Lady Gaga

Image of Lady Gaga
I adored Freddie Mercury and Queen had a hit called Radio Gaga. That's why I love the name. Freddie was unique - one of the biggest personalities in the whole of pop music. He was not only a singer but also a fantastic performer, a man of the theatre and someone who constantly transformed himself. In short: a genius.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Queens
Image of Lady Gaga
I am not perfect. I just think that imperfections are beautiful.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Lady Gaga
Its oke to be sad. I've been trained to love my darkness
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Darkness
Image of Lady Gaga
Art is life, life is art - the question is what came first?
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Art
Image of Lady Gaga
My fans are who I am. You give meaning to my life. You will never know the connection I feel to you.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Who I Am
Image of Lady Gaga
Depression doesn't take away your talents - it just makes them harder to find.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Talent
Image of Lady Gaga
A girl’s got to use what she’s given and I’m not going to make a guy drool the way a Britney video does. So I take it to extremes. I don’t say I dress sexily on stage - what I do is so extreme. It’s meant to make guys think: ‘I don’t know if this is sexy or just weird.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Girl
Image of Lady Gaga
Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Dream
Image of Lady Gaga
I don't want to face the reality of what people want from a female pop star. Everybody always laughs because I feel so much more comfortable with, like, a giant paper bag on my whole body and paint on my face. Sometimes I try really hard to take it all off. But inevitably what's underneath is still not a straight edge. And I don't think it ever will be.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Reality
Image of Lady Gaga
Sometimes I get this gut feeling about people - maybe I sense a hidden agenda or that they care for the money more than the message. I wish that I'd listen to that feeling instead of waiting for the truth to rear its ugly head. I'm a smart girl. I'm loyal. But sometimes I'm too loyal. I'm not loyal enough to myself.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Girl
Image of Lady Gaga
I'm always trying to create something that the fans won't expect.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Always Trying
Image of Lady Gaga
I am completely 100 percent honest in what I do and who I am, and I've got nothing to hide.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Who I Am
Image of Lady Gaga
No matter how many people are screaming your name or how many Number One hits you have, you can still wake up and feel like a loser.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Names
Image of Lady Gaga
I realized that it's my own fault that people take advantage of me. I should be around people who cherish my talents, my health, my time. I'm not a pawn for anyone's future business. I'm an artist. I deserve better than to be loyal to people who only believe in me because I make money.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Believe
Image of Lady Gaga
I often think people don't know what to think of me, and in fact this is precisely the objective of many of my creations. Even back in the days with Lady Starlight, my original partner, we aimed to bemuse. This feeling of bemusement - it's neither good nor bad. It just is. Whether critics realize it or not, they've been in a very long argument since my public birth.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Thinking
Image of Lady Gaga
I don't view interviewing as much of a performance. My whole life is in essence a performance but singing and dancing for television is an entirely different thing.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Essence
Image of Lady Gaga
I am a woman of theatre, I'm a librarian of theatre and I love all different kinds of music and all different kinds of expressions.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Expression
Image of Lady Gaga
My new year's resolution: Never be afraid to be kicked in the teeth. Let the blood and the bruises define your legacy.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: New Year
Image of Lady Gaga
Well, that's your opinion, isn't it? And I'm not about to waste my time trying to change it.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Humorous
Image of Lady Gaga
At the end of the day, you won't be happy until you love yourself.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Love Yourself
Image of Lady Gaga
Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you're wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn't love you anymore.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Love
Image of Lady Gaga
Some of us wear the mask prouder than others.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Mask
Image of Lady Gaga
People that are obsessed with hating you, feel flattered. Their whole lives revolve around you.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Life
Image of Lady Gaga
Bare your struggles very close to your heart and have them be a part of you that you’re proud of instead of something that you’re ashamed of.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Struggle
Image of Lady Gaga
Let the blood and the bruises define your legacy.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Blood
Image of Lady Gaga
Acceptance, tolerance, bravery, compassion. These are the things my mom taught me!
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Inspiring
Image of Lady Gaga
Music changed my life. I don't know who I would be without it. Don't ignore even the smallest glimmer of passion in your soul, run towards it with everything you have. It could change your life.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Running
Image of Lady Gaga
And now, I'm just trying to change the world, one sequin at a time.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Fashion
Image of Lady Gaga
The reason I don't want anyone to control me is not because I want to be in control. I don't want anyone to control me because I don't want anyone to control anyone.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Want
Image of Lady Gaga
I am a feminist. I reject wholeheartedly the way we are taught to perceive women. The beauty of women, how a woman should act or behave. Women are strong and fragile. Women are beautiful and ugly. We are soft-spoken and loud, all at once. There is something mind-controlling about the way we're taught to view women.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Lady Gaga
To everyone who says this is wrong to feel like this say, 'I was born this way baby.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Baby
Image of Lady Gaga
If you're a strong female, you don't need permission.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Strong
Image of Lady Gaga
Amy [Winehouse] changed pop music forever, I remember knowing there was hope, and feeling not alone because of her. She lived jazz, she lived the blues.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Recovery
Image of Lady Gaga
I do not accept any less than someone just as real, as fabulous!
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Real
Image of Lady Gaga
People ask me why I wear veils. I reply, I am mourning. Mourning what? Well I figure something shitty must be going on somewhere.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: People
Image of Lady Gaga
There's no way to convince people of your greatness. Whatever it is that you want to be, you have to know it inside and knife-fight your way to your dream.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Dream
Image of Lady Gaga
If anyone tells you that you can't achieve your dreams, or puts you down, make your hand into a claw and tell them you're a little monster and you can do whatever the f*** you want.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Dream
Image of Lady Gaga
Love is like a brick. You can build a house, or you can sink a dead body.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Love
Image of Lady Gaga
My father [Joe Germanotta] opened a restaurant. It's so amazing... it's so freaking delicious, but I'm telling you I gain five pounds every time I go in there.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Father
Image of Lady Gaga
I was changing my outfits, my looks, my wig, sometimes several times a day. That's when I know my soul is restless.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Soul
Image of Lady Gaga
Some women chasing men, and some - for dreams. If you are at a fork, remember, your career will not wake up one morning to say that more does not love you.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Dream
Image of Lady Gaga
I'm single right now and I've chosen to be single because I don't have the time to get to know anybody. So it's okay not to have sex, it's okay to get to know people. I'm celibate, celibacy's fine.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Sex
Image of Lady Gaga
I'm already crazy. I'm a fearless person. I think it creeps up on you. I don't think it can be stopped. If my destiny is to lose my mind because of fame, then that's my destiny. But my passion still means more than anything.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Music
Image of Lady Gaga
If you're laying in bed next to someone that really doesn't make you feel like the goddess that you are, you need to rediscover what it is that you truly want and need.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Bed
Image of Lady Gaga
I have to be really honest: People who say they can't escape the paparazzi are full of sh*t. Let me just be the artist to throw everybody under the bus. I don't spend lots of money on houses or lots of cars, but I do spend money on security and they never find me.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Artist
Image of Lady Gaga
I used to be so delusional. I always imagined I could be more than I was, and eventually I grew and evolved into that person.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Delusional
Image of Lady Gaga
Don't judge anyone but don't trust anyone.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Judging
Image of Lady Gaga
I want you to forget all your insecurities. I want you to reject anyone of anything that's ever made you feel like you don't belong or don't fit in or made you fell like you're not good enough or pretty enough or thin enough or can't sing well enough or dance well enough or write a song well enough or like you'll never win a Grammy or you'll never sell out Madison Square Garden, you just remember that you're a goddamn superstar and you were born this way!
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Letting Go