Top Ironic Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Ironic quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Bill McKibben
It is unbelievably sad and ironic that the first victims of global warming are almost all going to come from places that are producing virtually none of the problem.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Ironic
Image of Leah Hager Cohen
The humor is the sort born of ironic necessity; they use it to salve the wounds in insensitity.
- Leah Hager Cohen
Collection: Ironic
Image of Donald E. Williams, Jr.
What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact.
- Donald E. Williams, Jr.
Collection: Ironic
Image of Wally Lamb
Its the most breathtakingly ironic things about living: the fact that we are all-identical twins included-alone. Singular. And yet what we seek-what saves us-is our connection to others.
- Wally Lamb
Collection: Ironic
Image of Jonathan Turley
It's highly ironic that it was the conservatives on the court who overturned so many statutes.
- Jonathan Turley
Collection: Ironic
Image of Ellen Langer
Certainty is a cruel mindset.
- Ellen Langer
Collection: Ironic
Image of Greg Proops
You can't smoke in a restaurant in Los Angeles, which is mildly ironic, when you consider the fact that you can't breathe outside a restaurant in Los Angeles.
- Greg Proops
Collection: Ironic
Image of Elizabeth Lesser
How strange that the nature of life is change, yet the nature of human beings is to resist change. And how ironic that the difficult times we fear might ruin us are the very ones that can break us open and help us blossom into who we were meant to be.
- Elizabeth Lesser
Collection: Ironic
Image of Peter Sloterdijk
How much truth is contained in something can be best determined by making it thoroughly laughable and then watching to see how much joking around it can take. For truth is a matter that can withstand mockery, that is freshened by any ironic gesture directed at it. Whatever cannot withstand satire is false.
- Peter Sloterdijk
Collection: Ironic
Image of Patricia Piccinini
I would say my work is anti-ironic.
- Patricia Piccinini
Collection: Ironic
Image of Stacey Levine
The ironic is a mere ancient whisper in this torqued narrative: its odd violence feels true. Today & Tomorrow crashes through the windows of strip malls and paints the hypertrophic aisles with bristly-creepy hilarity.
- Stacey Levine
Collection: Ironic
Image of Gore Verbinski
I find it ironic that fear is eliminating the possibility to tell stories that depict our ability to overcome fear
- Gore Verbinski
Collection: Ironic
Image of Wesley J. Smith
I find it bitterly ironic that the bulk of the money a medical-malpractice jury awarded to Terri [Schaivo] for use in making her better instead went into Mr. Felos's pocket to make her dead.
- Wesley J. Smith
Collection: Ironic
Image of Georgette Heyer
It was growing late, and though one might stand on the brink of a deep chasm of disaster, one was still obliged to dress for dinner.
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Ironic
Image of Sophie Jordan
Ironic, huh? To keep that part of me alive, I have to be close to that which kills it.
- Sophie Jordan
Collection: Ironic
Image of Allan Kaprow
Some of us will probably become famous. It will be an ironic fame fashioned largely by those who have never seen our work.
- Allan Kaprow
Collection: Ironic
Image of John Gunther
Count Hermann Keyserling once said truly that the greatest American superstition was the belief in facts.
- John Gunther
Collection: Ironic
Image of Bruno Latour
You who are on the inside, don't condemn my lack of faith too quickly; you who are on the outside, don't be too quick to mock my overcredulity; you who are indifferent, don't be too quick to wax ironic about my perpetual hesitations.
- Bruno Latour
Collection: Ironic
Image of Sxip Shirey
I'm the anti indie-rocker. My stuff isn't ironic.
- Sxip Shirey
Collection: Ironic
Image of Hal Whitehead
It's kind of ironic that when you look at the evidence of intelligence and so on, a lot of it is anecdotal. A lot of it is, "Well, we saw this dolphin do this extraordinary thing," or, "We screwed up with our apparatus, and then the dolphins did this." And so it seems to me that the more we can actually watch them doing their thing, the better chance we'll have of making some sense of them.
- Hal Whitehead
Collection: Ironic
Image of Michael Buckley
How ironic, she thought, as she fell to her certain death, that at that moment she would have given anything to be a giant goose again.
- Michael Buckley
Collection: Ironic
Image of Tony Robbins
Life wants you to serve something more than yourself. When you serve something more than yourself, you are served. It's the most ironic thing in the world.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Ironic
Image of Sarah Jessica Parker
I find it so ironic that all you do, for the earliest part of your life, is try to be like everybody else. And then you turn 30, and you realize all you want to do is distinguish yourself in some way.
- Sarah Jessica Parker
Collection: Ironic
Image of Susan Sontag
Though collecting quotations could be considered as merely an ironic mimetism
- Susan Sontag
Collection: Ironic
Image of Oscar Wilde
Even things that are true can be proved.
- Oscar Wilde
Collection: Ironic
Image of Jeaniene Frost
It was ironic; he held her captive, yet she’d captivated him.
- Jeaniene Frost
Collection: Ironic
Image of Douglas Coupland
Knee-Jerk Irony: The tendency to make flippant ironic comments as a reflexive matter of course in everyday conversation.
- Douglas Coupland
Collection: Ironic
Image of Simon Pegg
Often you read something about yourself, and either you've been ironic, and that doesn't work in print, or it paraphrases something that you said, and has a different meaning.
- Simon Pegg
Collection: Ironic
Image of Margaret Thatcher
What really gets me is this - it's very ironic that those who are most critical of extra tax are those who are most vociferous in demanding extra expenditure. What gets me even more is that having demanded that extra expenditure they are not prepared to face the consequences of their own action and stand by the necessity to get the tax to pay for it. I wish some of them had a bit more guts and courage than they have.
- Margaret Thatcher
Collection: Ironic
Image of
It's ironic that this amazing invention of the Internet has made information gathering easier available than ever, but that this platform also helps spread misinformation.
Collection: Ironic
Image of Howard Schultz
It's ironic that retailers and restaurants live or die on customer service, yet their employees have some of the lowest pay and worst benefits of any industry. That's one reason so many retail experiences are mediocre for the public.
- Howard Schultz
Collection: Ironic
Image of Lance Reddick
It's funny, 90 percent of what I've done has been television, and I never really wanted to do it that much. I was really interested in film and theater. What's ironic is that when I started doing television, I did a bunch of amazing shows all in a row, starting with The Corner.
- Lance Reddick
Collection: Ironic
Image of Margaret Thatcher
I would not wish to be Prime Minister, dear.
- Margaret Thatcher
Collection: Ironic
Image of Barack Obama
[Michelle Obama] was the hardest sell. And she never fully embraced being in the public spotlight, which is ironic, given how good she is.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Ironic
Image of Alexandra Adornetto
It was ironic how love could awaken them to the wonders of the universe, while at the same time confine their attention to one another.
- Alexandra Adornetto
Collection: Ironic
Image of Orson Scott Card
The univers is statistically more likely to be ironic than not.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Ironic
Image of George Carlin
Religion is the worst thing that ever happened to mankind - the ironic part is that it's presented as a good thing, and its effect is absolutely catastrophic to individuals and to societies.
- George Carlin
Collection: Ironic
Image of Wale
It's ironic how I drop some 'DOUGH' (Doh) when I got them Homer Simpsons.
- Wale
Collection: Ironic
Image of Howard Dean
I have a great sense of humor, but it has an ironic twist to it.
- Howard Dean
Collection: Ironic
Image of Jacques Derrida
What cannot be said above all must not be silenced but written.
- Jacques Derrida
Collection: Ironic
Image of Suzanne Collins
Barbarism? That's ironic coming from a woman helping to prepare us for slaughter. And what's she basing our success on? Our table manners?
- Suzanne Collins
Collection: Ironic
Image of Mason Cooley
After ages of bombast, the rhetoric of virtue has become ironic and shy.
- Mason Cooley
Collection: Ironic
Image of Janet Fitch
I love Derrick Brown for the surprise of one word waking up next to another. One moment tender, funny or romantic, the next, visceral, ironic and relevatory-here is the full chaos of life. An amazing talent.
- Janet Fitch
Collection: Ironic
Image of Jesse Eisenberg
[As an actor] you're looking to crawl into an anonymous fictional person's skin, but then you have the ironic obligation to promoting the movie in such a public way that it almost undermines the initial intention of going under the radar.
- Jesse Eisenberg
Collection: Ironic
Image of James Franco
I guess it's ironic. I just did the Gucci cologne ad, and I was the cologne thief in junior high.
- James Franco
Collection: Ironic
Image of DJ Spooky
DJ Spooky was meant to be a kind of ironic take on that. It was always meant to be kind of a criticism and critique of how downtown culture would separate genres and styles because it was ambiguous.
- DJ Spooky
Collection: Ironic
Image of Bill Gates
I failed in some subjects in exam, but my friend passed in all. Now he is an engineer in Microsoft and I am the owner of Microsoft.
- Bill Gates
Collection: Ironic
Image of Lance Armstrong
It's ironic, I used to ride my bike to make a living. Now I just want to live so that I can ride.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Ironic
Image of Henry James
Don’t underestimate the value of irony—it is extremely valuable.
- Henry James
Collection: Ironic
Image of Franz Kafka
All language is but a poor translation.
- Franz Kafka
Collection: Ironic