Louis Farrakhan

Image of Louis Farrakhan
The people are drugged with religion; and that's why the elites - who understand that it is just a ritual, and understand the truth of it but won't teach the truth of it to awaken the masses of the people: so, the leaders live in luxury at the expense of the weak, at the expense of the poor.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Luxury
Image of Louis Farrakhan
The suffering of our people is greater than our differences. We are not yet free at last, so there is work to be done.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Differences
Image of Louis Farrakhan
Murder and lying comes easy for white people.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Lying
Image of Louis Farrakhan
I want to deal with the truth and a proper education that will not allow us to be educated and then come out and beg another man for a job when you should be creating a job for yourself.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Men
Image of Louis Farrakhan
He who gives you the diameter of your knowledge,presc ribes the circumference of your activities.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Giving
Image of Louis Farrakhan
America must be burned! America is no good at all.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Islamic
Image of Louis Farrakhan
I can't tell Black people to fight a war that is Israel's war. What kind of leader will you be, or should I be, to allow these babies Black, white and brown, to fight Israel's war, because Zionists dominate the government of the United States of America and her banking system.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Baby
Image of Louis Farrakhan
A wise man who has the moment in his hand should not let that moment slip.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Wise
Image of Louis Farrakhan
When a man refuses to take money from those who give money to politicians, you don't pay the piper and sit back and let somebody else call the tune.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Men
Image of Louis Farrakhan
If we're united, I wouldn't care about a White school board getting me a little something. The hell with the school board; that's the White supremacy board and the White supremacy board wants you reading stupid books rooted in the idea of White supremacy. I don't want a thing to do with White supremacy.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Stupid
Image of Louis Farrakhan
I'll never violate my oath to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad to work night and day for the rise of my people. I've been at this for darn near 60 years; I'm too old now to do something different.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Night
Image of Louis Farrakhan
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us to eat fish during the month of Ramadan. He is breaking us away from meats. That was a wonderful way to do it and use the month of Ramadan for fish. I did that too during one of my Ramadan's. We would just eat fish.Breaking away from land animals is a right thing to do.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Animal
Image of Louis Farrakhan
I went to the graduation the other night of my first great grandchild - he's 21 or 22; and right at the graduation I looked, and 92 percent of those who graduated at the University of Illinois were females. Where can a Black female, who are now the lawyers, the engineers; they are the ones graduating with top degrees; where will they find in a Black male a counterpart that is equal to them? We are filling the jails, we are filling the prisons.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Grandchildren
Image of Louis Farrakhan
Fasting is required, staying away from fighting and arguing and bombing of masjids is still going on. Hatred is still manifested between Sunni and Shi'a, I don't know whether there is deepening of commitment to Ramadan in that part of the world.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Commitment
Image of Louis Farrakhan
Ramadan is a month whose beginning is Mercy, whose middle is Forgiveness and whose end is Freedom from the fire.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Mercy
Image of Louis Farrakhan
As far as [Bernie] Sanders is concerned, he's probably the most honest of all of them. But we have to be careful, because this is the most important election [2016] in the history of this country; because you're not just voting for a president, you're voting for the person who can take America totally down! America will never be great as she once was, again, but she can survive if she does the right thing.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Country
Image of Louis Farrakhan
You need to pray. Donald Trump is who he is - and that's one thing that politicians are not. It's all "game playing."
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Games
Image of Louis Farrakhan
We need to recognize what Elijah Muhammad said, listen to his words: "We are a nation in a nation." Why not use these 22 million at that time - 50 million people's power for their eternal salvation instead of temporary enjoyment with the same wicked people who murder our people?
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: People
Image of Louis Farrakhan
What does God want us to do? As He did with the children of Israel in Egypt - He wanted the children of Israel to separate into a state or territory of our own. You're going to have to decide. Some of you want to stay - stay. Some of you want to be White - be White. But we want to be ourselves; we want something that we can pass on to our children other than a cheap job and a hustle selling drugs and pimping our women.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Children
Image of Louis Farrakhan
Our time of trouble is because we have not paid good attention to the Messenger of God that He raised among us to warn us of the days that we are now witnessing; days when factories closed and long lines of persons looking for a job. He asked us to get up and do something for ourselves before we were forced to do it. Unfortunately we did not listen.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Long
Image of Louis Farrakhan
I said I liked what I am looking at because I felt he had a strength required of anyone who wished to save America, or move away the Wrath of Allah (God) plaguing not only America but the world with the forces of nature.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Moving
Image of Louis Farrakhan
In our community, we have those from the Middle East and those from Asia ... setting up shops and providing goods and services we should be providing for ourselves.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Community
Image of Louis Farrakhan
Our going to Washington [The Million Man March] was not to petition government, but to petition our God and Creator, that we may regain His favor and come into a position of power with Him that would allow us to correct our own condition.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Men
Image of Louis Farrakhan
The Million Man March was held on a Monday. Most marches were always held on a weekend and most marches were paid for by philanthropic groups and organizations and labor unions, etc. So, the people who came did not necessarily have to make a great sacrifice to be there.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Monday
Image of Louis Farrakhan
Every revolutionary thinker in America, White, Black, Brown or Red, never got the true representation from the corporate-controlled media.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Media
Image of Louis Farrakhan
As the condition of America and the world degenerates, it is we who are the weak or the poor or the ignorant who feel it worse.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: America
Image of Louis Farrakhan
The greatest gift of God to us today is right guidance. The enemy has money that he can throw at problems but the problems never get solved because we're violating the good guidance and warning that God sent to us through the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Enemy
Image of Louis Farrakhan
We don't know whether we'll be able to go to school because of budgetary constraints; that might not be bad because the schools are not doing anything of value for our children in the first place. Jesus said you can tell a tree by the fruit it bears and if the educational system of White America is good for us, where is the fruit from that system that says so?
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Jesus
Image of Louis Farrakhan
Prayer has never made you right, because right now our world of Islam is filled with abject hypocrisy in its religiosity.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Prayer
Image of Louis Farrakhan
A man like Fidel Castro doesn't die: He is in the hearts and minds of the children who lined the streets when his ashes were driven from Havana, tracing the route of the revolution back to Santiago de Cuba.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Children
Image of Louis Farrakhan
The Middle East is now filled with death and destruction and that was the aim of Neo-Conservatives who planned this destruction of seven Muslim nations in five years and they are on schedule and the final nation in their sights to destroy is the Islamic Republic of Iran.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Islamic
Image of Louis Farrakhan
If the Sunni and Shia, or those nations that surround Saudi Arabia and those nations that gather around Tehran or Iran fight each other, that is the trigger that will bring about the War of Armageddon.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: War
Image of Louis Farrakhan
White people won't give you nothing because in their minds you don't deserve nothing. If the schools close, the hell with that every church should be a school. And then we should take over the schools in our own community that they closed down. Open them up and then make the government give us our tax dollars that we pay for an education that we don't receive.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: School
Image of Louis Farrakhan
My prayer, my sacrifice, my life and my death is all for Allah, The Lord of The Worlds.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Prayer
Image of Louis Farrakhan
Allah is going to kill many today as He cleanses His Earth, and prepares those of us who will inherit the Earth after the Shaitan and the wicked ones are deprived of the Earth and life itself! Then those of us who survive, we will survive in righteousness.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Wicked
Image of Louis Farrakhan
What is demanded by God today is not a message to a particular people alone, a message is demanded for the whole of humanity who has suffered under the 6,000-year rule of Satan (or "Shaitan"); whose evil is not confined to himself but is spread to all the corners of the Earth.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Years
Image of Louis Farrakhan
I was guided by Allah (God) to give a yardstick to the voting public, particularly Black people as to what will set that candidate apart from others.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: People
Image of Louis Farrakhan
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said Allah God has come to fight the battle of justice for the Black man and woman of America and it is He who is plaguing America with the disasters of unusual rain, hail, snow, and soon earthquakes. So if the Black man and woman and the Native Americans, or Indians, are not in the equation of those running for the high office of the Presidency of the United States, if we are not in the equation for justice, then none of these candidates can save America from the Wrath of Allah (God).
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Running
Image of Louis Farrakhan
Segregation was ugly but we made something good out of something ugly. Since we were not welcome in other places run by White people, we were forced by circumstances to let our dollars circulate in our own communities. When you were young and I was young, there was a plethora of Black businesses. But when White folks said, "yes, come and spend your money with us," we ran downtown when we could only pass through downtown. Now downtown has our money.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Running
Image of Louis Farrakhan
We cannot escape what the prophets of God did not escape. If we bear it patiently and remain strong and united, Allah (God) says in the Qur'an that He loves those who are patient and steadfast under trial. We want to be those whom Allah (God) loves.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Strong
Image of Louis Farrakhan
Fidel Castro gave it all to make his nation serviceable to all who desire real change. That's why I love Fidel Castro, and that's why he will never die.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Real
Image of Louis Farrakhan
My heart is bursting at the thought of Al-Mahdi coming to set up a universal government of peace.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Heart
Image of Louis Farrakhan
Let us pray that Allah will guide us safely through such a time as this.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Praying
Image of Louis Farrakhan
I just heard that some lead was coming into Newark into schools, and I asked the question, "Whose schools?" They said, "The Black and the Brown." Is that an accident? I don't think so. We are being designed to be destroyed - and unless we see that, and come together as a people under vicious attack we will suffer the consequences of evil that's in high places.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: School
Image of Louis Farrakhan
Do you know how many men that are out of work that just stand around on the corner just watching your daughters coming home from school? Today, with the hormonal things that they are putting in foods, these hormones, when you eat the meat, you'll find a nine-year-old daughter with breasts bigger than her mother's, hips wider than her mother's - and men haven't got anything to do but sit and watch you go and come from school.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Daughter
Image of Louis Farrakhan
If that's the kind of person you want, vote for Hillary [Clinton], vote for [Donald] Trump - and you go to hell with both of them.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Want
Image of Louis Farrakhan
If we're a natural man, we're attracted to a woman. You are our natural partner in the act of procreation. Now there's a time and a place for everything, but when a fine-looking woman, with a fine-looking form walks down the street, a man could be working with a jackhammer, and when he spies that woman, he'll watch her as she walks. What kind of thought comes up in your mind? You don't say, "Oh, what a great creature." Like a dog you may say, "Man, I'd sure like to have some of that!" That's not what you want.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Dog
Image of Louis Farrakhan
Comandante Fidel Castro sent his people there into Africa, in the Caribbean; they died right alongside of others who were seeking the blessing of justice and freedom and equity. What other man do you know who did such a thing?
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Men
Image of Louis Farrakhan
Hillary [Clinton] can't stop [Forces of Nature], [Bernie] Sanders can't stop it, [Donald] Trump can't stop it. But you can do something that will cause God to give America a longer time to exist as a nation.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: America