females up and only compete with yourself.
- Claudia Black
Collection: Female
Image of Clara Zetkin
Given the fact that many thousands of female workers are active in history, it is vital for the trade unions to incorporate them into their movement.
- Clara Zetkin
Collection: Female
Image of Ben Katchor
Goat curry and a female librarian, that's what I'm in the mood for.
- Ben Katchor
Collection: Female
Image of Nancy Mairs
In the grammar of the phallus -- the I, I, I -- [woman] can't utter female experience.
- Nancy Mairs
Collection: Female
Image of Christine de Pizan
I considered myself most unfortunate because God had made me inhabit a female body in this world
- Christine de Pizan
Collection: Female
Image of Marcus Borg
How can women be in the image of God if God cannot be imaged in female form?
- Marcus Borg
Collection: Female
Image of Cher
I'm the female equivalent of a counterfeit $20 bill. Half of what you see is a pretty good reproduction, the rest is a fraud.
- Cher
Collection: Female
Image of Adam West
When you get a little older, you'll see how easy it is to become lured by the female of the species.
- Adam West
Collection: Female
Image of Kristin Davis
It is very hard because there are not a lot of female driven scripts.
- Kristin Davis
Collection: Female
Image of Sandra Bartky
The disciplinary power that inscribes femininity in the female body is everywhere and it is nowhere; the disciplinarian is everyone and yet no one in particular.
- Sandra Bartky
Collection: Female
Image of Valerie Solanas
Why produce even females? Why should there be future generations? What is their purpose? When aging and death are eliminated, why continue to reproduce? Why should we care what happens when we're dead? Why should we care that there is no younger generation to succeed us?
- Valerie Solanas
Collection: Female
Image of Bunny Yeager
Make the most of what you have and enjoy being female; enjoy being YOU.
- Bunny Yeager
Collection: Female
Image of Kristan Higgins
It doesn’t matter how old you are, what level of schooling you’ve had or where you live—stalking is innate to the female psyche. We’ve all been there.
- Kristan Higgins
Collection: Female
Image of Frances Trollope
The total and universal want of manners, both in males and females, is ... remarkable ... that polish which removes the coarser and rougher parts of our nature is unknown and undreamed of.
- Frances Trollope
Collection: Female
Image of Stephanie McMahon
There's only room for one dominant female in the McMahon family... and that's me!
- Stephanie McMahon
Collection: Female
Image of Pipilotti Rist
It will probably take several more generations before the female body can be considered a stand-in for the human body.
- Pipilotti Rist
Collection: Female
Image of Margaret Way
Certain women because of their female power and seductiveness could bring destruction to a family.
- Margaret Way
Collection: Female
Image of Kirsten Gillibrand
We should be cultivating our female workers. The truth of the matter is that women just see problems and solutions differently, and that's valuable.
- Kirsten Gillibrand
Collection: Female
Image of Maggie Shipstead
Female friendship was one-tenth prevention and nine-tenths cleanup.
- Maggie Shipstead
Collection: Female
Image of Lee Joon
Female exposure shouldn't be labelled as 'cheap.'
- Lee Joon
Collection: Female
Image of Helen Frankenthaler
I don't resent being a female painter. I don't exploit it. I paint.
- Helen Frankenthaler
Collection: Female
Image of Elinor Gadon
Until women can visualize the sacred female they cannot be whole and society cannot be whole.
- Elinor Gadon
Collection: Female
Image of Maysoon Zayid
I'm Palestinian, I'm disabled, I'm female and I live in New Jersey.
- Maysoon Zayid
Collection: Female
Image of Anne Bernays
Tell a female she's thin and she's yours for life.
- Anne Bernays
Collection: Female
Image of Julie Smolyansky
It is all of our jobs to make sure that women's rights are human rights, and that they do have a place at the table, and we all push toward equality. The leadership numbers for women in business really haven't changed since I began as CEO. There are only 21 female CEOs at Fortune 500 companies, there is only 17 to 19 percent of female representatives in Congress, there are only eight female governors.
- Julie Smolyansky
Collection: Female
Image of Layne Redmond
Because drumming was recognized as an ancient source and symbol of the power of female technicians of the sacred, drumming was banned. Henceforth divinity was to be exclusively masculine. The suppression of women was directly linked to the suppression of the goddess.
- Layne Redmond
Collection: Female
Image of Ayshay
If you've ever seen album covers for Arab female pop stars, it looks like the designer was paid five dollars to make them, and the extreme femaleness is astounding.
- Ayshay
Collection: Female
Image of Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah
Female masturbation is permissible unconditionally.
- Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah
Collection: Female
Image of Fanny Kemble
Modesty is a diamond setting to female beauty.
- Fanny Kemble
Collection: Female
Image of Summer Rayne Oakes
A beautifully-designed coat that drapes magnificently on the female form.
- Summer Rayne Oakes
Collection: Female
Image of Karyn Kusama
I feel like I don't see myself as all that different from other humans as a woman, but I'm surprised by how frequently I'm asked to see myself differently. So that's one kind of terror to have to face. Am I a unicorn? What's sticking out of my head that I'm not seeing? I'm simply female, and that puts me alongside all of my human counterparts.
- Karyn Kusama
Collection: Female
Image of V. E. Schwab
I tend to lean toward female leads who have their guard up, their spikes out.
- V. E. Schwab
Collection: Female
Image of Steven Petrow
You do not need to be female to be offended.
- Steven Petrow
Collection: Female
Image of Luljeta Lleshanaku
Very often I hear talk about female literature, or femininity in literature. It's a categorization I am not sure about. Maybe there are a few elements that distinguish women's observations from men's, like the ability to notice some fine details.
- Luljeta Lleshanaku
Collection: Female
Image of Lydia Loveless
I guess it's pretty diverse, but I do have quite a 30-and-older male audience coming out to the shows. I don't know if that's due to me being a female or what.
- Lydia Loveless
Collection: Female
Image of Andrea Leadsom
The great news is we have an all-female shortlist with no positive discrimination or anything, isn't that fantastic?
- Andrea Leadsom
Collection: Female
Image of Abbi Jacobson
Every show that comes out that's female driven is compared to the last female-driven show, as if it's taking over.
- Abbi Jacobson
Collection: Female
Image of Camille Paglia
There are no female geniuses because there are no female Jack-the-Rippers.
- Camille Paglia
Collection: Female
Image of Simone de Beauvoir
If her functioning as a female is not enough to define woman, if we decline also to explain her through "the eternal feminine," and if nevertheless we admit, provisionally, that women do exist, then we must face the question: what is a woman?
- Simone de Beauvoir
Collection: Female
Image of Mary Roach
Yet if you don't understand the physiology of a biological system or process-like female sexual arousal-you can't possibly come up with a way to fix it when things go wrong. No one would have come up with a treatment for diabetes if physiologists hadn't figured out how metabolism, blood sugar, and insulin work.
- Mary Roach
Collection: Female
Image of Tupac Shakur
Every female wanna come up to me and show me how much they're not attracted to me... these minority women... they're the only women I can get cause everyone else is scared of me.
- Tupac Shakur
Collection: Female
Image of Sarah Silverman
The female nudity in movies is always sexualized.
- Sarah Silverman
Collection: Female
Image of Cynthia Heimel
Women are not ladies. The term connotates females who are simultaneously put on a pedestal and patronized.
- Cynthia Heimel
Collection: Female
Image of Camille Paglia
The female body is a chthonian machine, indifferent to the spirit who inhabits it.
- Camille Paglia
Collection: Female
Image of Leonard Nimoy
I've never understood the female capacity to avoid a direct answer to any question.
- Leonard Nimoy
Collection: Female