Karl Kraus

Image of Karl Kraus
Many women would like to dream with men without sleeping with them. Someone should point out to them that this is utterly impossible.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Dream
Image of Karl Kraus
Art is something that is so perfectly clear that no one comprehends it.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Art
Image of Karl Kraus
The art of an actress is sublimated sexuality. But off the stage the fire must be able to reconvert the steam into body.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Art
Image of Karl Kraus
The real end of the world is the destruction of the spirit; the other kind depends on the insignificant attempt to see whether after such a destruction the world can go on.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Real
Image of Karl Kraus
In the theater one must sit in such a way that one sees the audience as a dark mass. Then it cannot bother one more than it does an actor. Nothing is more disturbing than being able to distinguish individuals in the crowd.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Dark
Image of Karl Kraus
The ultimate aim of psychoanalysis is to attribute art to mental weakness, and then to trace the weakness back to the point where, according to analytic dogma, it originated namely, the lavatory.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Art
Image of Karl Kraus
The press, that goiter of the world, swells up with the desire for conquest and bursts with the achievements which every day brings. A week has room for the boldest climax of the human drive for expansion.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Media
Image of Karl Kraus
To me it's still a greater miracle when a fly flies than when a human being undertakes to do so.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Miracle
Image of Karl Kraus
Ideas are transplanted by splitting, thoughts by sprouting.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Ideas
Image of Karl Kraus
Nowadays the thief cannot be distinguished from his victim. Neither has any valuable objects on him.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Thieves
Image of Karl Kraus
It so often happened to me that someone who shared my opinion kept the larger share for himself that I am now forewarned and offer people only ideas.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Ideas
Image of Karl Kraus
Psychology is as useless as directions for using poison.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Psychology
Image of Karl Kraus
Satire that the censor understands is rightly censored.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Satire
Image of Karl Kraus
Ingratitude is often disproportionate to the benefaction received.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Karl Kraus
Satire chooses and knows no objects. It arises by fleeing from them and their forcing themselves upon it.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Fleeing
Image of Karl Kraus
What are all the orgies of Bacchus when compared to the intoxication of someone who completely surrenders to continence!
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Sex
Image of Karl Kraus
In a well-run mental household there ought to be a thorough cleaning at the threshold of consciousness a few times a year.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Running
Image of Karl Kraus
Most critics write critiques which are by the authors they write critiques about. That would not be so bad, but then most authorswrite works which are by the critics who write critiques about them.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Writing
Image of Karl Kraus
If children had been told that they could not blow their noses, this alone would make adults blush.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Children
Image of Karl Kraus
A man's jealousy is a social institution; a woman's prostitution is an instinct.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Jealousy
Image of Karl Kraus
Parliamentarianism means putting political prostitution in barracks.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Mean
Image of Karl Kraus
Let my style capture all the sounds of my time. This should make it an annoyance to my contemporaries. But later generations should hold it to their ears like a seashell in which there is the music of an ocean of mud.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Music
Image of Karl Kraus
The agitator seizes the word. The artist is seized by it.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Artist
Image of Karl Kraus
On the stage one must not confuse the nature of a personality with the naturalness of a person.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Personality
Image of Karl Kraus
The truth is that the newspaper is not a place for information to be given, rather it is just hollow content, or more than that, a provoker of content. If it prints lies about atrocities, real atrocities are the result.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Real
Image of Karl Kraus
The pimp is the executive organ of immorality. The executive organ of morality is the blackmailer.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Pimp
Image of Karl Kraus
Sexual enlightenment is that hardhearted process which for hygienic reasons forbids young people to satisfy their curiosity themselves.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: People
Image of Karl Kraus
Contemporaries live from second hand to mouth.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Hands
Image of Karl Kraus
Social reform is the desperate decision to remove corns from a person suffering from cancer.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Cancer
Image of Karl Kraus
What is a historian? Someone who doesn't write well enough to work on a daily.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Writing
Image of Karl Kraus
My readers think that I write for the day because my writings are based on the day. So I shall have to wait until my writings are obsolete. Then they may acquire timeliness.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Writing
Image of Karl Kraus
A man's eroticism is a woman's sexuality.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Men
Image of Karl Kraus
Adults who still derive childlike pleasure from hanging gifts of a ready-made education on the Christmas tree of a child waiting outside the door to life do not realize how unreceptive they are making the children to everything that constitutes the true surprise of life.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Education
Image of Karl Kraus
If one reads a newspaper only for information, one does not learn the truth, not even the truth about the paper. The truth is that the newspaper is not a statement of contents but the contents themselves; and more than that, it is an instigator.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Doe
Image of Karl Kraus
I saw a poet chase a butterfly in a meadow. He put his net on a bench where a boy sat reading a book. It's a misfortune that it is usually the other way round.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Book
Image of Karl Kraus
A good stylist should have narcissistic enjoyment as he works. He must be able to objectivize his work to such an extent that he catches himself feeling envious and has to jog his memory to find that he is himself the creator. In short, he must display that highest degree of objectivity which the world calls vanity.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Memories
Image of Karl Kraus
I have to do this, as long as it is at all possible; for if those who are obliged to look after commas had always made sure they were in the right place, then Shanghai would not be burning.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Long
Image of Karl Kraus
Many talents preserve their precociousness right into old age.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Age
Image of Karl Kraus
There is a shortage of clerks. Everyone is going into journalism.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Clerks
Image of Karl Kraus
The discovery of the North Pole is one of those realities which could not be avoided. It is the wages which human perseverance pays itself when it thinks that something is taking too long. The world needed a discoverer of the North Pole, and in all areas of social activity, merit was less important here than opportunity.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Perseverance
Image of Karl Kraus
A snob is unreliable. The work he praises might just be good.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Might
Image of Karl Kraus
Let language be the divining rod that finds the sources of thought.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Language
Image of Karl Kraus
Cosmetics is the science of a woman's cosmos.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Women
Image of Karl Kraus
A good writer does not receive anywhere near the number of poison-pen letters that is commonly assumed. Among a hundred jackassesthere are not ten who will admit to being jackasses, and at most one who will put it in writing.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Writing
Image of Karl Kraus
When a culture feels that its end has come, it sends for a priest.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Religion
Image of Karl Kraus
There is a cultural taste which tries very hard to get rid of the lice in a fur coat. There is another which tolerates the lice and thinks the coat can be worn with them in it. And finally there is a taste which regards the lice as the most important thing about the coat and consequently places the coat at the lice's disposal.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Thinking
Image of Karl Kraus
Truth is a clumsy servant that breaks the dishes while washing them.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Philosophical
Image of Karl Kraus
A philistine is habitually bored and looks for things that won't bore him. An artist finds things boring, but is never bored.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Art
Image of Karl Kraus
I trim my opponents to fit my arrows.
- Karl Kraus
Collection: Arrows