Kate Moss

Image of Kate Moss
Girls interested in modeling need to realize that its hard work. You can go to a shoot in the morning and not even start shooting until 10pm - and still be there at 5am the next day. Then if you still haven’t got the shot, you’ll have to go back the next day and start again!
- Kate Moss
Collection: Girl
Image of Kate Moss
Now I'm being blamed not only for anorexia but for lung cancer.
- Kate Moss
Collection: Cancer
Image of Kate Moss
My daughter, Lila, is my style critic. She'll say, "No, Mummy, you can't wear that." She's very good. I do trust her instinct.
- Kate Moss
Collection: Daughter
Image of Kate Moss
I think I have a good rapport with the people I work with and that really helps. If you like working with people and you always have a good time and you always do good work, then they're going to book you again. I like doing what I do.
- Kate Moss
Collection: Book
Image of Kate Moss
I don't really go to clubs anymore. I’m actually quite settled. Living in Highgate with my dog and my husband and my daughter! I’m not a hell-raiser. But don’t burst the bubble. Behind closed doors, for sure I’m a hell-raiser.
- Kate Moss
Collection: Daughter
Image of Kate Moss
It's important to accessorise. I always turn to the scarves, hats and sunglasses. But wearing too many accessories at once can look very bad.
- Kate Moss
Collection: Important
Image of Kate Moss
I don't want to be myself, ever. I'm terrible at a snapshot. Terrible. I blink all the time. I've got facial Tourette's. Unless I'm working and in that zone, I'm not very good at pictures, really.
- Kate Moss
Collection: Snapshots
Image of Kate Moss
I always have a pair of Ray-Bans in my bag and lots of pairs at home because they seem to go missing. They're a real staple.
- Kate Moss
Collection: Real
Image of Kate Moss
When I'm in the country with all of the kids around and cooking, that's when I'm most relaxed. When I'm in the country I like to cook.
- Kate Moss
Collection: Country
Image of Kate Moss
I wouldn't want [my daughtr] to be a model. I don't think it's the best industry really for young girls. Unless you're really strong, it can really f**k you up.
- Kate Moss
Collection: Girl
Image of Kate Moss
Plan what you are going to wear ahead of time. If you're going to an important dinner, you should always plan what you're going to wear because you don't want to look silly.
- Kate Moss
Collection: Silly
Image of Kate Moss
If I'm going to an event I make sure I plan ahead so that I don't have a fashion crisis.
- Kate Moss
Collection: Fashion
Image of Kate Moss
I always have this fear that one day you are going to discover that I'm not as great as you once thought I was. Nothing feels as good as skinny feels.
- Kate Moss
Collection: One Day
Image of Kate Moss
I don't think modelling is a career I'm going to pursue.
- Kate Moss
Collection: Thinking
Image of Kate Moss
You try and remember, but it never works.
- Kate Moss
Collection: Trying
Image of Kate Moss
That picture of me running down the beach - I'll never forget doing that, because I made the hairdresser, who was the only man on the shoot, turn his back.
- Kate Moss
Collection: Running
Image of Kate Moss
I got tired of feeling like Dracula. I wanted to see some daylight, and not just at six o’clock in the morning.
- Kate Moss
Collection: Morning
Image of Kate Moss
I think fashion in motion is going to happen. I think that's the way things are going, but there are people who will still want to see a picture and to be able to hold it.
- Kate Moss
Collection: Fashion
Image of Kate Moss
I hate dentists. That's why my tooth fell out. I was in the middle of a root canal and wouldn't go back, so it just dropped out when I was in the middle of Fifth Avenue. I had to do the Calvin Klein show without the tooth.
- Kate Moss
Collection: Hate
Image of Kate Moss
I've got a couple of those Gossard Wonderbras. They are so brilliant, I swear, even I get cleavage with them.
- Kate Moss
Collection: Couple
Image of Kate Moss
They portray me as all these crazy things and I'm so not like that. I don't have entourages, I'm as normal as you can get in this lifestyle.
- Kate Moss
Collection: Crazy
Image of Kate Moss
I want to apologize to all of the people I have let down because of my behavior, which has reflected badly on my family, friends, co-workers, business associates and others.
- Kate Moss
Collection: Business
Image of Kate Moss
I am a woman now! It‘s true. No, honestly, I‘ve never worn a bra in my life, ever!
- Kate Moss
Collection: Bras
Image of Kate Moss
Most of the time I dress depending on my mood. I just throw on whatever I feel like wearing at the time, which tends to come from the palette of black, grey or red.
- Kate Moss
Collection: Black
Image of Kate Moss
When Lila was born, "I felt like, now I've got a partner in crime".
- Kate Moss
Collection: Motherhood
Image of Kate Moss
I guess I'm adaptable. You know, I turn up at work and [photographers] can kind of do what they want with me, really.
- Kate Moss
Collection: Want
Image of Kate Moss
I feel like I become somebody else when I do the pictures. I don't like doing pictures as myself. I like to be made into somebody different.
- Kate Moss
Collection: Different
Image of Kate Moss
I don't do any Class A - especially not cocaine - after seeing what it does to people.
- Kate Moss
Collection: Class
Image of Kate Moss
I don't want to be this skinny.
- Kate Moss
Collection: Want
Image of Kate Moss
I wanted it to be kind of dreamy and 1920s, when everything is soft-focus.
- Kate Moss
Collection: Focus
Image of Kate Moss
I don't like doing [things] as myself...I like to be made into someone else.
- Kate Moss
Collection: Made
Image of Kate Moss
I do love New York. But I'm a Londoner at heart.
- Kate Moss
Collection: New York
Image of Kate Moss
For makeup, a bit of blusher — what you call bronzer — a bit of an eye, and an eyelash curler.
- Kate Moss
Collection: Eye
Image of Kate Moss
You have to be yourself, as models come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. There are girls out there who are more voluptuous and they work better for different sorts of stories.
- Kate Moss
Collection: Girl