Lance Armstrong

Image of Lance Armstrong
A boo is a lot louder than a cheer.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Hilarious
Image of Lance Armstrong
I realize that there are many variables outside my control in my quest, but focusing on the big goal down the road really motivates me. To help me stay focused, I set micro-goals such as races or training achievements that bring me one step closer to being at my best for major goals
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Athlete
Image of Lance Armstrong
The Europeans look down on raising your hands. They don't like the end-zone dance. I think that's unfortunate. That feeling - the finish line, the last couple of meters - is what motivates me.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Couple
Image of Lance Armstrong
If a script writer had come up with a story resembling what you have just achieved, even the Hollywood studios would have refused.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Hollywood
Image of Lance Armstrong
It's a great feeling when someone like Bernard Hinault comes up to you on the podium to say 'Welcome to the club
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Feelings
Image of Lance Armstrong
What ever your 100% looks like, give it.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Giving
Image of Lance Armstrong
For most of my life I had operated under a simple schematic of winning and losing, but cancer was teaching me a tolerance for ambiguities.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Cancer
Image of Lance Armstrong
On a friendship with former president George W. Bush: He's a personal friend, but we've all got the right not to agree with our friends.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: President
Image of Lance Armstrong
Athletes don't have much use for poking around in their childhoods, because, introspection doesn't get you anywhere in a race.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Athlete
Image of Lance Armstrong
A bike ride. Yes, that's it! A simple bike ride. It's what I love to do and most days I can't believe they pay me to do it. A day is not the same without it.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Believe
Image of Lance Armstrong
What athletes do may not be that healthy, the way we push our bodies completely over the edge to the degrees that are not human. I've said all along that I will not live as long as the average person.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Athlete
Image of Lance Armstrong
We each cope differently with the specter of our deaths. Some people deny it. Some pray. Some numb themselves with tequila. I was tempted to do a little of each of those things. But I think we are supposed to try to face it straightforwardly, armed with nothing but courage.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Thinking
Image of Lance Armstrong
My career is going to be played out year by year. Will I be here in 2004? I don't know. The record won't keep me here. Happiness will.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Years
Image of Lance Armstrong
To all the cynics, I'm sorry for you. I'm sorry you can't believe in miracles. This is a great sporting event and hard work wins it.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Sorry
Image of Lance Armstrong
We sped on, across the plains, toward Metz. I hung back, saving myself. It is called the Race of Truth. The early stages separate the strong riders from the weak. Now the weak would be eliminated altogether.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Strong
Image of Lance Armstrong
How many times do I have to say it? … Well, it can't be any clearer than 'I've never taken drugs.'
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Taken
Image of Lance Armstrong
There was more happiness in the process, in the build, in the preparation. The winning was almost phoned in.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Winning
Image of Lance Armstrong
The unwillingness to accept anything short of victory, that underlying fury, is the fundamental building block of my bottomless motivation to succeed. It is my credo in all that I do in life from battling cancer to bicycle racing.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Motivational
Image of Lance Armstrong
I will spend the rest of my life trying to earn back trust and apologize to people.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: People
Image of Lance Armstrong
Regardless of one victory, two victories, four victories, there's never been a victory by a cancer survivor. That's a fact that hopefully I'll be remembered for.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Cancer
Image of Lance Armstrong
The truth is, if you asked me to choose between winning the Tour de France and cancer, I would choose cancer. Odd as it sounds, I would rather have the title of cancer survivor than winner of the Tour, because of what it has done for me as a human being, a man, a husband, a son, and a father.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Husband
Image of Lance Armstrong
I am flawed, deeply flawed. I didn't invent the [doping] culture but I didn't try to stop the culture and that's my mistake, and that's what I have to be sorry for.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Sorry
Image of Lance Armstrong
I didn't live a lot of lies, but I lived one big one.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Lying
Image of Lance Armstrong
I didn't invent the culture, but I didn't try to stop the culture.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Trying
Image of Lance Armstrong
[A 2005 response to doping allegations] Unfortunately, the witch hunt continues and tomorrow's article is nothing short of tabloid journalism. The paper even admits in its own article that the science in question here is faulty and that I have no way to defend myself. They state: 'There will therefore be no counter-exam nor regulatory prosecutions, in a strict sense, since defendant's rights cannot be respected.' I will simply restate what I have said many times: I have never taken performance enhancing drugs.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Taken
Image of Lance Armstrong
You know, once I was thinking of quitting when I was diagnosed with brain, lung and testicular cancer all at the same time. But with the love and support of my friends and family, I got back on the bike and won the Tour de France five times in a row. But I'm sure you have a good reason to quit.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Running
Image of Lance Armstrong
I am just coming into my best years. This year I did new things; stretching and abdominal work.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Years
Image of Lance Armstrong
What is stronger, fear or hope?
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Stronger
Image of Lance Armstrong
Hard work, sacrifice and focus will never show up in tests.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Change
Image of Lance Armstrong
Lance Armstrong is not the biggest fraud in the history of world sport. US Postal was not the most sophisticated doping programme.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Sports
Image of Lance Armstrong
Nobody is going to feel sorry for me if I've lost a dollar or $100m.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Sorry
Image of Lance Armstrong
Life to me is a series of false limits and my challenge as an athlete is to explore those limits
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Athlete
Image of Lance Armstrong
I wanted to live, but whether I would or not was mystery, and in the midst of confronting that fact, even at that moment, I was beginning to sense that to stare into the heart of such a fearful mystery wasn't a bad thing. To be afraid is a priceless education. P 99
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Heart
Image of Lance Armstrong
Average is Your Enemy.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Average
Image of Lance Armstrong
Fear is priceless education.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Education
Image of Lance Armstrong
I raced because I was paid to do a job and I felt like I had to do the job. Number two: I raced because I loved the process, I loved training, getting ready for the race, I loved all of that. And number three I raced for my memories. Regardless of what somebody wants to give or take away, you can't take my memories.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lance Armstrong
It gave me a chance to re-evaluate my life and my career. Cancer certainly gives things a new perspective. I would not have won the Tour de France if I had not had cancer. It gave me new strength and focus.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Cancer
Image of Lance Armstrong
Evan Handler is a man who’s looked into the abyss and laughed. His book, It’s Only Temporary, made me laugh along with him. He covers love, lust, showbiz, triumph, and despair – and he manages to be both funny and inspiring about all of it. It’s an important book that I think can help to spread goodness around the world. Something we desperately need.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Book
Image of Lance Armstrong
There were something like 50 good, arduous climbs around Nice, solid inclines of ten miles or more. The trick was not to climb every once in awhile, but to climb repeatedly. I would do three different climbs in one day, over the course of a six- or seven-hour ride. A 12 mile climb took about an hour, so that tells you what my days were like.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Nice
Image of Lance Armstrong
I didn't just jump back on the bike and win. There were a lot of ups and downs, good results and bad results, but this time I didn't let the lows get to me.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Lance Armstrong
We all want to be forgiven. There's a lot of really, really bad people who want to be forgiven but will never be forgiven, and I might be in that camp.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: People
Image of Lance Armstrong
The ban is completely out of my hands. And I think in most people's minds, even if it's unrealistic to them, it's one that I left myself with no choice on.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Thinking
Image of Lance Armstrong
It's tougher for me. But I don't think that's imperative to me starting a new movement, or revive an old movement, to help people.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Thinking
Image of Lance Armstrong
The ban doesn't have anything to do with Livestrong or my ability to work in [the cancer] community. Perhaps it speeds it up. I don't know the examples in Great Britain of athletes who have fallen. I know the examples in the United States - the Tiger Woods, the Michael Vicks, even the Bill Clintons - people who are still out there able to work.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Cancer
Image of Lance Armstrong
Forever is a big word. I'm not going anywhere.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Forever
Image of Lance Armstrong
I spent a long time trying to build up an organisation [the Lance Armstrong Foundation that changed its name to Livestrong after his confession] to help a lot of people.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Names
Image of Lance Armstrong
There was certainly a dishonesty there that I think is totally regrettable and inexcusable. The ringleading, the bullying: not totally true.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Bullying
Image of Lance Armstrong
I have never doped … I have competed as an endurance athlete for 25 years with no spike in performance, passed more than 500 drug tests and never failed one.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Athlete
Image of Lance Armstrong
Everything in my life is in perspective. OK, perspective ebbs and flows. I've had bad days, but they weren't in the last years. A bad day is 2 October 1996: 'We've got bad news for you, you've got advanced testicular cancer and you've got a coin's toss chance of survival.' That's a bad day.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Cancer