Top Psychology Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Psychology quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Julie Gregory
When I look in the fridge, I see groceries, but I don't see food. My stomach growls; but there is no appetite. Appetite and hunger are different. Appetite is the mental prompting that kicks the auto-response into drive so you actually reach out, take the food, put it in your mouth, chew, and swallow. I learned this in my first psychology course. Eating isn't just a physical need; it starts in the mind, generating hunger, which then should trigger the body to ingest food. I have no sparks between these plugs.
- Julie Gregory
Collection: Psychology
Image of Robert J. Shiller
Economics is (now) about emotion and psychology.
- Robert J. Shiller
Collection: Psychology
Image of Robert J. Shiller
The good news is that, at least in economics, I've seen movement away from its overemphasis on mathematical models of purely rational behavior to a more eclectic and commonsense approach: research that is, among other things, more respectful of insights from psychology.
- Robert J. Shiller
Collection: Psychology
Image of Thomas Reid
It appears evident, therefore, that those actions only can truly be called virtuous, and deserving of moral approbation, which the agent believed to be right, and to which he was influenced, more or less, by that belief.
- Thomas Reid
Collection: Psychology
Image of Wilhelm Wundt
There are other sources of psychological knowledge, which become accessible at the very point where the experimental method fails us.
- Wilhelm Wundt
Collection: Psychology
Image of Wilhelm Wundt
We know, from ordinary life, that we are not able to direct our attention perfectly steadily and uniformly to one and the same object... At times the attention turns towards the object most intensely, and at times the energy flags.
- Wilhelm Wundt
Collection: Psychology
Image of Wilhelm Wundt
Experimental psychology itself has, it is true, now and again suffered relapse into a metaphysical treatment of its problems.
- Wilhelm Wundt
Collection: Psychology
Image of Harry Stack Sullivan
All of us are much more human than otherwise
- Harry Stack Sullivan
Collection: Psychology
Image of Marvin Minsky
Daniel Dennett is our best current philosopher. He is the next Bertrand Russell. Unlike traditional philosophers, Dan is a student of neuroscience, linguistics, artificial intelligence, computer science, and psychology. He's redefining and reforming the role of the philosopher.
- Marvin Minsky
Collection: Psychology
Image of Ivan Pavlov
It is still open to question whether psychology is a natural science, or whether it can be regarded as a science at all.
- Ivan Pavlov
Collection: Psychology
Image of Robert Sternberg
I had planned to be a psychology major, but I bombed introductory psychology.
- Robert Sternberg
Collection: Psychology
Image of Robert Sternberg
There was already a famous Sternberg in psychology and it was obvious there would not be another.
- Robert Sternberg
Collection: Psychology
Image of Bernard Baruch
All economic movements, by their very nature, are motivated by crowd psychology.
- Bernard Baruch
Collection: Psychology
Image of Lev S. Vygotsky
Through others we become ourselves.
- Lev S. Vygotsky
Collection: Psychology
Image of David Small
My interest really is psychology, what's going on in people's minds as revealed on their faces and in their posture. That is my strength. And it's something that came from probably being a silent observer for most of my life and having to read what was going on in people's minds from only their postures or from their expressions.
- David Small
Collection: Psychology
Image of Ruth Rendell
The trouble with psychology is that it doesn't take human nature into account.
- Ruth Rendell
Collection: Psychology
Image of Phyllis Chesler
exile ... might be the largest new state created by the twentieth century and the psychology of the twenty-first century.
- Phyllis Chesler
Collection: Psychology
Image of Norman O. Brown
Psychoanalysis can provide a theory of 'progress,' but only by viewing history as a neurosis.
- Norman O. Brown
Collection: Psychology
Image of Christopher Rice
If you aren't following your bliss, there is a discrepancy in your psychology that needs to be healed, it needs to be mended.
- Christopher Rice
Collection: Psychology
Image of Hermann Ebbinghaus
What is true [in psychology] is alas not new, the new not true.
- Hermann Ebbinghaus
Collection: Psychology
Image of Viktor Korchnoi
Sometimes I even say that I have surpassed Lasker in using psychology. How? Well, sometimes I use psychology with a portion of risk. That is something else, something that Lasker wouldn't allow.
- Viktor Korchnoi
Collection: Psychology
Image of John G. Kemeny
The only reason psychology students don't have to do more and harder mathematics than physics students is because the mathematicians haven't yet discovered ways of dealing with problems as hard as those in psychology.
- John G. Kemeny
Collection: Psychology
Image of Claude C. Hopkins
Human nature is perpetual. In most respects it is the same today as in the time of Caesar. So the principles of psychology are fixed and enduring
- Claude C. Hopkins
Collection: Psychology
Image of Patricia Churchland
Even philosophers who did not mind psychology, claimed the brain was irrelevant because it was the hardware, and we only need to know about the software.
- Patricia Churchland
Collection: Psychology
Image of Patricia Churchland
If I want to know how we learn and remember and represent the world, I will go to psychology and neuroscience. If I want to know where values come from, I will go to evolutionary biology and neuroscience and psychology, just as Aristotle and Hume would have, were they alive.
- Patricia Churchland
Collection: Psychology
Image of Martin Seligman
When well-being comes from engaging our strengths and virtues, our lives are imbued with authenticity.
- Martin Seligman
Collection: Psychology
Image of Alexander Alekhine
Psychology is the most important factor in chess.
- Alexander Alekhine
Collection: Psychology
Image of Alain LeRoy Locke
The younger generation is vibrant with a new psychology; the new spirit is awake in the masses . . . Each generation . . . will have its creed.
- Alain LeRoy Locke
Collection: Psychology
Image of Jean Baker Miller
psychological growth is the great gift and inexorable fact of human life.
- Jean Baker Miller
Collection: Psychology
Image of Lloyd deMause
Historians are presumed to be unable to "do psychology," which is "mystical" anyway, so they are forced to accept the most "rational" explanations... "and it is on these that history is built.
- Lloyd deMause
Collection: Psychology
Image of David Chase
Psychology doesn't address the soul; that's something else.
- David Chase
Collection: Psychology
Image of Lindsey Shaw
I used to be and I still am into psychology. I would like to be able to pursue something like that, but I don't know. The older I've gotten, the more endearing this business has become and I can't really imagine leaving it
- Lindsey Shaw
Collection: Psychology
Image of Silver RavenWolf
Magick, in it's own way, is a science of psychology because it uses the power of the mind to bring forth change in one's life.
- Silver RavenWolf
Collection: Psychology
Image of Alexander Kotov
You must not let your opponent know how you feel.
- Alexander Kotov
Collection: Psychology
Image of Yasser Seirawan
How come the little things bother you when you are in a bad position? They don't bother you in good positions.
- Yasser Seirawan
Collection: Psychology
Image of Jeremy Silman
If your opponent cannot do anything active, then don't rush the position; instead you should let him sit there, suffer, and beg you for a draw
- Jeremy Silman
Collection: Psychology
Image of Lee L Jampolsky
Essentially, what the most important questions we can ever ask ourselves are, "Who am I? Who are we all? What do we share, and what is our purpose here? How do we discover meaning?" Addressing these questions is the core of Inspirational Psychology.
- Lee L Jampolsky
Collection: Psychology
Image of Bobby Slayton
Women don't have dicks and they don't want dicks. That amateur psychology crap that women want penises. And they certainly don't want testicles. Because you know no women in her right mind is going to carry around a bag that she can't put stuff in.
- Bobby Slayton
Collection: Psychology
Image of Eddie Griffin
Stand-up comedy is a science. Every comedian is a psychology major, naturally.
- Eddie Griffin
Collection: Psychology
Image of Mark Lynas
Our evolutionary psychology preconditions us not to respond to threats which can be postponed until later.
- Mark Lynas
Collection: Psychology
Image of Neil T Anderson
Some fundamentalists go so far as to reject psychology as a disciplined study, which is unfortunate and polarizing. By definition, psychology is the study of the soul, theology is the study of God. Generally speaking, systematic theology is a study of all the essential doctrines of faith, and that would include the study of our souls (psychology).
- Neil T Anderson
Collection: Psychology
Image of Wilmer Valderrama
I want to be some kind of a pilot. And the other thing that I really like is psychology.
- Wilmer Valderrama
Collection: Psychology
Image of Andrew Sarris
I'm afraid you can't create tragedy out of abnormal psychology.
- Andrew Sarris
Collection: Psychology
Image of Lewis Terman
There is nothing about an individual as important as his IQ, except possibly his morals.
- Lewis Terman
Collection: Psychology
Image of John B. Watson
This dogma (the soul) has been present in human psychology from earliest antiquity. No one has ever touched the soul, or has seen one in a test tube, or has in any way come into a relationship with it as he has with the other objects of his daily experience.
- John B. Watson
Collection: Psychology
Image of Margaret Floy Washburn
Nothing in the world is so compelling to the emotions as the mind of another human being
- Margaret Floy Washburn
Collection: Psychology
Image of Stuart Franklin
Good photographs aren't just complex. They are enigmatic. Images are beguiling. And the way they play into our psychology, into our visual cortex, is something we still don't understand.
- Stuart Franklin
Collection: Psychology
Image of Keith Barry
Studying neuro-linguistic programming is what teaches you how to implant and extract thoughts. Mixing psychology, hypnotism and magic somewhat goes into this area called mentalism, which is what I mostly do. It’s magic of the mind.
- Keith Barry
Collection: Psychology
Image of Leon Festinger
When dissonance is present, in addition to trying to reduce it, the person will actively avoid situations and information which would likely increase the dissonance.
- Leon Festinger
Collection: Psychology
Image of Bobby Fischer
I like to make them squirm.
- Bobby Fischer
Collection: Psychology