Lance Armstrong

Image of Lance Armstrong
I don't think anybody else from my generation had federal agents standing at their door with a badge and a gun, saying: 'You are going to answer my questions'.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Gun
Image of Lance Armstrong
For 15 years I was a complete arsehole to a dozen people. I said I would try and make it right with those people, and anybody that gave me an audience, I was there.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Years
Image of Lance Armstrong
When I made the decision - when my team-mates made that decision, when the whole peloton made that decision - it was a bad decision and an imperfect time. But it happened.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Team
Image of Lance Armstrong
I know what happened to cycling from 1999 to 2005. I saw its growth, I saw its expansion.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Cycling
Image of Lance Armstrong
My ruthless desire to win at all costs served me well on the bike but the level it went to, for whatever reason, is a flaw. That desire, that attitude, that arrogance.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Attitude
Image of Lance Armstrong
I look forward to a time when lawyers aren't in the top three calls every day, and all you care about is how your kids are doing in school or what the weather's like and the great day you had with your family.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: School
Image of Lance Armstrong
What matters is ultimately what collectively those people on the street - whether that's the cycling community, the cancer community - it matters what they think.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Cancer
Image of Lance Armstrong
I would love to be in a place, and I may never get there, where I can help people. It's something that I never really cared to advertise. It got advertised. I still do it on one-on-one level almost daily.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: People
Image of Lance Armstrong
I don't need a field of a thousand people. Anybody can tell you that whoever needs help, I'm happy to help.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: People
Image of Lance Armstrong
I wanted to win the Tour de France. And when I won it once, I wanted to do it again, and again, and again, it just kept going. So there wasn't another competitive environment.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Winning
Image of Lance Armstrong
That was my decision, so I have to be responsible for that. It was one of the biggest mistakes of my life and I don't have a good reason for why I wanted to come back, I don't have a good reason for doing it all.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Mistake
Image of Lance Armstrong
I guess if I looked at it from an athletic standpoint, I don't really need to win another Tour. Seven Tours for me was a dream, six broke the record, so that eight doesn't really mean much.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Dream
Image of Lance Armstrong
If you go to Wikipedia and you look at the Tour de France, there's this huge block in World War One with no winners, and there's another block in World War Two. And then it seems like there's another world war.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Block
Image of Lance Armstrong
When you win, you don't examine it very much, except to congratulate yourself. You easily, and wrongly, assume it has something to do with your rare qualities as a person. But winning only measures how hard you've worked and how physically talented you are; it doesn't particularly define you beyond those characteristics.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Winning
Image of Lance Armstrong
I don't think history is stupid.History ultimately rectifies a lot of these things. If you had to ask me what I think happens in 50 years, I don't think it sits empty in 50 years. Maybe somebody else's name is there. But you can't leave it empty.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Stupid
Image of Lance Armstrong
Do it even if you shouldn't, do it becuase you want to, do it becuase it will make things better.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Want
Image of Lance Armstrong
I believed in belief, for its own shining sake. To believe in the face of utter hopelessness, every article of evidence to the contrary, to ignore apparent catastrophe - what other choice was there? We do it every day, I realized. We are so much stronger than we imagine, and belief is one of the most valiant and long-lived human characteristics. To believe, when all along we humans know that nothing can cure the briefness of this life, that there is no remedy for our basic mortality, that is a form of bravery. To continue believing in yourself, believing in the doctors, believing in thetreatent, believing in whatever I chose to believe in, that was the most important thing.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Believe
Image of Lance Armstrong
My house is burned, but I can see the sky.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Sky
Image of Lance Armstrong
The body is telling the mind to stop. The mind is telling the body to shut up.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Mind
Image of Lance Armstrong
I guess if a person never quit when the going got tough, they wouldn't have anything to regret for the rest of their life.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Teamwork
Image of Lance Armstrong
I believe that the mind powers the body, and once the mind says we want to do it, then the body will follow.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Believe
Image of Lance Armstrong
What makes a great endurance athlete is the ability to absorb potential embarrassment, and to suffer without complaint.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Running
Image of Lance Armstrong
A bicycle is the long-sought means of transportation for all of us who have runaway hearts.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Heart
Image of Lance Armstrong
At least I didn't invent a dead girlfriend
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Girlfriend
Image of Lance Armstrong
In my most painful moments on the bike, I am at my most curious and I wonder each and every time how I will respond.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Painful Moments
Image of Lance Armstrong
You know what they say, the high trees get the wind.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Wind
Image of Lance Armstrong
I can get up in the morning and look myself in the mirror and my family can look at me too and that's all that matters.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Family
Image of Lance Armstrong
My cocktail, so to speak, was only EPO, but not a lot, transfusions and testosterone.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Cocktails
Image of Lance Armstrong
So if there is a purpose to the suffering that is cancer, I think it must be this: it's meant to improve us.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Cancer
Image of Lance Armstrong
The idea that anybody was forced, or pressured, or encouraged, is not true.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Ideas
Image of Lance Armstrong
When you know your not going to die, you have to ask yourself... What's the highest and best use for myself.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Use
Image of Lance Armstrong
I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Sorry
Image of Lance Armstrong
How do you fight an invisible opponent like suspicion?
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Fighting
Image of Lance Armstrong
Made plenty of mistakes along the way - all of which I am truly sorry.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Sorry
Image of Lance Armstrong
The answer is hard work. What are you doing on Christmas Eve? Are you riding your bike? January 1st - are you riding your bike?
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Hard Work
Image of Lance Armstrong
It's ironic, I used to ride my bike to make a living. Now I just want to live so that I can ride.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Ironic
Image of Lance Armstrong
Live strong is exactly I guess what it says. It's one thing to live, but it's another thing to live strong, to attack the day and attack your life with a whole new attitude. This was a gift for me. I guess before the illness I just lived. Now, after the illness, I live strong.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Encouraging
Image of Lance Armstrong
The Tour (de France) is essentially a math problem, a 2,000-mile race over three weeks that's sometimes won by a margin of a minute or less. How do you propel yourself through space on a bicycle, sometimes steeply uphill, at a speed sustainable for three weeks? Every second counts.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Math
Image of Lance Armstrong
My advice to you is never stop believing.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Believe
Image of Lance Armstrong
Chasing records doesn't keep me on my bike. Happiness does.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Cycling
Image of Lance Armstrong
We are much better than we know.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Knows
Image of Lance Armstrong
We have two options, medically and emotionally: give up or fight like hell.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Lance Armstrong
But the fact is that I wouldn't have won even a single Tour de France without the lesson of illness. What it teaches is this: pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Pain
Image of Lance Armstrong
I rode, and I rode, and I rode. I rode like I had never ridden, punishing my body up and down every hill I could find. I rode when no one else would ride.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Body
Image of Lance Armstrong
Yellow wakes me up in the morning. Yellow gets me on the bike every day. Yellow has taught me the true meaning of sacrifice. Yellow makes me suffer. Yellow is the reason I'm here.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Morning
Image of Lance Armstrong
Anyone who imagines they can work alone winds up surrounded by nothing but rivals, without companions. The fact is, no one ascends alone.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Lance Armstrong
[The] pain is temporary. It may last a minute, an hour, a day, or a year, but eventually it subsides. And when it does, something else takes its place, and that thing might be called a greater space for happiness ... Each time we overcome pain, I believe that we grow.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Pain
Image of Lance Armstrong
Suffering, I was beginning to think, was essential to a good life, and as inextricable from such a life as bliss. It’s a great enhancer. It might last a minute, but eventually it subsides, and when it does, something else takes its place, and maybe that thing is a great space. For happiness. Each time I encountered suffering, I believed that I grew, and further defined my capacities – not just my physical ones, but my interior ones as well, for contentment, friendship, or any other human experience.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Life
Image of Lance Armstrong
The team wasn't just riders. It was the mechanics, masseurs, chefs, soigneurs, and doctors. But the most important man on the team may have been the chiropractor.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Team