Top money Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of money quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Wayne Dyer
Successful people make money. It's not that people who make money become successful, but that successful people attract money. They bring success to what they do.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Money
Image of Jack Ma
In the beginning I just wanted to survive. For the first three years, we made zero revenue. I remember many times when I was trying to pay up, the restaurant owner would say, 'Your bill was paid.' And there would be a note saying, 'Mr. Ma, I'm your customer on the Alibaba platform. I made a lot of money, and I know you don't, so I paid the bill.'
- Jack Ma
Collection: Money
Image of Paulo Coelho
I always was a rich person because money's not related to happiness.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Money
Image of A Boogie wit da Hoodie
I had to realize that you can't try to get money, support yourself, and grind doing whatchu need to do at the same time. The music is the grind. You really gotta grind. You gotta find your way around. You can't be stuck tryna get there.
- A Boogie wit da Hoodie
Collection: Money
Image of Bruce Lipton
If your environment keeps draining your energy, it's like having a leaky bank account, where any money you're putting into the bank, such as by seeing an energy healer, keeps slipping out. You have to change your environment, including any harmful beliefs, before the energy can stay high.
- Bruce Lipton
Collection: Money
Image of Robert Kiyosaki
This 90/10 rule holds true in almost anything financial. Take the game of golf, for example. Ten percent of the professional golfers make 90 percent of the money.
- Robert Kiyosaki
Collection: Money
Image of David Millar
But human nature dictates that there will always be cheaters. That's inevitable. Where there's money involved and glory, there are going to be people that cheat, and there will always be ways to cheat.
- David Millar
Collection: Money
Image of Holly Hunter
I got a horror film, 'The Burning,' and suddenly I was making crazy money, like a thousand a week, so I moved into an apartment on Amsterdam with a guy who was also in 'The Burning,' Jason Alexander.
- Holly Hunter
Collection: Money
Image of Kevin De Bruyne
Money is important, but the most important thing for me is to play football, and then I'm happy. OK, you want to earn a good amount of money to be secure, but if I chose money, I would go to Russia and already have a lot more. I like to play football, and that is it.
- Kevin De Bruyne
Collection: Money
Image of Hank Green
On paper, I am a Tesla guy. I've got money, I'm a nerd, and for years I professionally ran a blog advocating for technology that helps decrease our impact on the environment. I love what Tesla does.
- Hank Green
Collection: Money
Image of Julian Baggini
Economics is uncertain because its fundamental subject matter is not money but human action. That's why economics is not the dismal science, it's no science at all.
- Julian Baggini
Collection: Money
Image of Michael Moore
If your bank took bailout money, take your money out of that bank and put it in a credit union. Credit unions are owned by the people who have their money in the credit union.
- Michael Moore
Collection: Money
Image of Harry Houdini
I think that in a year I may retire. I cannot take my money with me when I die and I wish to enjoy it, with my family, while I live. I should prefer living in Germany to any other country, though I am an American, and am loyal to my country.
- Harry Houdini
Collection: Money
Image of John Shadegg
More than one-third of Mexicans in the United States own property in Mexico, nearly 80 percent send money home and 25 percent have a spouse in Mexico. Assimilation and becoming an American citizen are not the objective for many of them.
- John Shadegg
Collection: Money
Image of Zig Ziglar
Time well spent results in more money to spend, more money to save, and more time to vacation.
- Zig Ziglar
Collection: Money
Image of Jay-Z
I don't sit around with my friends and talk about money, ever. On a record, that's different.
- Jay-Z
Collection: Money
Image of Steve Wozniak
Your first projects aren't the greatest things in the world, and they may have no money value, they may go nowhere, but that is how you learn - you put so much effort into making something right if it is for yourself.
- Steve Wozniak
Collection: Money
Image of Adriana Lima
It's wrong for a guy to have no personality, no heart. Because I don't care about style or money.
- Adriana Lima
Collection: Money
Image of Gore Vidal
The Pentagon talks about our power to 'overkill' Russia ten times, twenty times, perhaps forty-eight times. For my tax money, it is sufficient to overkill them once.
- Gore Vidal
Collection: Money
Image of Jean Paul Gaultier
The great thing about American women is their energy and the way they love to dress. French women don't really dress; they are too conservative, as it's always a question of money. In America, women are powerful and strong, determined. If they want to be an object, they choose to be in control.
- Jean Paul Gaultier
Collection: Money
Image of Anton Chekhov
When an actor has money he doesn't send letters, he sends telegrams.
- Anton Chekhov
Collection: Money
Image of Jay-Z
I think in London - and I don't wanna offend anybody in America, but this is a real statement - they still have the right approach to making music. In the U.S., people see it as a way to make money; they see it as a means to get out. It's a hustle, which is great - any way you can provide for your family that's legal is fantastic.
- Jay-Z
Collection: Money
Image of Thomas Huxley
Economy does not lie in sparing money, but in spending it wisely.
- Thomas Huxley
Collection: Money
Image of Gianni Versace
I have a fantastic relationship with money. I use it to buy my freedom.
- Gianni Versace
Collection: Money
Image of Amy Weber
My philosophy has always been, 'do what you love and the money will follow.'
- Amy Weber
Collection: Money
Image of Robert Jackson
Men are more often bribed by their loyalties and ambitions than by money.
- Robert Jackson
Collection: Money
Image of Olympia Snowe
Unfortunately, money in politics is an insidious thing - and a loophole in our campaign finance system was taken advantage of with money going to existing or new 527 groups with the sole purpose of influencing the election.
- Olympia Snowe
Collection: Money
Image of Dan Kaminsky
The Internet's proven to be a pretty big deal for global society, and Bitcoin could basically be thought of as the Internet, applied to money.
- Dan Kaminsky
Collection: Money
Image of Aaron Douglas
As an actor, we're unemployed a lot, so I'm familiar with the stress of trying to get a gig, and sometimes you take shows that you don't really want to do to keep the money coming in.
- Aaron Douglas
Collection: Money
Image of Ernie Banks
My theme is, 'The spirit of friendship is the balance of life.' Not money. Not the World Series. It's friendship. The relationships I have with people, that's enough to keep me happy.
- Ernie Banks
Collection: Money
Image of Too Short
While I was young, getting money, a hustler, I was sharp. But I never thought I was too smart to learn something new. Keep your receptors open, and don't get too egotistical to think you know more than everybody else in the room.
- Too Short
Collection: Money
Image of Stelios Haji-Ioannou
There is a place and a time for philanthropy, and there is only so much money you can give away.
- Stelios Haji-Ioannou
Collection: Money
Image of Offset
I don't want to be one of those rappers who had it, but right now they be on a TV show to keep them going. I would rather be out the scene, getting my money on Bitcoin.
- Offset
Collection: Money
Image of MC Hammer
Money has never been an issue with me. I will make and continue to make plenty of money.
- MC Hammer
Collection: Money
Image of Andy Warhol
I'll bet there are a lot of artists that nobody hears about who just make more money than anybody. The people that do all the sculptures and paintings for big building construction. We never hear about them, but they make more money than anybody.
- Andy Warhol
Collection: Money
Image of Chris Martin
I think everyone in their life goes through challenges, whether it's love or money, kids or illness... You have to really not run away from that stuff.
- Chris Martin
Collection: Money
Image of Ajith Kumar
I am in movies basically for the money, and frankly, I have a hard time believing those who say they act for the love of acting!
- Ajith Kumar
Collection: Money
Image of Zephyr Teachout
To be fair, money and politics never work in a directly straight line.
- Zephyr Teachout
Collection: Money
Image of William Baldwin
A community is a group of people who have come together, and they work and they live to try and improve the standard of living and quality of life - and I don't mean money.
- William Baldwin
Collection: Money
Image of Michael Pollan
To eat well, you either have to invest money or time. If you can put in some time, the raw ingredients are not that expensive. You can eat extremely well on a budget.
- Michael Pollan
Collection: Money
Image of Doyle Brunson
A man with money is no match against a man on a mission.
- Doyle Brunson
Collection: Money
Image of Marshall McLuhan
Affluence creates poverty.
- Marshall McLuhan
Collection: Money
Image of Gregg Easterbrook
Everyone needs a certain amount of money. Beyond that, we pursue money because we know how to obtain it. We don't necessarily know how to obtain happiness.
- Gregg Easterbrook
Collection: Money
Image of Earl Warren
Ben Franklin may have discovered electricity- but it is the man who invented the meter who made the money.
- Earl Warren
Collection: Money
Image of Mason Cooley
Money: power at its most liquid.
- Mason Cooley
Collection: Money
Image of Marlene Dietrich
There is a gigantic difference between earning a great deal of money and being rich.
- Marlene Dietrich
Collection: Money
Image of John Maynard Keynes
The importance of money flows from it being a link between the present and the future.
- John Maynard Keynes
Collection: Money
Image of Agatha Christie
Where large sums of money are concerned, it is advisable to trust nobody.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Money
Image of Margaret Thatcher
Pennies do not come from heaven. They have to be earned here on earth.
- Margaret Thatcher
Collection: Money
Image of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Many people take no care of their money till they come nearly to the end of it, and others do just the same with their time.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Collection: Money